Who started on Jan. 1, 2012 and how is it going?



  • TheNewDoug
    TheNewDoug Posts: 56
    I started February 1 at 324, down to 246 now. I run and have recently started lifting. I couldn't run for 30 seconds when I started and now can go an hour straight.
  • marinastfu
    marinastfu Posts: 6
    Started Jan. 9th

    Starting weight: 196

    Current weight: 163

    Goal Weight: 130
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 363 Member
    I started on Jan 3rd.. Started at 176.6 and today I'm 168.8... I've only taken 1 month off from working out but now I feel like I suck of this!

    Everyone has does so amazing! Clearly I need to work harder so I can catch up.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    I started Jan 3 2012
    SW: 220
    CW: ~186
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    I joined MFP last year in August, but I didnt get serious about my weight loss until Jan 3rd. I was 260, currently at 228 and holding. Cant WAIT to see ONEderland!!!!!!

    Great job on your losses everyone! Keep up the good work, stay motivated and KEEP MOVING!!!
  • PurpleCoookie
    PurpleCoookie Posts: 334
    impressive results!!! lol Kind of sad now, that was my starting weight in July and I'm sill not out of the 300's. ugh!
    Good job
    jan1 I was around 312
    Now I'm around 308.6
  • avedagirl96
    avedagirl96 Posts: 15 Member
    I started January 9th at 229 pounds. Today I am 201. I officially lost all of my baby weight 3 pounds ago. I have also lost 2 pants sizes. I was really feeling badly about my weight loss because I had a month long plateau, but reading this makes me feel better. Looks like I'm right about "on track".

    I have at least 40 more pounds to go, then I will re-evaluate.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I started focusing on January 1. I started at 250, and now I am ~212ish almost halfway to my goal.
  • dlibonati
    dlibonati Posts: 99 Member
    (Re)started Jan 1, down 18 lbs so far. Hoping for more inches at my next measurement day on June 1.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Started on January 1st, and as of today I am down 45 pounds. Started at 290, currently 245. This has been a gradual progression for me. I started small and worked my way up. When I first started, I could hardly do 10 minutes of exercise and still ate a lot of junk (even though I stayed under my calorie goal). Now I can exercise for an hour or more, and have incorporated many healthy foods into my diet that I love. I feel so much better physically and mentally! Who knew this eating healthy and exercise thing worked :laugh:

    I :heart: MFP :drinker:
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    I started a week later... Started January 7th weighing in at 242 lbs! I now weigh 175lbs as of this morning... ONLY 5 lbs away from my goal weight!!! :smile:
  • semira6
    semira6 Posts: 36 Member
    I started on Dec 26th at 168 and am now 127.
  • loriduarte
    loriduarte Posts: 10 Member
    Started on Dec. 15. Lost about 20+ lbs and now an am pretty much in maintenance mode at 121. Change of eating habits, logging every bite and making exercise a daily part of my life in whatever form I can get it pretty much did the trick.
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
    @Vegan Panda- We are really on a similar journey- I also started Jan. 3rd (when I found MFP, although I backlogged to the Jan. 1st, 2012 and recorded my weight from Dec. 12th because that was the last time I was weighed before my first 5 week check in on here)

    Started at around 177 (again, Dec. 12th weight, I could have gained more between then and Jan. 3rd, given the holidays etc.), but I'm currently at 150! Lots of inches lost too :)
  • Stephanie198907
    Stephanie198907 Posts: 163 Member
    started Jan 1st, or around that time 2012

    start weight: = 220
    current weight= ??? i havent stepped on the scale in almost a month and i've been pigging out for that amount of time as well. I have a feeling I am back around 210.

    im looking to lose 90lbs.
  • slimmergalpal
    slimmergalpal Posts: 235 Member
    Started Jan 25,2012. Have lost 42 lbs so far and 60 inches. =) still more to go !
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    1/1/2012-392 lbs.

    Joined MFP-Second week of Feb.-380 lbs.

    Today-340 lbs.

    Thanks to all of my friends on MFP for the help.
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    I started January 1, 2011 and I'm still going! In the beginning of 2012 I started P90x and working out a lot. Kind of hard to believe I've been doing this for almost a year and a half, but I feel great. As of today I've lost 83 lbs total.

    Howdy to everyone else who is sticking with it!
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    I started on January 1, 2012 at 186 lbs. with the intention to lose 1 pound per week. I didn't do so well in January and February, mainly due to the fact I couldn't get outside to walk because of the cold weather, and also due to not sticking to the lower calories because of a bunch of family celebrations. In March I was able to start walking outside, and no more family celebrations, so I was able to get back on track and make up for the first two months.

    I am currently nearing the end of week 20, but have done better than I planned. At 160 pounds I've lost 26 pounds in 20 weeks. I'd say it's going great!

    I could probably have lost more weight if I tried, but my family doctor has suggested that any weight loss faster than .5 to 1.5 pounds per week at my age (56) could be harmful to my already ailing liver (NAFLD, and my gall bladder was removed) and also would result in my aging skin not being able to "shrink" as it should. He said slow and steady is the way to go for me.
  • badshocker
    badshocker Posts: 6
    Started a week and a half late, Jan 11. Lost 30lbs by mid April. Took a brake and gained 3. :blushing: (Eating with no inhibitors.) Back on it to lose 20 more. Started at 211 lbs. Looking to get down to 165 lbs. Wont make that mistake again.