Elliptical vs Running

I've been using a mini elliptical almost daily for a couple of months now for at least 45 minutes per day. I definitely notice a change in my legs; more muscle definition and strength (I have the tension cranked up to almost the max). I feel like i'm getting a decent cardio workout as well with an increased HR and a decent amount of sweat :) but I'm never "out of breath". I decided to see if its helped to improve my running endurance. So I went for a jog/run but it just didn't feel like I was much better at it than before when it came to being out of breath. My question is this: Do you feel like the elliptical provides a good cardio workout as well as toning and strengthening your legs? I like the elliptical because of the low impact compared to running but I also want to be working out my heart and lungs a bit more. Thanks :)


  • clairabell2024
    clairabell2024 Posts: 194 Member
    I love my Elliptical also, because of the low impact thing. Running hurts my knees, so its a good compromise. Maybe try not having the tension on so high? And go for pure cardio rather than focusing on strengh? I also find strengh training doesnt make me out of breath but swear alot!

    But im no expert and would liek to see what other have to say :-) xx
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    I can run for a while on a treadmill or an elliptical trainer but I can't run outside I get out of breath quick. Maybe it's ****ty air quality outside.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I've been using a mini elliptical almost daily for a couple of months now for at least 45 minutes per day. I definitely notice a change in my legs; more muscle definition and strength (I have the tension cranked up to almost the max). I feel like i'm getting a decent cardio workout as well with an increased HR and a decent amount of sweat :) but I'm never "out of breath". I decided to see if its helped to improve my running endurance. So I went for a jog/run but it just didn't feel like I was much better at it than before when it came to being out of breath. My question is this: Do you feel like the elliptical provides a good cardio workout as well as toning and strengthening your legs? I like the elliptical because of the low impact compared to running but I also want to be working out my heart and lungs a bit more. Thanks :)

    Other than heart health (cardio) and some endurance improvement, the elliptical does next to nothing for improved athletic performance. The reason ... the motion used is unnatural and will never be duplicated in the real world, so doing elliptical may help burn cals, and make you better at the elliptical, it will not help with anything else all that much. You would be much better off using the bike or treadmill instead, as those exercises and motions can be transferred to real life.

    Elliptical could still be done here and there as cross training from other forms of cardio to give those muscles a break, but it should not make up the bulk of your routine.
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    I feel very uncomfortable when running but can do an hour on the elliptical without thinking about it too much. I think it's a good idea to mix it up. Personally I am recovering from an ankle injury so I won't be running for a while but I do go on the cross-trainer and other machines to get my cardio workout. I also try to do intervals to vary the intensity because it's supposed to improve your fitness more than just doing the same speed/intensity all the time.
  • migoi357
    migoi357 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm thinking the elliptical motion translates better to biking than it does to running. The motion for spinning on a bike and the motion for an elliptical feel more similar. I do believe that it's possible to get a good cardio work out on an elliptical, especiall if it's a model that doesn't have power to the flywheel and it has the ski-pole type of handles that allow you to bring a small bit of your upper body into play. I believe this because my hrm tells me I'm getting my heart rate up to levels that are likely to improve my fitness. Since there are many models of elliptical it's probably important to be selective of which features you have on the one you use. My opinion is that you should use one that has a non-powered flywheel (it's all you making the thing spin), it should have ski-pole type movable hand placements, it should have an adjustable stride length mechanism. You should also learn how to "float' your feet/ankles. To spin properly you need to allow your ankles to flex throughout the rotation of the pedals. I think you need to do the same thing on the elliptical...allow your feet to come off the foot platforms ever so slightly while keeping your ankles loose enough that your foot, ankle, and knee find a comfortable alignment that doesn't cause an overstress on your tendons. Just my opinions.
  • dmmihelcic
    dmmihelcic Posts: 161 Member
    I use elliptical 4-5 days a week and run 2-3. Try turning up the resistance and combine with a hill program so you really have to push during the peak resistance. The combination is effective for me.
  • selenametts
    selenametts Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for all the input! I do Kettlebell 3 times a week as well but it seems like I need to add a better cardio workout to my weekly routine. Unfortunately I am not a member of a gym that provides other cardio machines and my mini elliptical doesn't provide any incline programs etc... so it looks like i might have to hit the pavement and run more often :) Just hope my knees don't hate me haha
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    It sounds like you are referring to some type of home equipment (mini elliptical). There is a qualitative difference between a home piece and a commercial cross trainer, so general statements about ellipticals are probably not applicable.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I have been using an arc trainer at the gym for a year or more. My heart rate gets up there and I sweat like crazy when I work out. I thought I was getting an awesome work out. Then I started the C25K and realized that I was not in the good cardiovascular shape that I thought I was. Now I can run 3-4 miles without feeling like my lungs are going to explode. It really did surprise me that I wasn't in the cardio shape that I thought I was, for sure!
  • selenametts
    selenametts Posts: 42 Member
    yes it is an in home mini elliptical. it is all i could afford to get for at home use that i can hop on while the kids are napping or asleep :) i figured its better than nothing at all.
  • radial
    radial Posts: 11 Member
    yes it is an in home mini elliptical. it is all i could afford to get for at home use that i can hop on while the kids are napping or asleep :) i figured its better than nothing at all.
    Definitely better than nothing at all, but you may be ready for a machine that can provide more resistance. If you have yours set on the highest setting and it's still not making you breathe hard, then it's not going to do much for your running. Honestly, nothing improves running performance like running, so if you can do more actual running either outside or on a TM, that would be your best option. If you are looking for more out of an in-home elliptical, it's probably time for a new machine.