Jillian Michaels Flush



  • lauehorn
    lauehorn Posts: 183
    Today I started a flush by Jillian Michaels and was wondering if anyone else has done this and if it worked?

    Jillian Michaels recipe for losing 5 pounds in 7 days...

    Get 60 ounces of distilled or pure water...
    Add a tablespoon of sugar free cranberry juice...
    Add 1 dandelion root tea bag and...
    Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

    This recipe works because it helps flush out excess water weight you have carrying around in your body and...

    You could lose more than 5 pounds in 7 days depending on how much excess water weight you're carrying around

    First, to "flush" water, which your body regulates naturally, just change your diet to whole and clean foods. Cut the junk, refined sugar, excess sodium, alcohol, and processed garbage out and your body can then function normally.

    If you still want to do this along side make HEALTHY lifestyle changes, what you want is 100% cranberry juice (raw and not from concentrate), not just sugar-free which usually replaces sugar with an artificial sweetener, and you're going to need more than a tablespoon. More like 4oz in 16-20oz of water. Use fresh lemon juice. Also, a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar is better and proven to be good for the body and aids natural detox functions.

    Finally, I'd be remiss to not reinforce that JM is not a Dr, she's a trainer. I'd be hesitant to take medical advice from her or really depend on quick fixes like this for long term weight loss. If you go back to eating as before after doing this, you've done yourself no real favors and you'll be right back where you were before this.
  • It sounds very similar to the Fat Flush of a few years back, only you don't have to drink as much cranberry juice.
  • tina2222
    tina2222 Posts: 94
    i think you forgot to add that you have to keep your sodium for each day under 1000. i kept mine around 800 each day and lost 3kg (6lbs) in 5 days. I am not over weight, nor was i when i did this (i was 130lbs) so i know this does work! i left out the tea and just did the water, cranberry juice and lemon.
  • Just want to remind those that are saying negative things like, it’s a waste of money or just drink lots of water and control your sodium intake or it’s not a magic bullet --Jillian specifically states that this is for losing water weight and therefore you will gain it back if you have a water retention problem. She’s recommending a tea and simple, natural ingredients people, not weird diet pills or the like. Those that understand this and have read the facts, are aware that if you are not retaining a lot of water, you will not lose anything at all. Of course, drinking lots of water is beneficial and in a way a detox, but we’re talking about a different way to do it with a bit more results. That being said, aside from losing water weight, dandelion tea is beneficial for your kidney, blood, liver, digestive track, even your skin. So if you find out you don’t have excessive water weight because you didn’t lose much or anything at all, you’d have helped a few organs in the process so there is no harm done. Give it a try. Of course, read up on dandelion tea and learn for yourself. We should always do this and use our best judgment. For those of us who have no problem finding it at a local grocery store, $4 to $6 is not an amount to complain about. As for me, I’m not overweight but I retain a lot of water. I’m very conscious of my sodium and carb intake and exercise regularly but due to my conditions, it is inevitable. Lets keep in mind that just because you retain a lot of water, doesn’t always mean you bad eating habits. Either way, no one’s perfect. We know what we have to do but it’s easier said than done. For those that asked, this is not a liquid diet. You eat as usual, that is--healthy nutritious eating. I recommend boiling the water but you may drink it hot or cold. If you prefer it cold, let it cool after it boils, and store it in the fridge. The recipes calls for distilled water so filtered water is not equivalent. Boiling water gets you distilled water. Make sure you use pure cranberry juice with no added sugar and not concentrated. For me, that’s hard to find but not impossible, also use freshly squeezed lemon juice as the bottled kind isn’t always pure. Buying a lemon is cheaper anyway. :)
  • FAisha4842
    FAisha4842 Posts: 1
    Hi all-
    I just started to do Jillian's 5 pound juice cleanse diet. Did anyone see any results?? Also, I'm having trouble finding distilled water, so I'm using normal water. Do you think that'll make any difference?

  • missprincessjenny
    missprincessjenny Posts: 104 Member
    I tried dandelion root tea. It made me vomit. I threw the box away. It's nasty.
  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    Everything that comes out of Jillian's mouth should be flushed.

    Why's that?
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Everything that comes out of Jillian's mouth should be flushed.

    Why's that?

    If it's radical like only drinking magic water and no food for a week, then I have to agree.
  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    Everything that comes out of Jillian's mouth should be flushed.

    Why's that?

    If it's radical like only drinking magic water and no food for a week, then I have to agree.

    I agree that it doesn'tseem like it's a magical weight loss tool, I just wasn't sure if there was any reason to be anti-Jillian?? I've always been impressed with her workouts so wondered if I was missing something. :)
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Everything that comes out of Jillian's mouth should be flushed.

    Why's that?

    If it's radical like only drinking magic water and no food for a week, then I have to agree.

    I agree that it doesn'tseem like it's a magical weight loss tool, I just wasn't sure if there was any reason to be anti-Jillian?? I've always been impressed with her workouts so wondered if I was missing something. :)

    Oh I don't know much about the lady herself or her workouts, just this flush thing sounds a bit...radical :)
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    The roots she suggested as well as the cranberry and the usage of lemon juice help produce bile and move excess water out of the body. I don't think she's suggesting that this is gonna make you lose 5lbs of fat, but help someone flush out water that maybe is not happening yet with just regular water consumption. I just drink hibiscus tea to help cleanse my body if I feel any impurities have been backing up and I'm not sure if I want to try her combination of water, but I'm open to it at some point.
  • AJSarrica
    AJSarrica Posts: 1 Member
    I actually did this a few weeks ago to lose some water bloat for a wedding and I actually lost 4 pounds. I have been on a regular healthy diet and exercise 6 times a week and had hit a standstill and needed a little something extra so I figured what could it hurt. The most expensive thing was the dandelion root which was under $5.00 at the local Whole Foods. I ate just as I normally do and exercised. I don't think it tasted bad either a little different but not bad. If you are looking to drop the excess water I would recommend it.
  • mzsqueakz
    mzsqueakz Posts: 1
    So far I'm on day 5 and I've lost about 5 lbs. so its working for me but no big difference. I continue to eat healthy and in proportions to stay energized, I've refrained from much sodium and watch fat and carb in-take. Any weight loss needs effort so if you think this is going to work wonders for you just by drinking this alone, you're stupid.

