Does anyone else get a bit bored on the treadmill??

I go on the treadmill Every day and run about 3miles.. recently changed it a bit to running 2 miles and walking up the biggest incline fast for the last mile.. or i do a few bursts of interval training!

BUT i find it gets very boring! maybe its just because i dont have my Iphone at the moment so dont have any decent music to listen to i just listen to what the gym has on..

Does anyone else get bored?? what should i dooo!!! i fit my cardio workouts in my lunch hour at work so dont have lots of time for weights etc, i figure i need to run and go on the eplitical as much as i can for my 40 mins or so!

any tips welcome ;-) xx


  • chiley1
    chiley1 Posts: 15
    I hate the treadmill, I only stay on for 15 minutes. I rather go to the track and walik because the treadmill bores me.
  • poledancing_ninja
    HATE, HATE, HATE the treadmill. I can easily run for over an hour on the road, I can't manage 10 minutes on a treadmill
  • coletteann123
    ahh so its not just me then :-(
  • lynnetted43
    lynnetted43 Posts: 252
    one rule to the tread for me.... i gotta have kick *kitten* music. or go home. there have been days when the i pod hasnt been charged and im like... **** what do i do now> luckily i work at the gym so some one in membership has the same taste in music. i just borrow his. i can not watch tv and run. the damn tvs shouldnt be there any wway. if you can watch tv and work out... you are not working hard enough!!
  • renejtrainer
    renejtrainer Posts: 21 Member
    I've started to hate the treadmill as well. So I started using the arc trainer and stationary bike a bit more.
  • hennyben
    hennyben Posts: 317
    Are you kidding? I HATE the treadmill. Those minutes spent on there are minutes you'll never get back in your life lol. I run on the road, with my ipod. Can't do treadmill...
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    I am lucky that my gym has a tv attached to every cardio machine. With extended cable I can chose pretty much anything I want to watch. I often chose to go to the gym during my favorite shows so I can get really into my workout without getting bored because I am focused on the show. During commercials I check out my form in the mirror; making sure that I am not leaning to far forward etc.
  • Nice
    Nice Posts: 84
    I love my treadmill. However I would be very bored if i didn't have my iPad with Netflix or all the seasons of dexter to watch while I was running :) lol
  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    Since I have started running outdoors, the times thatI do go on the treadmill I HATE it. I make sure I keep the gym blinds open so I can see outside, I listen to my own music on my iPod and I do intervals. I still get bored though!

    Can't beat running outdoors.
  • coletteann123
    lynette..def with you on the music front!! and whats with the gym when they have sound on the TV!!! I cant watch tv :-( i watch myself in the mirror but thats borning me now!! haha!! maybe you guys are right.. change of scenery and get back out on the roads ??
  • vancil01
    vancil01 Posts: 70 Member
    Yeah, treadmill action is super boring. We don't have the TVs attached at my gym, just a bunch up it is easy to not pay attention to them... I find myself staring at other gym people and judging them...
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    yep, same here its so boring especially as there is a huge mirror infront of me when i run!! great !! lol...good music is the only thing thats gets me running, oh and looking at myself thinking i want to run my *kitten* off literally...good luck with it...i do 15 mins then weights or move onto another machine, go back and do another 15 after.x
  • maharrod7
    maharrod7 Posts: 32
    I keep reading about people reading on the treadmill while there walking. Its intrigues me. I'm going to try and do it today actually mayb ill stay on longer!
  • LauraJWStevenson
    LauraJWStevenson Posts: 55 Member
    I DVR all the shows that I like at night...and watch them while I'm on the TM. Makes the time go I don't feel like I'm sitting my life away in front of the TV. LOL!!!! Or I listen to an Audible Book. Sometimes a good one can really take you away!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I can only to speedwork (interval training) on a treadmill. I'm working so hard that I can't get bored, I'm too busy trying not to die. :laugh: I would recommend doing hard interval training the whole time or speed bursts, where you run at your normal effort then up it for 30-90 second then go back. Switching up pacing and such is the only way for me to stand it.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    Yeah, treadmill action is super boring. We don't have the TVs attached at my gym, just a bunch up it is easy to not pay attention to them... I find myself staring at other gym people and judging them...
    hahaha quite true
  • nucreeman
    nucreeman Posts: 40
    It's very boring if you don't have music. I have to have the music, or every minutes that passes by seems like 10 minutes.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Npt whjen i look down after only a couple of minutes and I see my heart rate. The treadmill gets it up there pretty qucik for me!
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    Treadmill is really effing boring to me. I cant stand it at all
  • has001
    has001 Posts: 29 Member
    Treadmill is super boring for me...and I don't like running on it as it kills my knees! If I'm going to be walking or running I go over my lunch break outside. It's both my cardio fit into a good part of my day, and a way to get some fresh air so I'm not so tired around 3pm. At the gym I prefer the ellptical for the amount of calories your burn in the time you have and the comfort level of my knees. I listen to Pandora and my own playlists as well.