hello :)

Hello everyone. I am very new to this, though I've struggled with my weight all my life. I am 28, 5'9" and 275 lbs. I want to get below the 200 lb mark, but I have no idea where to start. I can use all the help and support I can get. If anyone has tips on how to get started, easy workouts, etc. I would be very appreciative.


  • RichardCMolloy
    RichardCMolloy Posts: 130 Member
    Feel free to add me. I really don't have any advice yet other then to not give up. I'm a Dad of 2 & my youngest is just about 10 now. I know that I only have a few more years before she becomes a teenager & wants nothing to do with her old man. Besides, I don't want her to be embarrased by me unless it's what I want (like when boys come over) :)
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    You just got started :).

    I would probably take a few days to just be honest with yourself about what/how much you're putting into your body, then go from there.

    Walking is an easy exercise to start with.

    Good luck to you.
  • angelrock
    angelrock Posts: 20 Member
    Hi and Welcome, feel free to add me always up for giving support and encouragement here!!
    Also check out my blog for tip of the day http://newfoundhealthylifestyle.blogspot.co.uk
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    Welcome and wish you success on your journey.

    I'm not an expert, but I'll pass on what I was told starting out: start by trying to walk for 10 minutes - twice a day. Doesn't matter when or where (in home, outdoors, anywhere).

    Slowly increase this till you can go to 20 mins, and then 30 mins - twice a day.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    just start moving in some way. Walking, swimming, ride a bike. Just do it for 30 minutes a day 5 days a week.

    Add me as a friend if you like, but I MUST warn you I am very straight forward with my answers. lol
  • oamber0
    oamber0 Posts: 53
    Welcome!!!! I agree with the above poster. Walking is a great way to start!!! And don't forget stretching; if you haven't been active lately your muscles will really enjoy and respond well to the stretching!!
  • albali
    albali Posts: 225 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like.
    This site is great. I had dieted before and it had never worked: I always put the weight back on. This site and the people who use it have literally changed my life. I have lost weight slowly but consistently. The key is not to give up, EVER! Even if you have a bad day! On a day when I have eaten badly, drunk too much beer and not exercised, I still get back onto it the very next day. I have learnt not to beat myself up over slip ups, and take my weightloss journey slowly! That way it has stayed off and it is enjoyable! Honestly!!
    Best of luck.. you can do this.
  • ceannesjourney
    Feel free to add me. I've been here for over a year. One of the biggest thing that helps me is lots of fresh veggies and eating as much "clean" foods as possible (not processed or prepackged/precooked). Lots of water and start with bit of walking until it gets easier...trust yourself youll know when to adjust what needs to. Best of luck!
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    welcome to MFP!!!

    some tips:

    1. Log everything you eat "if you bite it, write it"
    2. Drink a lot of water
    3. Exercise (make sure you have your doctors permission first)
    4. Don't deprive yourself of everything you love. Eat it in moderation.
    5. Find a form of activity that you love

    All the best
  • Hollsjazzy
    Hollsjazzy Posts: 42 Member
    Hello and WELCOME! You have taken the first step Congrats! I was 212 pounds when I started and I started with just walking, SLOW paced walk. I did it by miles not time. I walked 1 mile at first and then added with time. then I worked on my speed. as I got further distances I started to step up my pace. If you have a smart phone there are many apps that are free on it and help. I LOVE ENDOMONDO. Anyone can feel free to add me if you would like. I am a daily logger and love to help out in anyway I can. =)
  • ceannesjourney
    Oh...and TOTAL HONESTY with yourself, Log all food eaten even if it puts you over for the day...they say people who track thier intake continuously have the best change to lose and then maintain. And I wanted to let you know that I started at over 300 lbs and my goal is to be under 200 too. Then I'll see if my body wants to sty there or continue to reduce.
  • FluttershySweetie
    FluttershySweetie Posts: 216 Member
    Hey you can feel free to add me!! :) I had no idea where to start as well when I first began this journey but honestly my first step before changing anything else was this: over the first couple weeks switch all sugary drinks to water and increase it to at least 6 cups per day and walk 10- 15 mins at least 3 times per week for the first few weeks then slowly increase the time,,,, I`m 46lbs down and still going... It`s a long journey full of ups and downs. You have to be very determined and when you fall off (and you will) just get right back up and tomorow is a new day! Take your time, do not rush your loss and you will see amazing results! Anytime you would like some advice or help I am here! :)
    Congrats on taking your first step to the new you!
  • eal12_00
    eal12_00 Posts: 23 Member
    I feel free to friend me...i have lost 50lbs using this and feel awesome...you just take it one day at a time...But u can do it the key is to eat and try to eat what you burn...start with 1200 calories. At first it is hard but u notice what you eat and that can be very scary lol. I also eat small amounts all day. Also i started walking everyday atleast 20 minutes and now i run and walk 20 minutes.
  • countryguy38
    countryguy38 Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. My wife and I also just started a couple of weeks ago. Just start out slow by taking walks in the evening. Good luck with your weight loss.
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    Hi My name is tanya and I am 32. I started my journey at 310 and am done to 278 in 3 monthes and still losing feel free to add me and I would be glad to help!
  • DoraLolita
    DoraLolita Posts: 2
    One way I like to exercise is dancing to my favorite music. I dance while doing chores and dance when I'm in a waiting room (sitting in the chair)
    Simple movement of tapping your toes or light movement like swinging your hips while doing the dishes will not feel like a work out. Your body will be in motion and you will begin to enjoy being active.
    "A body in motion stays in motion."
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    welcome to MFP!!!

    some tips:

    1. Log everything you eat "if you bite it, write it"
    2. Drink a lot of water
    3. Exercise (make sure you have your doctors permission first)
    4. Don't deprive yourself of everything you love. Eat it in moderation.
    5. Find a form of activity that you love

    All the best

    This. If need exercise idea's and don't want to invest money in a DVD or such you may hate. I suggest www.exercise.com, check out ones from your local library, or get some from your friends and or family. Just take it one step at a time and keep trying. We all have our down days. I also recommend pictures and or measurements. The scale lies. My measurements are changing more then the scale is.

    Well welcome and wish you all the best. Great 1st step. This does work if you are honest with yourself.
  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    I'm 29 (I'll be 30 in a mere 2 months... gulp!) and that really is making me decide it was time to get whipped into shape. It's a long, arduous process, but worth it. One big thing is portions - and I actually visited a nutritionist when I started the process to see what I was doing wrong. I'm really glad I did.

    Good luck to you!
  • stratusofkiser
    stratusofkiser Posts: 54 Member
    Hi. I am also a mother and my weight got out of control. I am looking for more people for motivation and support. I have sent you a friend request, since losing it is easier with a friend :)
  • ceannesjourney
    I feel free to friend me...i have lost 50lbs using this and feel awesome...you just take it one day at a time...But u can do it the key is to eat and try to eat what you burn...start with 1200 calories. At first it is hard but u notice what you eat and that can be very scary lol. I also eat small amounts all day. Also i started walking everyday atleast 20 minutes and now i run and walk 20 minutes.

    My only concern with this post is that 1200 calories per day might be too low for you to start. Plug you numbers into Mfp. Profile and follow that...start with the one lb per week weight loss--it'll go faster than that at first but it's easier to maintain slow loss. Sorry for commenting so much. Take care!