How do I get rid of the "love" handles that I hate.



  • callmecaptain
    You may never lose them. If they bother you, look into liposuction.

    This is terrible advice and very discouraging. Love handles are difficult to lose because most people do not property train their core. Focus on true core exercises especially those that engage your inner and outer oblique and you'll start to see them go away. Strength training and building lean muscle around your body will help to get rid of those stubborn fat reserves

    I don't think that's terrible advice, even if I wouldn't do it. The idea that you can mold your body into any shape you want merely through diet and exercise is inaccurate. I think the OP should keep losing weight and exercising to see if she can get rid of the fat without surgery. But she may not be able to. Some things bug people a lot.

    You can mold your body into a certain shape when it comes to losing fat. She isn't talking about making her hip bones more narrow or changing her bodies tendency to hold fat. She needs to change the amount of fat in her body and these reserves will disappear leaving only the muscles to show. This happens at around 15-17% body fat for women. For people to say its impossible or needs surgery they are just leaning on the fat disgusting lazy lifestyle of today's western world and trying to blame genetics for their flaws instead of their lack of ambition and hard work.

    People that believe plastic surgery is the answer should not be allowed to post on this site! There is nothing more defeating, than to say to someone, hey you are never going to be able to do it just go see a doctor and cut or have it sucked off!!!!!!

    We live in such a superficial world! I promise you that if you start doing a full body tone you will shrink those trouble spots and completely love the skin you’re in and if not then maybe your problem area isn’t the problem, maybe you need to work on self-acceptance and tune out what society considers being normal now!
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    I have the same problem! I did notice though that I lose weight on my legs, arms, face first. Last fall I was just starting to see my midsection decrease when I fell off the wagon :explode:

    Keep at it! Im doing more core workouts this time around in hopes of faster results :smile:
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    People that believe plastic surgery is the answer should not be allowed to post on this site! There is nothing more defeating, than to say to someone, hey you are never going to be able to do it just go see a doctor and cut or have it sucked off!!!!!!

    No one said that. They said that some people do require plastic surgery to treat certain areas that bother them even after they've lost all unhealthy weight.

    ... I promise you that if you start doing a full body tone you will shrink those trouble spots and completely love the skin you’re in and if not then maybe your problem area isn’t the problem, maybe you need to work on self-acceptance and tune out what society considers being normal now!

    You're contradicting yourself. Self-acceptance is wonderful, but the issue was whether the OP can lose the love handles. What she decides to do is up to her. I've learned not to judge people who try to fix things that really bother them, although I'd never recommend plastic surgery.
  • callmecaptain

    People that believe plastic surgery is the answer should not be allowed to post on this site! There is nothing more defeating, than to say to someone, hey you are never going to be able to do it just go see a doctor and cut or have it sucked off!!!!!!

    No one said that. They said that some people do require plastic surgery to treat certain areas that bother them even after they've lost all unhealthy weight.

    ... I promise you that if you start doing a full body tone you will shrink those trouble spots and completely love the skin you’re in and if not then maybe your problem area isn’t the problem, maybe you need to work on self-acceptance and tune out what society considers being normal now!

    You're contradicting yourself. Self-acceptance is wonderful, but the issue was whether the OP can lose the love handles. What she decides to do is up to her. I've learned not to judge people who try to fix things that really bother them, although I'd never recommend plastic surgery.

    Plastic surgery comment was meant to be a general comment for everyone on this site that I see suggesting it to fix the problems. That and liposuction! Both were mentioned as an answer to the problem on this thread.

    Not sure how I contradicted myself, you would have to explain further, maybe I just worded something the wrong way.:smile:
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Lay on your side and do a crunch.. you might need help at first if your balance is as bad as mine.. =/ Or start out doing leg lifts on your side.. Love handles don't get much of a work out with normal exercise..
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    I'd say that if you have only 7 more pounds to lose then some of that is likely stored in your love handles. Obliques and other side exercises can make the fat appear thinner because there is more muscle behind it, but weight is weight and fat is fat. You may have a predisposition, as stated early, towards love handles. That doesn't mean they won't go away, but it will take time. Last time I lost all the excess weight I had, back in my 20s, they were the very last thing to go, and that was after years of working out and dieting.
  • HeHealsMe
    HeHealsMe Posts: 179 Member
    I have had those freakin' love handles almost all my life, and i am over fifty.:angry:
    I have noticed that if I am 20 or more pounds overweight, they come.

    I have used a combination of diet, and exercise to rid myself of them:happy: .

    The exercises I do are:
    Side bends: Hips shoulder width apart, both arms straight out to the side, and then alternate bending to the right and left, 3 reps of 15 to tart and then build up.

    Also, do the same exercise, with 5 pound barbells, arms straight don, and do left side 15 reps, then right side 15 reps.
    Then, if I want to get jiggy with it, I alternate those too, but it is harder to keep perfect form with the weights.

    I think why it works for me, is that I do each of the exercises slowly, in good form. I don't rush those ones.

    BTW, my daughter also has them..and she did have LIPOSUCTION..they went away for about 4 months, but when she gained weight they have come home to stay.

