For those of you at or near goal: Exercise habits?

I just wanted to see how people at their goal (or near to it) have used exercise to get there. What I mean is, how often do you exercise, how long each time, and what type of exercise do you do?

Also, what would you recommend for a person looking to lose between 15-25lbs? Thanks guys, much appreciated.


  • jadelyndsey
    jadelyndsey Posts: 150 Member
    I hope I get a reply on this one, my threads are always a fail! No one answers hahahha
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Me. I workout 6 days a week and didn't want to lose it on diet alone bc for myself it was a lifestyle change not a quick fix. I think exercise helps with longevity of not only health but keeping it off. I workout 6 days a week; running 3 days, lifting 4 and HIIT cardio 3 days. My days I lift and do HIIT is for 60 mins and my running days are about 45 bc I add in abs at the end.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I do strength training twice a week, and cardio (running) three times a week. I love running, but weight lifting did more to change my body shape.

    For 15-25 pounds, I'd recommend setting your goal to one half or one pound a week (half pound a week when you're within 10-15 pounds of your goal), getting regular exercise that you enjoy, adequate protein (MFP's recommendation is low), eat the calories earned from exercise, and track your progress by measurements, how clothes fit and in photos, instead of just going by the scale.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I've been at my goal for 6 years and I still exercise 4-5 times a week all year long. I plan on being fit for the rest of my life!

    Edited: I do 3-4 days of lifting and 2 days of HIIT training on the treadmill. Occasionally I'll throw in another HIIT session if I know I am going to be eating a lot that day or overdid the weekend. My goal is to always keep on top of it!
  • mhathy77
    mhathy77 Posts: 7
    Once I was close to my goal, I increased my running to somewhere between 20 and 30 miles a week and did strength training once or twice a week. I feel the extra cardio really pushed me over the top.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I luckily have a very physical job that helps. I don't usually log calories from that but I know I burn above and beyond compared to if I had a desk job or light walking around in offices. I know if my job was different my weight loss would likely have been slower and not as much. Just my opinion there and absolutely no offense to people who work in offices, been there myself in the past!

    Outside of my daily job, I aim for at least 3 days a week of 'extra' exercise. It has to be at least 3. Some weeks it might be 4 or 5. Depends on my work, or other things going on. However working out never takes that long. I try to dedicate an hour at least (not counting the time it takes to do strength training). My exercise of choice is cardio. I like hard walks and jogging. I have slowly been building up my endurance to the running, I hope I can run my entire route soon! So the running and walking is at least 60-70 minutes when I go. *edit, my route is 5 miles total.

    Strength takes maybe 15-20 minutes. I guess you could say I am a light lifter, and also I do not go to a gym and also do not have weight equipment at home, other than a couple dumb bells and resistance bands so I am kind of limited. It's ok, I am trying to sculpt more into a lean look, don't really want big muscles.

    For the weight you want to lose, I can't say for a sure a strategic plan that will work. I think a mix of cardio and strength training is practically a sure thing for anyone. Anyhow, it's an easy way to simply get into good physical shape. I remember when I was heavier -- and lazier, long walking made me tired very fast. Running I would not even attempt. I was ready to die 3 minutes in!
  • I've lost 40lbs over 4 months time. I work out 5days a week, plus I go golfing and also run on the treadmill almost daily. I think the secret is to not only limit your caloric intake, but to also exercise and strength train simultaneously.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I have been working out 3-5x per week. I run 15-20kms per week, I ride my stationary bike and I do some weights/Calisthenics.

    I started to up the game this week though by trying something new - a one month challenge of sorts. My friend is my inspiration...she recently competed in a Fitness Bikini Competiton for the sole purpose of pushing herself to see if she could do it. Her body changed so much in one month by watching what she ate and upping her for the next month I am going to be following her program and see where it takes me.

    Her program is Cardio 2x per day (once in morning and again at night) for 6days, and 30mins of strength training 4x per week. Sunday is rest.
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    I'm pretty much at my goal/ideal body. Just have a hair of BF% to lose but I'm not obsessed about getting it off, so pretty much just maintaining.

    Lift heavy weights 4x week in a split: 2x Upper and 2x Lower always 48 hours apart. Example - Mon, Thurs is lower; Tues, Fri is upper and Wed is cardio.

    Upper body days I'll do 10-20 min cardio afterwards, usually the stairs but sometimes running. 1x week I do endurance cardio, typically the bike at the gym (40ish minutes) or I will ride my bike to/from work (30 miles/2 hours total).

    Very clean diet but allow myself to have treats now and then (had three cookies and a yogurt for dinner last night...oops). No deprivation. Cut out a LOT of booze at the beginning of this month. I think I eat around 1600 - 1800 cals a day but I stopped logging as well at the end of April, trying intuitive eating now and it's been working so far. Diet is mostly lean proteins and veggies, some fruits and carbs and actually little dairy now that I think about it.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    3 days a week of weightlifting - 35-40 minutes. No cardio.

    Most of my weight has been lost without exercise though, to be honest. I've probably lost about 20 pounds with exercise.
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    I do 40 minutes of strength training and a 40 minute (close to 4mph, 2 mile) walk almost every day.

    I also go to the aqua center 2 or 3 times a week when I can, where each time I go I get in 60 minutes water calisthenics and 60 minutes stretching class in the water.. and sometimes an extra 15 minutes of laps and 3 minutes treading water when a lane is open.

    Sometimes I do rest a a day or two, but make a point to never go more than 3 days straight with no exercise because at that point I can see where I lost strength I had built up.
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 342 Member
    When I started out in January (I needed to lose about 25 pounds at the time), hubby and I started walking a couple of miles around our neighborhood a few times a week. After I got into the habit of walking, and after the weather warmed up a bit, we started walking about 3 1/2 miles every day, missing only every once in awhile. Hubby also spent time 'work-walking' on the treadmill many days to supplement our walks. After about a month of walking, we started incorporating weight training into our schedule. Our goal is to get to the gym three times a week, but we are happy to get there twice to do full body workouts.

    About a month ago, I decided that I want to be a runner, so I started a modified C25K program. I am not good at sticking to prescribed programs, so I did what I was comfortable doing, and yesterday, I ran 5k without stopping for the first time ever in my life. Now I just need to work on upping my pace.

    It is possible to lose weight without exercising, but for me, diet and exercise go hand-in-hand. Doing both keeps me motivated to keep going. People who exercise without dieting tend to end up frustrated, because it's difficult to burn enough calories exercising to make a huge dent in the weight loss area.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Once I was close to my goal, I increased my running to somewhere between 20 and 30 miles a week and did strength training once or twice a week. I feel the extra cardio really pushed me over the top.

    Just want to congratulate you on your success. Amazing.