Fiber Supplement

So i've been having some real issues with my fiber vs. carbs ratio.....when i meet my required fiber i end up going WAY over on my i bought a fiber supplement yesterday called "Fiber Choice Weight Management" It has 15cal per 2 tablets, 7g carbs a total of 8g carbs and 200 mcg chromium and green tea and no sugar.
It says on the bottle that is makes you feel fuller longer and helps to promote fat metabolism and contains no ephedra. I also take a prenatal vitamin and an iron supplement. (i'm borderline anemic so....)

Does anyone else take any supplements like these or multivitamins?
Do they affect your diet or weight loss in any way?


  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    When your dieting or trying to lose weight its always good to eat things high in fiber (I assume supplements serve the same purpose). Foods high in fiber make you feel full for longer and help clear out your intestinal track which is definetly a good thing. I saw a statistic a while back saying the average american has between 5 and 8 pounds of built up waste in their intestines. As for me as far as supplements go I just take a multivitamin, but I eat alot of leafy greens and fruits and veggies which are high in fiber, I dont know that I could stay within my calories everyday if I didnt have that to snack on.
  • rachelmommy1
    Yeah i still eat the leafy greens.....kale, collard greens (no butter, I promise) etc, but for some reason i guess my body isn't absorbing the iron and fiber out of it that it needs to.....even beans. It's kinda ridiculous actually. I end up with a stomach ache after a few days.

    Anyway, I posted a while ago that my mother in law was trying to push me to take laxatives for weight loss and while she was right about built up waste in the intestinal tract, your body can become dependant on stimulant laxatives........fiber won't do that.
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    I remember that post. Natural is always better than taking a supplement. If you can get the same effects from a natural source its always better for you to take that route. Good job in avoiding the laxative crap, and beating anorexia.
  • rachelmommy1
    I agree, and thanks.
    It's really a downward spiral. Emotional quicksand.
  • leshawnturner
    I have the same problem trying to get in my fiber, so recently my sister (a pharmacist) told me to start taking a fiber supp. I've decided to take benefiber since I can sprinkle it in my food or put it in my drinks without it affecting the taste. I take a multivitamin and vitamin C (to keep the sinus problems away).
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I take calcium twice a day and half of a multivitamin twice a day. I also take probiotics. My weight loss seems to have sped up after starting calcium supplements, but I've only had one weigh-in since then, so I guess I'll see if that's actually true or not in the upcoming weeks.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I have the same problem with fiber,
    anyone has good ideas on foods high on fiber?

    Also, lemme know how those supplements work rachel :)

  • Kelly11
    Kelly11 Posts: 75 Member
    Ground flax seed! Helps me so much!
  • supafly
    supafly Posts: 36
    I think I consume too much fiber. It's just that everything I eat has it in it... I'm actually trying to buy things WITHOUT fiber now, haha.