30 day thread!

Hi i have just ordered my 30 day shred online thought i'd give it ago! anyone done/doing this as i don't know much about it? Thanks Natalie x


  • fontinathefox
    fontinathefox Posts: 124 Member

    I've been doing it for a while, I'm on day 4 of level 2. It's really good, I've already noticed a massive difference. You'll need some weights of different sizes, and a mat to lie on (unless your carpet is nice and thick). Try doing a search, there's been looooads of discussions on this!
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    I bought it and loving it ... i do it 3x week and feel like I have had an all over body workout ... I love yet hate jillian but she is the shizzle really! :)
  • RubysYummyMummy87
    thanks hun i just brought it from ebay hope its the right one! so do you start at different levels? xx
  • RubysYummyMummy87
    I bought it and loving it ... i do it 3x week and feel like I have had an all over body workout ... I love yet hate jillian but she is the shizzle really! :)

    Is it her from the biggest loser? x
  • iambabygoose
    iambabygoose Posts: 42 Member
    You do 10 days of level 1, 10 days of level 2, 10 days of level 3!
    I've just completed day 5 of level 1 and I feel stronger and more toned already. My calves look killer!
  • RubysYummyMummy87
    omg i cant wait to try it, is it just for toning up though because im trying to lose alot of weight first so will this help? x
  • fontinathefox
    fontinathefox Posts: 124 Member
    omg i cant wait to try it, is it just for toning up though because im trying to lose alot of weight first so will this help? x

    It'll help with both, as you're toning up it'll help you lose weight, since you're working on your main/largest muscle groups.
  • AMS58
    AMS58 Posts: 183 Member
    I am on day 2 level 1, I am already an active person and visit the gym 5 days a week but due to my weight having come to a stand still I thought I would change my routines a bit so see if that would help. Day 1 was hard and it can only get better.
    You will love it!!!!!
    Add me if you would like 30DS buddy :smile:
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I did day 1 level 1 today, but this is my second time around I did it about a year ago, it is a great workout. 3 levels 10 consecutive days of each, take your weight and measurements coz you will be shocked at the results, i have let things go and i just know that this work out will kick me back into shape.

    i believe she did the biggest loser think in the usa????? dunno tho am in uk.

    enjoy and good luck. I had to modify all sorts of stuff like i was injured and couldnt do jumping jacks so i walked them, no problem just keep moving and do your best!
  • iambabygoose
    iambabygoose Posts: 42 Member
    You work cardio, strength and abs so it's everything really Hun!
  • RubysYummyMummy87
    i am also from the uk so wasn't really sure who she was as i only watched the UK version...i just YouTubed her though and she looks pretty scary haha :-D so what do i need to start off just a mat? x
  • RubysYummyMummy87
    thanks iambabygoose :-) x
  • niksinnotts
    niksinnotts Posts: 62 Member
    i m doing it, but kinda in my own time, you need weights too, but i haven't got any yet so use bean tins or bottles full of water! it seems to do the trick. it is defo a good workout!
  • Angiesolomon
    Angiesolomon Posts: 144 Member
    UK girl here too!

    I'm on day 22 so only 8 days left! I'm so proud of myself for doing it 22 days consecutively!

    I've finished my weight loss so I wasn't doing the shred for that reason (and I haven't lost any wight even though I'm still eating on a deficit on weekdays) BUT I feel so much stronger and fitter!

    Friend me for support!
  • Legals81
    Legals81 Posts: 81 Member
    I've just done day 5 of level one. Finding it ok, kinda scared of level 2 though.

    Yes, Jillian Michaels is the trainer on The Biggest Loser USA. She shouts alot in the programme but not on the DVD. She works you hard but I'm hoping for good results. A lot of people have said they havnt lost weight with this but have lost inches instead. Take all your measurements before you start.

    Good luck and Friend me if you want a Shred-buddy
  • RubysYummyMummy87
    i m doing it, but kinda in my own time, you need weights too, but i haven't got any yet so use bean tins or bottles full of water! it seems to do the trick. it is defo a good workout!

    Great tip thanks! x
  • RubysYummyMummy87
    UK girl here too!

    I'm on day 22 so only 8 days left! I'm so proud of myself for doing it 22 days consecutively!

    I've finished my weight loss so I wasn't doing the shred for that reason (and I haven't lost any wight even though I'm still eating on a deficit on weekdays) BUT I feel so much stronger and fitter!

    Friend me for support!

    well done angie! im deffo gunna try and do the full month hope you keep it up your doing great! x
  • RubysYummyMummy87
    I've just done day 5 of level one. Finding it ok, kinda scared of level 2 though.

    Yes, Jillian Michaels is the trainer on The Biggest Loser USA. She shouts alot in the programme but not on the DVD. She works you hard but I'm hoping for good results. A lot of people have said they havnt lost weight with this but have lost inches instead. Take all your measurements before you start.

    Good luck and Friend me if you want a Shred-buddy

    thank god she doesn't shout! i would cry like a baby haha xx
  • RubysYummyMummy87
    What an idiot i meant to title this post 30 day shred!! well you all knew what i meant anyway haha xx
  • monameee
    monameee Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I bought the 30DS dvd too and I've been doing it for 2 days now. Omg, my body is sore from doing this. My legs and arms are killing me but no pain, no gain, right?
    Goodluck, we can be buddies too, just add me. :)