P90X transition to "Insanity"!!!



  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 221 Member
    I guess I should start by just watching all the DVDs, huh? I don't have the bands, though. I may have to get them. The copy I have I got from a buddy that gave up on it and don't have anything that came with it.
  • thor3698
    thor3698 Posts: 8
    Super strict diet control as recommended, doIng the workouts as hard as I can and three days in to insanity I'm down 5lbs!!!
    That's freaking amazing!!!!!
  • npatel160
    npatel160 Posts: 233 Member
    I really want to try P90X but want to get in better shape before i do...
  • I did p90x twice, Insanity twice and now I am doing Insanity Asylum. I toned up a great deal with p90x, but I am a cardio junkie, so Insanity was my love. Asylum actually is a great combination of both, there are high intensity cardio workouts but also intense weight lifting and toning as well. I have done 4 days of Asylum so far and WOW! Its awesome and challenging!!!
  • PDiddy0913
    PDiddy0913 Posts: 65
    I JUST finished Insanity. During it, I hated it at times! It kicked my *kitten*! But now looking back, it was GREAT! Got GREAT results and can't wait to start another round of it. Taking a month break in between. I'm focusing on running now that it's spring and I'm also doing Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 because I need shorter workouts. My work schedule is a bit crazy right now. I wanted to start P90X but the longer workouts scared me off. I know I will do that soon - maybe after my second round of Insanity.

    Good luck with Insanity! You're in for one hell of a ride!

    P.S. I just applied for my Insanity "I Earned It!" t-shirt. Can't wait to get it in the mail and ROCK it!!
  • coachbeav
    coachbeav Posts: 40 Member
    I am a coach and will be starting a challenge group on the 28th if any of you that are doing insanity or p90x or interested. We have seen great results in the past so only join me if you are serious about getting in the best shape of your life :) I am doing a p90x/insanity hybrid right now because I believe it is the best of both worlds!
  • brushe
    brushe Posts: 181 Member
    I've completed p90x 3 times and am in week 3 of Insanity. Insanity is kicking my butt. Cardio and muscular endurance is what Insanity is all about in my opinion. Oddly enough I haven't lost weight although my core is getting strong and my legs from the contstant stresses put on them from Insanity workouts. Completely different but both great in their own respects.
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    Feel free to friend me, if you would like. I did the same thing you did: Completed P90X and then immediately went on to Insanity. I still work in the Insanity dvds because I grew to like them. Shaun T--you would love to hate him, but you just can't. Good luck. You will definitely see results with the two programs back-to-back. One of my pictures shows me in a swim suit just after completing P90X and before starting Insanity. (My current picture is in memory of my dad).
  • fitcounselor
    fitcounselor Posts: 53 Member
    :smile: I've done both! Totally different! If you need support, reach out to your coach...that's what we are here for. Most people who don't complete programs or don't have the success they'd hoped are people who do not connect with a Beachbody coach. Reach out to yours and if you don't have one, send me a request; I'd be happy to help!