Lost 44 Pounds And Still HATE My Body



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Wow..........both of you lost another 20 or more pounds!! I hope you feel AWESOME now!! :flowerforyou:
  • kokonutmama
    I've been as much as 35 lb heavier than I am now and I can tell you that there's not much difference between my attitude about my body then and now. I can also tell you that there is a huge difference between my attitude about my body when I was 15 (wait, no, 12!) lb slimmer and now. When you get closer to your "right" weight, I think you'll feel better. There's light at the end of the tunnel, yet! Keep up the good work and you'll get there. :flowerforyou:
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    Have someone take a picture of you. I didn't realize what a difference my weight loss made on how I looked until I saw some photos. I actually didn't even recognize myself for a second. I still remember saying to my husband, "Is that what I really look like now?!" He thought I was crazy.
  • twilight1542
    I am currently 198 pounds, and I look at others around that weight, and to me, they seem so much smaller than I am..

    Girl you look awesome! And don't forget that the opposite is also true! I weigh 186 & wish my body had the definition & silhouette yours does. I still wouldn't be caught in outfit like your weighing in your current pic b/c of all my lumps & bumps.

    I do feel your pain though! When I look in the mirror I don't see a 49lb difference unless I'm clothed b/c a lot of my previously tight have gotten soo loose that they're starting to look funny.

    BUT I have been taking weekly photos from all angles in the same clothes (at least same top) & when I made a side by side of all them from week 1 & a few weeks ago I could see a huge difference. I honestly don't know when I'll be happy with my body because I don't recall a time I have ever been anything other than obese, but I'm hoping to get there someday. Just remember that we're always our own worst critic :))
  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    From what I see you look fabulous! Do not hate your body. If you hate it now you will not like it in 20lbs from now. You need to love yourself for what you are and who you are! Do not beat yourself up. Find what you love about yourself and begin to love who you are! You are beautiful. Do not look down on yourself! You have done amazing work and you will continue doing what you do!
  • miaangel345
    You look AMAZING in your picture! When I look in the mirror I feel the same as I did 60 lbs heavier but now I am 60lbs lighter and in better shape than ever!

    Even though I am trying to lose 30 more pounds I know that I am on a positive track to that goal and so are you, good luck to you on your journey!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I still feel that I am bigger than I am. When I go to buy new clothes because the old ones are falling off, I always think that the new size will be way too small. I am always amazed when it fits me. I used to wear a size 26 and am now down to a 16. ( 14 is some tops). I have lost 13 inches off my hips and 10 inches off my waist but I still feel like the old me.

    I really hope this changes soon but I spent a few decades being that big, I don't think it will change over night. Obviously, the logical part of me knows that I am smaller, it is just the emotional part of me that is slow.
  • Maria061
    Maria061 Posts: 118
    You had done a very, very good job, to loose 44lbs, that is a nice number. Did You did measurement before You start? I did my number, I can see them going down weight/measuremen and I am very excited..
    Just continue what You had be doing, special if You want to loose more, be strong for Your self.

    Cheer Your self, with something like, a nice hair cut, nails done ...

    Good luck to You, :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    I just looked at your pics and you have gone through SUCH a transformation! I can see a world of difference and you are so beautiful!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I agree with the prior posters, fantastic difference in pics. For me the key is pictures. When I see a picture of myself, it looks much different to me than looking in the mirror. The human mind is a strange thing. I can't explain it. I just figure that whatever the picture shows is the true way I look.

    I still have a ways to go, but at least I am not where I started in April!!! Good luck, and keep thinking positive. For me the thing that helps keep my perspective is to run in to someone I don't see often and have them comment on how much smaller I am. I visited relatives I had not seen since the end of 208 and my aunt marveled at the change. I had dinner with friends and one of them referred to me as "skinny" Of course I told her she needed her eyes checked:laugh: but it still feels good to hear!!