    I don't mind the taste and 60oz+ overall is suggested anyway! I don't know people are so shocked, put down the soda and coffee!

    I'll continue this for maybe over a week and see how my body reacts. So far nothing negative but it is tricky trying to lug around a specific 60oz mixture all day or even split up.

    Since starting, the dandelion root tea has definitely been working its wonders as a diuretic. Be aware.
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    Sorry to rain on everyone's parade, but i simply do not see the point in any of these "flushes" or "detoxes", other than lining the wallets of their creators.

    If you simply drink enough water and avoid high sodium, you will lose water weight free of charge.

    There is no 'magic bullet'!

  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,142 Member
    Sorry to rain on everyone's parade, but i simply do not see the point in any of these "flushes" or "detoxes", other than lining the wallets of their creators.

    If you simply drink enough water and avoid high sodium, you will lose water weight free of charge.

    There is no 'magic bullet'!

    Plus the fact that the body will on occasion hold water.....for the rest of your life.
  • I am just starting this since I am going to be bloated this week. I the taste isn't bad and you still eat I don't see what the big deal is.
  • Olivene
    Olivene Posts: 1
    I carry a lot of water weight about once a month like most ladies do... I am on the final day of this cleanse an have lost a total of 10lb! I've been eating well and exercising so Im fairly certain it's not ALL thanks to the cleanse... I like to detox before I start a new diet plan. This time I switched from low carb to low cal, changing it up works well for my body and I like to start fresh with a detox. If anyone is thinking of trying this I highly suggest it! The only thing I've seen that works better is advocare cleanses, but they tend to break the bank!
  • reannont
    reannont Posts: 9 Member
    I just started it, and i dont see what all the negative ideas come from. its not like ur cutting out food. its drinking the recommended amount of water a day with a little lemon and cranberry juice. And danelion tea is great for you. So all the "its bad for you" comments seem crazy to me. The taste isnt bad either, its absolutley different kind of has a licorice tast to it. Good luck fellow dieters!
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    Everything that comes out of Jillian's mouth should be flushed.

    Why's that?

    If it's radical like only drinking magic water and no food for a week, then I have to agree.

    No one said anything about no food, as a matter of fact you drink this in addition to your eating. You just got to be more strict than usual about what you eat that week. And like she said, its temporary, like if you have an event to go to. Not a magic fix. People need to get their panties out of a twist.
  • QueenGorgo
    QueenGorgo Posts: 75 Member
    I've done the flush and it actually did help me get rid of about seven pounds of water weight..of course the main "secret" behind the flush is that you drink a LOT of fluids during the day which helps to relieve the retention. I made a couple of changes to the recipe and I really found that it not only improved the taste but I think it helped the results as well.

    *If you're having trouble finding distilled water it's at Wal-Mart and it's under a dollar a gallon but by the end of the flush I was using about 70 ounces of water just because I'd drink my daily amount so early in the day. But distilled water really is the best to use, it's supposed to be the most chemically pure. I've read a lot that it's not good for you but for every positive article you read there's a bad one so for me it washes out even (pardon the pun)
    *I used two dandelion root tea bags and two ginger root tea bags but you can use one of each, I just have a higher tolerance maybe...
    *Sugar free cranberry juice is much more expensive but it's worth it in the end..I didn't measure anything though, just counted 1 Mississippi twice..not scientific but it worked out well for me :)
    *I added lemon juice to the recipe again using the 1 Mississippi count twice
    * I added organic apple cider vinegar ( 2 seconds worth)
    *around six packets of Splenda- it doesn't make it sweet, more like it just cuts down on the amount of sourness

    I really liked the way it tasted, so it wasn't hard to drink it throughout the day. I alternated drinking that with some iced honey chamomille tea so by the end of the day I was topping 90 ounces a day..of course I use the bathroom a TON..but by the end of the week I used the bathroom less.

    The whole key to the flush is that it makes you commit to drinking a lot more fluid than you would normally drink..I honestly think that's a main part of the "magic" to it all..but of course you won't keep the "water weight" off if you don't continue to drink enough water so that you don't become dehydrated.

    I added the Ginger tea bags mainly because they help with digestion as well as helping to cleanse my liver also..maybe it's just me but eating healthier has resulted in a lot of bloating so these tea bags help a ton with that.

    My last weight loss goal was to lose 15 pounds..if I can stay hydrated and continue to keep off the excess fluids (with fluctuations of course) then I've gotten myself into a great posistion to reach my goal...this is a great tool I'll use maybe once a month or so just to help my body process and remove toxins a little easier..hope this helps someone out there!!

    Oh yeah one more thing..I didn't do anything as radical as not eating..that just doesn't work on any level for me..I eat healthy- I don't eat excess sodium or sugar and I add a lot of fruits and Greek Yogurt (my new obsession). If you work out- you need food for fuel, if you just sit on the couch all day- you need food for fuel (even if it's only enough energy to get up and go to the fridge). Besides- any weight you do lose would probably be muscle because your body has got to have some sort of source of energy to sustain itself..I'm curious to know if anyone out there went commando and didn't eat..I mean loving food probably got me into trouble in first place but it seems rather extreme to eat only a little watermelon and asparagus...
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