30 day thread!



  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    Well, RubysYummyMum, this technically IS a thread, so the title still works! But I have the 30DS, and I really like it. I've been doing it on and off for several months. But between graduating from grad school, getting engaged, starting a new job, and house hunting, I've never been able to do it consistently for 30 days. I'm in ok shape, and I'm starting to do it more consistently, and I've not gotten to the point where Level 1 is a little easy. So now, for a little extra calorie burn, I'll go home and do Level 1 on my lunch break (since it doesn't make me sweat that bad anymore), and then when I get home I'll do level 2 or 3. Level 2 still gets my heart pounding though!

    I really want to try her ab video- I hear it's tough!!
  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    I started it yesterday and I thought it was killer (didn't help I was sore from the jog the night before). I'm excited to keep doing it and see what results I get. Afterwards, I did day 2 of couch to 5K and I was dripping sweat when I was done.
  • kristenetc
    kristenetc Posts: 11
    i'm on day 8 right now... kiiiinda worried because i plan on moving to level 2 after day 10 at level 1, and i hear each level gets a LOT harder. i feel much better by the end of the workout than i did the first few days though!

    good luck :)
  • JulieMTiffany
    I finished the 30 day shred about 10 days ago. I'm thinking about starting it again today! I lost 8 pounds last month, hoping for another 8 pounds this time around!
  • RubysYummyMummy87
    omg girls just done my first one i found it really hard but i pushed myself! trouble is i done it before my evening meal and now i feel sick and dont feel like eating..anyone else felt sick afterwards? x
  • monicaroozo
    monicaroozo Posts: 200
    I finished today. With my calorie deficit I lost 4.5 lbs, 1" off my waist and .5" from my hips!! VERY HAPPY!!
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    omg girls just done my first one i found it really hard but i pushed myself! trouble is i done it before my evening meal and now i feel sick and dont feel like eating..anyone else felt sick afterwards? x

    Just keep at it! The first time I did it I thought I was going to throw up. Now I'm able to breeze through Level 1! I think back and think, wow, I can't believe this made feel like I was going to get sick! It's a pretty sweet realization, and I know you'll get to that point too!
  • RubysYummyMummy87
    I finished today. With my calorie deficit I lost 4.5 lbs, 1" off my waist and .5" from my hips!! VERY HAPPY!!

    woohoo you go girl! well done x
  • RubysYummyMummy87
    omg girls just done my first one i found it really hard but i pushed myself! trouble is i done it before my evening meal and now i feel sick and dont feel like eating..anyone else felt sick afterwards? x

    Just keep at it! The first time I did it I thought I was going to throw up. Now I'm able to breeze through Level 1! I think back and think, wow, I can't believe this made feel like I was going to get sick! It's a pretty sweet realization, and I know you'll get to that point too!

    cant wait to get to that point too hun! thanks for the support, glad to know it's normal...dont know how i'll walk in work tomorrow but hey no pain no gain :-) xx
  • kkmarie11
    kkmarie11 Posts: 114
    i just finished my first day today as well how are you gonna track it in for your exercise for the day?
  • Angiesolomon
    Angiesolomon Posts: 144 Member
    UK girl here too!

    I'm on day 22 so only 8 days left! I'm so proud of myself for doing it 22 days consecutively!

    I've finished my weight loss so I wasn't doing the shred for that reason (and I haven't lost any wight even though I'm still eating on a deficit on weekdays) BUT I feel so much stronger and fitter!

    Friend me for support!

    Thank you!

    well done angie! im deffo gunna try and do the full month hope you keep it up your doing great! x
  • tammy1005
    tammy1005 Posts: 62
    I am starting it again tomorrow but I am afraid because last time I got through a week my thighs felt huge and my jeans were so tight..anyone bulk up after doing this workout. I am afraid to try it again
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    I joined a group ... link below ... and good to be able to fire questions etc at people doing it at same time ... hope this helps
