Grey's Anatomy season finale *SPOILER ALERT*

KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member
What is your thoughts on the finale? I've watched this show since the beginning and have had my ups and downs with these characters, I started bawling by 13 minutes in and pretty much straight through til the end! haha I'm a sap. I'm happy that there 2 more seasons to come but am thinking that this is the beginning of the end, after all it can't stay on forever! thoughts?

I am heartbroken about Lexie and Mark. But now we know what Mark's struggle for next season will be.

What I think is going to happen in 2013: Derek won't be able to take the job at Harvard bc of his hand. christina will stay to take Teddie's job (can a fellow be an attending/head cardio?) Meredith and Mark are going to mourn Lexie hard core and April will get re-offered a job bc now Lexie is gone.


  • missjewl
    missjewl Posts: 214 Member
    I friggin loved it! I bawled my eyes out when Lexy was passing away... omg. It's gonna be an interesting new season! For sure Derek's future is in jeopardy. and I think there's a possiblity that Mark and Grey will become closer than anyone expects because of Lexy dying. I agree with your comment about Yang though, I think she'll get Teddies job too! That is unless something is actually wrong with her and she doesnt die first. In all a great ending to the season... They really know how to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Until next season:)
  • abcmom03
    abcmom03 Posts: 89 Member
    Kaci, I think you have it pretty well figured out. I cried like a baby last night watching!
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I was completely disappointed and so mad that I didn't find it sad at all. I nearly turned it off the second Lexie died. I finished it out, but I doubt I'll watch it next season.
  • Sassles
    Sassles Posts: 8 Member
    I agree that Derek is going to struggle with his hand injury. I don't think Mark is out of the woods. In fact I think he might go as well. I don't think Teddy is going to leave. I love Bailey and hope they feature her more. I think April and Jackson will get closer. Jackson will greieve Lexie's death. It was so sad that she died.
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 343 Member
    I was mad that they killed Lexie off, too. My hubby and I joke about the fact that if we were doctors, we'd get the heck out of Seattle Grace Hospital, because they are ALWAYS facing perilous situations. Karev would be much safer at Hopkins--but of course, he won't go for one reason or another...
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    I was soooo upset that Lexie died. SO not fair! She was one of my favorite characters.

    Being that the actors who play Meredith, Derek, and Yang have all signed on for the next couple of years, I doubt they are going to get killed off...
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    best script writing EVER!!!
    LOVED IT!!
  • CharityEaton
    CharityEaton Posts: 508
    Kaci, I think you have it pretty well figured out. I cried like a baby last night watching! thoughts too! I think she has it all figured out! I was crying my eyes out too!
  • marnistill
    marnistill Posts: 8
    I'm still so mad Lexie died. I don't know why they chose to kill her off unless it was her who wanted off the show. She was a great character.

    I still for some reason have this feeling Arizona will be leaving too....that way Karev would stay at Seattle Grace to help in peds and there would be both Mark and Callie grieving for their lost ones. (Not that I want to see her go I love her too!).
  • CharityEaton
    CharityEaton Posts: 508
    do any of you watch the show Scandal after Grey's??? It's really good too and yet another one of Shonda's creations! I love it just as much as Grey's.
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    They still air this show?

  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I agree with most of your predictions.

    I was upset as well. I cried over Lexie...haha I liked her. I liked her much better than April (SO ANNOYING).
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member
    I'm still so mad Lexie died. I don't know why they chose to kill her off unless it was her who wanted off the show. She was a great character.

    I still for some reason have this feeling Arizona will be leaving too....that way Karev would stay at Seattle Grace to help in peds and there would be both Mark and Callie grieving for their lost ones. (Not that I want to see her go I love her too!).

    In an interview given last night, Shonda talked about how her and Chyler Leigh decided on Lexie dying together, sounds like she was ready to move on from the show.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    They still air this show?


    Haven't watched in a few years now...they could've all died in the plane crash for all I care.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I didn't cry, but I've watched this show from the very first episode. I thought it was a bit heartless the way the killed off Lexi, but that's what happens in these shows.

    I think no one but the killed off ones will leave. Even Karev. I guess it depends on if they keep Arizona (which I'm on the fence about, since it would make the Callie/Mark relationship interesting). Derek will never been able to preform surgery again, Hunt will leave and run after Teddy, and Derek will take over again for Chief. Meredith and Yang stay together (the show wouldn't be the same if those two are seperated). Next season will be interesting!

    Do you all watch Private Practice too? I've been more into that show lately, but for me, when one is boring me the other one takes over. Grey's has had too many "disasters" to keep my attention sometimes.
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member
    They still air this show?


    Yes but I'm thinking it will be going off after the next 2 seasons, they are running out of bad things to happen to them all.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hmmm, I must be in the minority because I was happy to see Lexie go - I always thought she seemed too young/immature, and the story line between her and Mark made me think he was a Hugh Hefner-style creeper into girls wayyyyy to young for him....
  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    I quit watching after last season, it got too ridiculous for me.

    Although I'm curious, how did Lexie die?
  • FoodieGal09
    FoodieGal09 Posts: 198 Member
    I was sad that Lexie died (crying my eyes out), but as a whole I didn't think this was a great finale. Although for me, season 6 will be near impossible to top, ever.
    I would just love it Christina decides to stay, deciding to work on her marriage with Owen and then Preston Burke turns up. Doubtful, but I would love it!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Okay, I like Grey's and like the story line, however based on how the plane practically being disintegrated, there should have been more dead people in impact! The magic of TV drama though. I liked Lexie. Should have been Alex this season.

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