Do you really need 8 cups a day??????



  • overfences
    overfences Posts: 96 Member
    I know I feel better, I digest foods better, I keep from snacking, and my skin looks and feels great when I'm drinking 8+ glasses of water per day.


    Interestingly, I always struggled to drink enough water until I cut out nearly all sugar and significantly cut back on bread/processed carbs. When I made those diet changes, for some reason, my thirst really picked up (in a good way!). I have been drinking over a gallon a day for months and I really need it now. I imagine I was really stressing my body before when I was in a constant state of dehydration.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    My personal experience - I always thought drinking tons of water was great, and proudly told the kidney specialist so when I was sent to him in January. He looked at me oddly and said you do not need that much water, who told you to do that? I was like uh..the world tells you, duh! (ok that was in my head)

    Because of heart problems my kidneys werent being pushed to perform like they should - and my heart medication (some water pills) were not helping keep the water weight off. The kidney dr explained that here these pills were taking that water off my body and then I was replacing it as fast as I could..(duh on me!)

    He told me to restrict all fluids (including water, coffee, pop, soup, jello, etc) to 56 oz per day. That was less than half of what I usually did. A hard change for me!! I still struggle with it, not drinking too much, and I rarely ever got it to 56 oz, but I try to keep it in the 70-80 oz per day range.

    So yes you can survive with less water. My restrictions were and I guess still are for medical reasons so its really not a good number for all, but what the doctor said made sense, especially how I was defeating the purpose of the water pills I take. My kidneys are much better (they improved within a week after a radical diet change)..but I still watch the water intake.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    being threatend to go on kidney dialysis if you don't improve in a week or two really can put a scare in you to get 'er done!! LOL
  • prettytothinkso
    I haven't read any responses, but I know I always feel really dehydrated if I don't drink a lot of water each day. I average 12 glasses per day.
  • prettytothinkso
    As far as peeing a lot goes. Once you get through the initial getting your body used to a higher water intake you won't pee as often.

    I really wish this happened, but it hasn't for me. I think I have the bladder of a mouse, though.

    This, but I think of it as the bladder of a mom.
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 282 Member
    OK so the 8 cups is arbitrary and may or may not include the water already in your food. Plus, no you dont need soooo much water. But generally you do feel better drinking too much rather than too little even if it makes you pee more. Its helpful for weight loss because it helps you not mistake thrist for hunger if yuo arent thirsty in the first place, and it can fill you up (tbh I never really feel food full from water it just stretches my stomach so I can put even more into it but this is a weird and personal thing)

    PS: fancy bottled water is BS. You are lucky enough to live in the first world, you have a tap, in your house, use that!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I would reallylove to hear the answer to this question as well. I struggle to drink 8 cups in fact I only manage about 6 a day.
    I have seen some people drink like 3ltr a day and wonder if they feel water logged at all and wonder why when you only need 8????

    Well, I for one, drink 12+ cups a day, because I AM thirsty. I'm not forcing myself. That's all there is to it.
  • garrettstewart
    garrettstewart Posts: 7 Member
    This an excerpt from the recent book "The First 20 Minutes" by Gretchen Reynolds:

    "Hydration Hype: We don't need eight glasses of water a day to stay hydrated. "What we now know is that if you drink to thirst, if you listen to the little voice in your head that says, 'You need water,' you will drink as much as you need," Reynolds says. "You don't need to stay ahead of your thirst. Drink what you want, and you will almost certainly be fine." "

    To read more, NPR did an interview with her here:
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I've never looked into it - I normally drink about 2L a day but that's because I like it
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    As far as peeing a lot goes. Once you get through the initial getting your body used to a higher water intake you won't pee as often.

    I really wish this happened, but it hasn't for me. I think I have the bladder of a mouse, though.

