Is it possible to get a flat stomach. (Excess skin)

Im fairly new to this journey. (About 30 days) I have 160 pounds to lose and i am really scared about losing the weight and then having a stomach "pouch" Is there anything I can do now to help me get a flat stomach. It doesnt have to be super flat but I don't want excess skin hanging over my pants. Plastic surgery would not be an option.


  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Start doing cardio now, when I started I had 130-135lbs to lose I'm down 116.5 right now. My stomach is getting flatter, no loose skin, Cardio is the only real thing besides surgery to get rid of belly fat...
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    From what I'be read, losing weight slowly is better for skin elasticity... But I don't really know.
  • ediesmommy
    ediesmommy Posts: 76
    Great question. I have a ridiculously large amount to lose myself and was wondering also. I am walking an hour every morning (approx. 2.25 miles)... does this count as "cardio" or do I need to be doing something else?

    As I get my feet wet, I plan on adding something other than just walking, but for now, this is where I am.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    If you drop weight too fast your skin doesn't have a chance to tighten back up, and you end up with loose skin. Eating healthy, and plenty of cardio and strength training and you shouldn't have a problem :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is try to lose it slowly. Give your skin time to firm up along the way. If you drop the weight quickly, your skin won't be able to keep up, and it'll look saggy and loose.

    I've only lost 42 lbs, and I have a few spots of loose skin. My belly skin seems to be tightening up quite a bit though as I go along.

    From what I understand from friends who have lost more than I have is that some people get saggy skin more than others and some in other areas than others. There's a strong genetic component to it. It also can take up to a year or two before your skin finishes tighening up, so even if you do start to have some sagginess, just be patient and keep working hard.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    Great question. I have a ridiculously large amount to lose myself and was wondering also. I am walking an hour every morning (approx. 2.25 miles)... does this count as "cardio" or do I need to be doing something else?

    As I get my feet wet, I plan on adding something other than just walking, but for now, this is where I am.

    Anything that gets your heart rate elevated to "burn mode", and keeps it there for an extended period of time you can consider cardio.
  • cubanita28
    cubanita28 Posts: 42 Member
    Start doing cardio now, when I started I had 130-135lbs to lose I'm down 116.5 right now. My stomach is getting flatter, no loose skin, Cardio is the only real thing besides surgery to get rid of belly fat...

    I've been doing the P90X program - would that qualify as cardio? Thanks!
  • toomuchsweetness
    toomuchsweetness Posts: 168 Member
    Great question. I have a ridiculously large amount to lose myself and was wondering also. I am walking an hour every morning (approx. 2.25 miles)... does this count as "cardio" or do I need to be doing something else?

    As I get my feet wet, I plan on adding something other than just walking, but for now, this is where I am.

    Anything that gets your heart rate elevated to "burn mode", and keeps it there for an extended period of time you can consider cardio.

    and what is considered burn mode? is there a special formula?
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Time and a combination of cardio and strength training. I to worry that I will have that loose skin, but we'll see.
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    I think skin sag depends on a lot of things-- how long you've been overweight (the longer, the more likely it will be saggy), your age (skin loses elasticity with age), genetics (affect everything), speed of loss (more prevalent with bypass surgeries, for example), musculature (more muscles, more stuff to fill out the skin--in a simplification). I've read it can take up to a year after reaching goal weight for your skin to stop shrinking, which would then be the point where you would contemplate surgery.
  • gypsybree
    gypsybree Posts: 218
    Good question!
    I know a girl who lost like 200 pounds but didn't work out, she had to have the surgery for the excess skin. But as you know the excess skin is going to be everywhere, not just the tummy. It will be on the arms and legs (of course not as bad as on the tummy) but this same girl started weight lifting and she has no excess skin or anything on her arms at all.
    The CDC recommends doing two toning exercises per week.
    Personally I do the AbLounge (that I bought four years ago and just barely started using) at least once a week for a hundred to two hundred crunches. My goal is two hundred in twenty minutes while watching tv in sets of 25 reps each. And I do change positions so that I get all the target areas. Crunches or sit ups are the same difference but I have back and neck issues so I use the AbLounge. Also I do tightening of the abs in random places like while driving or in the line at the store or other random things. They're easiest for me to do while sitting.

