I am angry..........

that I can only have 1270 calories a day and I only have it set for one pound a week! I hate being short!!!! I hate that even with exercise calories I still end up going over without eating what I would consider alot. I have just said F it for the past couple of days pretty much and I really hope to pull it together tomorrow and get back on track. Thanks for listening to my rant.


  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    Eat your BMR instead of what myfitnesspal sets for you. You can look up bmr calculators and do a search on here for what and why you should at least eat your bmr

    edit to say: i'm short to 5'2" and my daily goal is my bmr @ 1690
  • MicheleVer2
    MicheleVer2 Posts: 76
    I'm 5'2 and it has me set at 1200 calories a day.. I have the opposite problem.. I actually find myself having trouble eating the 1200 calories, much less all the calories it wants me to eat after working out..

    What sort of things are you eating?

    If you cut out processed foods and stick to meat, veggies, fruit.. it's all rather low calorie and you still get to eat A LOT. I am never hungry but I eat a lot of chicken, black beans, and spinach/broccoli.

    Maybe try eating food that is really filling but very low in calories?
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, I'm NOT short and MFP also gave me 1270 at a 1lb loss rate.

    What the other said... figure out your TDEE and eat at those numbers. You'll still see results only without starving :)
  • bawalker11
    bawalker11 Posts: 78
    I have the same issue!!! I am under my goal today, but I have felt full all day after every mean, sticking to lean meat vegetables and fruit and unless I stuff myself with these things I just wont make it. I am 5'2 also and at 1200 calories a day
    I'm 5'2 and it has me set at 1200 calories a day.. I have the opposite problem.. I actually find myself having trouble eating the 1200 calories, much less all the calories it wants me to eat after working out..

    What sort of things are you eating?

    If you cut out processed foods and stick to meat, veggies, fruit.. it's all rather low calorie and you still get to eat A LOT. I am never hungry but I eat a lot of chicken, black beans, and spinach/broccoli.

    Maybe try eating food that is really filling but very low in calories?
  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    I am not short, but I can tell you MFP does give screwy numbers. It gave me around 1700 calories, but from everything I have seen, my BMR (minimum calorie intake) should be around 2000.

    The best way to find what to eat is calculate your BMR and TDEE (I think a website called fitnessfrog has good ones) and then you would make sure you at LEAST eat your BMR bare minimum, but then aim to eat your TDEE - 15-20%. That should fall between your TDEE (high number) and your BMR (low number).

    I seem to be doing better eating over my BMR number than I was eating at what MFP gave me. Although I am struggling to eat that many! But it certainly does not leave me feeling deprived.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I can't see your diary, so I don't know what you're eating, but you might try eating food with more nutrition and "bulk"? I'm an eater…. I love food. But, I know that if I want to be not only at a good weight, but also healthy, I just simply can't eat all that I want to eat - quality or quantity. You have to make a choice about what's most important to you and make peace with whatever your decision is. For example, maybe you wanted to be 120 lbs, but you can "live" with what you can eat at 130 lbs.

    I am 5'6" and was on a 1200 calorie/day for quite some time to lose weight… although I had around 300 addtl cals/day in exercise. In my case, the MFP settings are close to what I was getting anywhere else.

    Now that I'm on maintenance, I did set my MFP daily calories 100 LESS than it was giving me due to what other calculators were coming up with. So I have 1500 cals/day + exercise calories. I could eat WAY more than that… but I wouldn't be happy once the weight came back!

    So, I'm not "emotionally happy" that I have to eat less to maintain my weight, but I am VERY happy with how I look and FEEL now!

    Best of luck to you… it can be a tough hard journey on many levels! But I know if you want it, you CAN do it! Just rant at us on those bad days. We can take it and that's what we're here for!
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    How did you set your lifestyle? Sedentary? Active? Very active? Are you sure it's right? The MFP numbers do seem to work for me but I put a lot of thought into setting it up at the beginning. Is your activity profile set too low? Maybe you're more active than you set.
  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    There is a support group on here that is Eat more to weigh less. I'm just beginning my journey on MFP, but I'm no stranger to weight loss and from my past history, very low calorie doesnt work long term anyway, never has for me anyway. I can loose but cant maintain that lifestyle. I'm changing my diet to reflect healthier choices, cutting out fast food and crap (not all of it, still want the occasional cheez-it LOL) But it's more about portion control. If you really want to know how to loose weight for you, you could just log your regular diet for a week, and then cut out the crap. Sometimes just making one or two changes to your diet will have a huge impact. I have found that if I make too many changes all at once I just cant stick with it.

    This is a long term journey for me, not just to drop the weight, but to be healthy. I'm exercising and with the amount of food I'm eating I have a hard time eating it all. I am only 4'11 and I have my MFP goal set at 1522 and eat back my exercise calories, which amounts to an additional 400 - 700 calories daily (except Sunday which is my rest day).

    I realize that the pounds have not come off for me yet.....but I AM working out and have lost over 14 inches overall, while only loosing 2lbs on the scale........I think that measurements are more important to me than the scale, still learning to put it away.
  • hyfrydle
    hyfrydle Posts: 19 Member
    I have consumed 1200 calories today and don't feel hungry at all:-

    3/4 pint semi skimmed milk allowance
    loads of cups of tea

    2 weetabix
    rosemary conley solo slim carrot and coriander soup
    1 slice wholemeal bread
    weight watchers yoghurt
    rosemary conley solo slim leek and potato soup
    rosemary conley solo slim morroccan chick pea tagine
    rosemary conley chocolate and raisin solo slim bar

    if you choose the right foods you can eat loads!!
  • hyfrydle
    hyfrydle Posts: 19 Member
    i am only doing 1200 calories for 2 weeks then 1400 calories week 3 and 4 and from week 5 it will be 1450 approx. doing this stops your metabolism slowing down. i defo would not follow 1200 for more than 2 weeks. xx
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I'm losing at 1800 - 2000 calories per day. Not at a pound a week, but I'm steadily going down. There is no way I could eat 1200 calories a day for the rest of my life.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I'm 5' exactly and it tells me 1200 calories. About 6 out of 7 days, I'm under my calorie goal.
    I don't eat meat. I eat veggies, fruits, beans. I snack only occasionally.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member
    You can calculate your BMR here on MFP http://www.myfitnesspal.com/tools/bmr-calculator

    If you are honest in your Activity Level, and you know your BMR, you can set your goals appropriately. Obviously, unless you are very obese, don't set your calories below your BMR.

    If the Goals Tool here sets your calorie recommendation below your BMR, then you have chosen a too-aggressive per-week goal. Adjust accordingly. It's just a garbage in/garbage out Tool.

  • Vi0l33t
    Vi0l33t Posts: 117 Member
    How did you set your lifestyle? Sedentary? Active? Very active? Are you sure it's right? The MFP numbers do seem to work for me but I put a lot of thought into setting it up at the beginning. Is your activity profile set too low? Maybe you're more active than you set.

    the numbers mfp gives me work for me also. remember that if your activity level makes a constant change it's time to change your stats. If you've lost a significant amount of weight it's time to update your goals. and if you stress over it losing weight will be harder. Also, try changing your eating habits. small snack sized meals instead of large meals throughout the day. Water is also a factor. Water helps your body digest and helps you feel full.
  • MercGem
    MercGem Posts: 7
    Thanks for the info you gave the orignal blogger. Fitness frog was very helpful. Now that I have some info to work with, I'm hopeful that I will be able to get back on track soon.