    This, but I think of it as the bladder of a mom.
    This is why I'm scared. I have a tiny bladder, and I don't have kids yet! Uhoh!
  • texastango
    texastango Posts: 309
    Nutritionists tell me there is no determined recommended daily intake for water. Period. Also depends on your healthy, presence of heart failure, kidney function, sodium intake, and more. Too much water intake quickly drops your serum sodium and can to dangerous levels if you drink enough. That can lead to Central Pontine Demyelinolysis, seizures, and death and that does happen to atheletes who just hydrate with water after running marathons etc.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    just throwing this out there and not trying to start any riots -

    I see and hear a lot of very healthy looking people (not just in this thread, but everywhere in the world) say they drink so much water because they feel thirsty all the time. Might be worth mentioning to your doctor at next physical as excessive thirst can be a symptom of hidden problems.

    Or it could be a great healthy habit you have developed that aids your weight loss - but more habit than a 'craving.' I noticed that when I *had* to cut back when I was thirsty I wouldnt just sip water I would take 3 or 4 large gulps ..but then a sip would have been just enough.

    and before I get yelled at, lol, yeah I know my water issues are specific to my condition and do not apply to others. :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    just throwing this out there and not trying to start any riots -

    I see and hear a lot of very healthy looking people (not just in this thread, but everywhere in the world) say they drink so much water because they feel thirsty all the time. Might be worth mentioning to your doctor at next physical as excessive thirst can be a symptom of hidden problems.

    Or it could be a great healthy habit you have developed that aids your weight loss - but more habit than a 'craving.' I noticed that when I *had* to cut back when I was thirsty I wouldnt just sip water I would take 3 or 4 large gulps ..but then a sip would have been just enough.

    and before I get yelled at, lol, yeah I know my water issues are specific to my condition and do not apply to others. :)

    Already have, everything came back fine. cheers :drinker:
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    See this is where I love being a male...

    I go to toilet and if it is clear I am fine, if it is yellow I drink a bit more... Simple... I don't know how much I have as I just look at the colour of me pee LOL
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 282 Member
    See this is where I love being a male...

    I go to toilet and if it is clear I am fine, if it is yellow I drink a bit more... Simple... I don't know how much I have as I just look at the colour of me pee LOL
    Women can see the colour of their pee just fine thanks!
  • Jenph20
    Jenph20 Posts: 134 Member
    I drink at least 80 oz of water a day. After working out. I need it. Your body is made of
    Mostly water, so I think it's essential. Water helps speed up your metabolism and make you feel full. If I do t drink enough water I get headaches and don't feel well. So even if you can't see any science behind it, I recommend you drink your water! :)
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    My doc told me a long time ago that as long as my pee isn't dark, I'm probably hydrated. The only warning he gave was that the toilet can really dilute the pee color and make it look a lot lighter than it really is, so be careful with using that.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    I do it because I want to and it makes me feel amazing. When I do not drink enough water: I don't lose weight, I have digestive problems, I am always hungry, and I feel terrible. At the least I drink 8 cups, at the most I drink 12 (and that's plain old water).

    We can all look things up online ( I'm not hating on google), but I asked my doctor. He said to drink 8-10 glasses per day, sometimes more in the summer. Maybe you should ask your doctor why it is vital.

  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I aim for 100 oz of water per day. If I get at least 80, I'm OK with it. I do go by the color of my urine, as my doctor told me when I was pregnant. She said a well hydrated person's urine should look like homemade lemonade (slightly tinted). If it's darker than that, then you need to drink until it clears up. Of course, when I take my B complex supplements it turns my urine a darker yellow momentarily, so I don't use those times to judge hydration.

    I get up once per night when I'm drinking 100 oz per day. Doesn't bother me. And because I have a desk job, drinking lots of water and refilling my 14 oz cup is a way to ensure that I'm not sedentary all day as well.

    I drink at least 10-16 oz of water before any workout that will be 30 mins or more. I drink a cup or more during any 1 hr or more workout. And I drink about 20-28 oz after my workout to rehydrate.

    I love water. Other than the occasional juice and green tea, it's the only beverage I drink.
  • Insangelous
    Insangelous Posts: 33
    I can only talk for myself, but I can tell a difference. In my skin, my stomach - everything.