Anyone with 100lbs to lose or more.

Hi, Looking for support from anyone.
I have 100 lbs+ to lose, would like to support others as well
I am new here and hope to get to know some nice people.
Lets do a challenge of some sort any ideals:heart: .
would love to here yours.
Take care


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hi there, I'm working on losing about 120 pounds -- about 110 to go. :wink:
    I joined a group called the "over 200 club" here a few weeks ago and those ladies are AWESOME! We weigh-in on Fridays (mostly) and the biggest loser gets to choose our challenge for the week.

    This week we're working on pushups & situps, last week was trying 2 new forms of exercise, some weeks it's focusing on water intake, etc.
  • leshawnturner
    Hello!!! :love:
    There's a group on here called the halfers club...they are the group with 100+ pounds to lose (sometimes more)...they are fabulous!!!:smooched: Feel free to hit me up if you want to start a new group, I join up with you!!

    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    There is an over 200 group and an over 300 group. I used to be over 300 but am well below now, but the people on that thread are awesome.

    I saw your profile that you are 47. I am as well and it is possible at our age to succeed here.

    Good luck on your weight loss journey
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I have 172 pounds to lose of which 47 I have already lost. :flowerforyou:
  • celkinsrn
    Ok, only a moment to post, yes, I still have over 100 lbs to lose to make my goal which is not really all that low but it seems SO FAR AWAY, how the heck did that happen. I've had the lap band and the weight is still SO SLOW to come off, but no worries. I am down 42 and only 120 to will happen if we don't quit.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Luck CC

    I started in April with the ulitmate goal of losing 120 lbs. As you can see, I am about 30% there.

    As you know, "MFP is the place to be":flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    BTW, I suggest you go into Tools and add a ticker to your forum signature. It really is motivating to see how far you have come.

  • NeverBehindU
    NeverBehindU Posts: 5 Member
    I'm so excited about this group. I want to join. I'm 28 and this is my second week on MFP. I lost 4lbs my first week. YEAH! I have a long weighs (lololol) to go!! My starting weight is 312lbs. I'm now at 308. The support on this site is fabulous and I really feel like I can get the weight off this time.:smile:
  • Shelley130
    HI :smile:

    I started MFP with a goal of 118 (from 248 to 130). I am now on week 9 and down 22 pounds :happy:
    I have a long way to go but I am right on schedule and ready to do this.

    You can do this!! We are all here to support and encourage you :flowerforyou:
    Just keep counting you cals, drinking your water and moving your butt :laugh:

    Good luck :drinker:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    If I can do it ya'll can do it also.

    I never thought that I would be able to lose as much as I have and on saturday I am running my first half marathon. 13.1 miles. I lost my weight of 125 pounds in 11 months days, so cheers to ya'll if I can do it ya'll can to, I am here for you.

  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I'm also a wanna be Centurian.

    I've only been on MFP since August, but started in Jan 2009. MFP helped me refocus my efforts.

    I'm amazed at how much better I feel just being 33 lbs lighter. Just getting up out of my chair is so much easier. I've also got to the point where I look forward to me next work out, weather it's running, wieghts, or calestinics.

    I've learned to enjoy the process, because it will certainly take some time.

    Start by making small changes in your life, and it will go a lot easier. Do some research about your current diet. My first step was cutting my pop/soda intake to 44oz a week. (it's down to 12 oz) That alone saved me enough calories for a pound a week. Just get a little better every day, and soon you'll be contemplating which 5K should be your first race.
  • kaliena22
    I am right there with you - You can do this!!!

    One piece of advice I would give you is make it a point to record you food intake everyday.
    I have noticed the times when I am diligently recording every scrap I put in my mouth are the weeks I lose the most! When I slack off and am not quite on top of what I ate, it definitely is reflected in the scale.

    I must say it is very inspirational to read how many people have the +100 b goal and how much has been already lost!! AWESOME GUYS!
  • cc28655
    cc28655 Posts: 31
    Hi, all Thanks for joining me and all your sweet replys.
    You all a good people and encourgeing.
    Barb: I am new to computer so not sure if I can get it to work will try though.
    Good luck to you all.
  • cc28655
    cc28655 Posts: 31
  • cc28655
    cc28655 Posts: 31
    I am just checking MFP ticker out and photo279867.png
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • tabby25
    tabby25 Posts: 30
    Hi I would like to join. when I started MFP last week I weighed 270 and I would love to weigh 150lbs. I am starting the fat smash diet on Saturday. So let the journey begin.
  • leshawnturner
    Hi I would like to join. when I started MFP last week I weighed 270 and I would love to weigh 150lbs. I am starting the fat smash diet on Saturday. So let the journey begin.

    What's the fat smash diet??
  • tabby25
    tabby25 Posts: 30
    Hi I would like to join. when I started MFP last week I weighed 270 and I would love to weigh 150lbs. I am starting the fat smash diet on Saturday. So let the journey begin.

    What's the fat smash diet??
    It is the diet from the show Celebrity fit club. It has 3 phases. The 1st phase is a detox stage which lasts 9 days. It consists of eating vegetables and fruits and water.
  • cc28655
    cc28655 Posts: 31
    How is everyone doing?Just checking in.
    Hope you all had a goodwkend.
    See ya tomorrow.
  • cc28655
    cc28655 Posts: 31
    Hi How is everyone here doing?
    Just checking in
  • kaliena22
    jlb123, where did you get the great picture? that it'self is insipiring!