    People say that its dumb for fat people to do exercises like crunches and stuff cause we're too fat. But that's dumb logic cause if you don't try to turn your fat into muscle then its gonna be flab and we'll have the excess skin. So its killing two birds with one stone cause we're exercising which loses the weight and tones the fat into muscle.
    Fat is in the same skin on the same bones that the muscle is--the goal is to turn it around. And yes the skin is attached to that fat that's attached to the muscle so its gonna change as well.
    And really its not the excess skin that's the problem, its the fat cells that have nothing to attach themselves to. If you don't tone the fat into muscle is going to hang cause it essentially doesn't know what is going on--its like the result of starvation mode. The body just freaks out and does stuff you don't want. So exercise it and feed it information of what you want it to do and it will do it. If you lay around and don't give it guidance is just gonna hang around, too.

    Edies Mommy.
    I suggest doing the 10 minute workouts. Netflix has many exercise videos that are for ten minutes at a stretch. Me and my daughter just did three different videos cause we want to work out in front of the living room air conditioner this summer instead of complaining its too hot to work out outside.
    We also do the shake weight (we modify the workouts cause we're weaklings).
    Our goal is Zumba but we're so not there yet.
    My personal favorite is the pick your level Pilates (I found it on netflix). It is really informative on the actual movements your body is supposed to do. It goes a little fast at first but there's nothing wrong with staring at the people and not moving so that you can learn the movements correctly. My daughter for example doesn't raise her arms as high as the instructors but she says that it hurts less to have them lower. I know over time she'll increase her ability and that's the point. (she's only eight but very very very nonathletic)
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Start doing cardio now, when I started I had 130-135lbs to lose I'm down 116.5 right now. My stomach is getting flatter, no loose skin, Cardio is the only real thing besides surgery to get rid of belly fat...

    I've been doing the P90X program - would that qualify as cardio? Thanks!

    I think p90x is a mixture of strength, abs and cardio, I've never done it but I think it'll help a lot. I also agree with slowly losing, the slower the better in so many areas not just because of belly sag.
  • felcandy
    felcandy Posts: 228 Member
    I'm curious what stretch marks will do once the skin starts tightening up. do they stay but less visible or do they dimple up or what?
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm curious what stretch marks will do once the skin starts tightening up. do they stay but less visible or do they dimple up or what?

    Mine have gotten less noticeable as my skin firmed up. I have a lot of stretch marks on my arms and lower back. They will get a little less noticeable but there's not much you can do.
  • nasja1984
    nasja1984 Posts: 98 Member
    Im fairly new to this journey. (About 30 days) I have 160 pounds to lose and i am really scared about losing the weight and then having a stomach "pouch" Is there anything I can do now to help me get a flat stomach. It doesnt have to be super flat but I don't want excess skin hanging over my pants. Plastic surgery would not be an option.

    yes-this is a very good question. Don't lose more than 2 pounds a week maximum. Start taking vitamins for your skin now, drink lots of water from now on. You look fairly young...the slower you lose it, the less the skin issue will be. it can take years for the skin to catch up. Bariatric patients would have the biggest issue with this. Just read everything you can on the subject.
  • LatinaPuppyLover
    I was wondering the same thing. I have 3 kids so my lower abdomen is BADDD, I'm scared is only gonna get worser when I lose the weight.
  • nasja1984
    nasja1984 Posts: 98 Member
    Im fairly new to this journey. (About 30 days) I have 160 pounds to lose and i am really scared about losing the weight and then having a stomach "pouch" Is there anything I can do now to help me get a flat stomach. It doesnt have to be super flat but I don't want excess skin hanging over my pants. Plastic surgery would not be an option.

    I forgot to add. At some point, when you feel comfortable, add weight/strength training. This helps too.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    Since you are trying to lose a great bit...I would say go for more Cardio and pair it up with 15-20min strength training..that way it will balance out....It is possible to shape while losing....
  • GodsyGirl
    GodsyGirl Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks. I am trying to lose the weight slowly. I hear when you do it slowly it usually will stay off longer. I will start to incorporate strength training. Thanks for the tips guys
  • wonderkitten711
    wonderkitten711 Posts: 109 Member
    Strength train in addition to cardio. Keep yourself hydrated. Take vitamins. Moisturize. Lose Slowly. I have a total of 160 to lose myself, and have lost 56 of it, and I'm not horribly worried about loose skin so far. I'll notice some, and then a couple of weeks to a month later I notice it startingt to tighten up. Age and genetics play a factor, but nothing harmed by helping out with the things I listed above :)

    Oh, and in response to someone else's question about stretch marks, mine are shrinking and getting much less noticeable as I shrink :)