    Hope this helps, Nicolette
  • odell47
    odell47 Posts: 8 Member
    I have read through all the comments and I want to thank you all for the ideas. I know my core is a problem area so with that said I am going to start doing some exercises that were mentioned above. Thanks again!!
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    side crunches, any oblique excerises with weights. I know u can't "spot reduce" but those excersises helped me! herers a link that will give u an idea..

    ^ Great site - thank you for sharing.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Also throw in squats and deadlifts... those really work the core and stabilizing muscles since you are trying to keep up right and good form.. which means holding the abs tight.
  • BumbyDog
    BumbyDog Posts: 70 Member
    side crunches, any oblique excerises with weights. I know u can't "spot reduce" but those excersises helped me! herers a link that will give u an idea..

    ^ Great site - thank you for sharing.

  • odell47
    odell47 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the site.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    One last thing. Keep in mind that if your body doesnt have enough muscle mass it will be harder for it to show. Sometimes it takes a person to add 20 lbs of muscle and then to start cutting again in order for a person to get a lot of definition. This can be especially common in those who lost a good deal of lean body mass during their weight loss journey. There is a huge difference between a body that is 145 @ 18& body fat and 125 @18% body fat. Unfortunately, gaining muscle means gaining weight and its totally against most peoples plans.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Plastic surgery comment was meant to be a general comment for everyone on this site that I see suggesting it to fix the problems. That and liposuction! Both were mentioned as an answer to the problem on this thread.

    Not sure how I contradicted myself, you would have to explain further, maybe I just worded something the wrong way.:smile:

    You were creating an easy straw man to knock down. No one said that plastic surgery is always the answer or that it should be the first thing to consider. I was very clear in my responses, and I think the meaning of the other person who suggested liposuction was pretty clear, too.

    As for contradicting yourself, first you assured the OP that she could lose her love handles, which may not actually be the case, as I and the other person pointed out. Then you said that if she couldn't magically reshape her body -- a concession on your part -- that she should learn to love herself, and if she couldn't, that reflected some deeper problem.

    That was contradiction with a full helping of gratuitous judgment.

    One of the hardest parts of weight loss and fitness, especially if you are perfectionistic, is that it's a lot of hard work and you ultimately are working with genetically imposed limitations. Not everyone gets the "perfect" body just because they worked hard.
  • GabrielleZelda
    GabrielleZelda Posts: 190 Member
    Don't eat extra calories...or plastic surgery.

    How helpful.

    Seriously though, I have the exact same problem area! We are women, it's normal for us to store fat around our hips. So, it's always the laaaast place to go, unfortunately.
    Of course, doing core exercises will help build firm muscle underneath, but it really is all about cardio! The most weight you lose, the closer youw ill be to losing the handles.

    My problem, is that I think out a little too much on top, so the lower half looks even bigger! If you have this issue as well, I find doing more strength exercises on top - to bulk up a little, tends to balance out my body :).

    Good luck!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Of course, doing core exercises will help build firm muscle underneath, but it really is all about cardio! The most weight you lose, the closer youw ill be to losing the handles.

    My problem, is that I think out a little too much on top, so the lower half looks even bigger! If you have this issue as well, I find doing more strength exercises on top - to bulk up a little, tends to balance out my body :).

    Good luck!

    I'm sorry, I know you were trying to be helpful...but this post is 150% inaccurate...and is perpetuating some semi harmful myths.

    First, if you want to cut healthy weight, cardio alone is not the answer. Strength training alone, or strength training with cardio, is far, far more effective at cutting fat off your body. Note...I said fat...not weight. Who cares about weight? Most of us have very, very beautiful bodies hiding under our layer of fat. And here's the wonderful thing. If in fact, you get yourself to a healthy bodyfat level with strength training, and feel your body is still to bulky (note, bulky does NOT mean muscular in this sentence, it means...BULKY)...simply increase your deficit slightly, back off the strength training and do steady state cardio alone. This will cut muscle beneath your healthy level of bodyfat, and you'll slim out even more.

    I've yet to see a person who felt the need to do this though, once they're at a healthy bodyfat level.

    The second part of your post that needs to be adressed, is that you've said to use strength training on your upper body to 'bulk up' and 'balance' your proportions. The fact is, if you are eating at a calorie deficit in order to burn can't bulk up anything. You can't build new muscle period. The a woman, that this kind of game plan will cause extra glycogen to be stored in the muscles of your upper body. Yes...this will cause a very slight increase (for women), in visible muscle size...but not enough to 'balance' anything. It will also cause weight gain (although you shouldn't care because it's just water).

    So again...a full body strength training regimen (I recommend Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5...there are womens support groups for those on this forum), performed 3x a week on non-consecutive days, moderate cardio 2-3 days a week (if at all), at LEAST one full day of rest...preferably two...and you'll be shocked at how quickly your love handles fly off.
  • Super323
    Super323 Posts: 9
    Weight will shape your body I promise. Don't be afraid to tone, beside weight training will allow to burn an additional calories 2 hrs after you have lifted
  • Annafly3
    Annafly3 Posts: 63
  • MrzBlessedLady
    MrzBlessedLady Posts: 171 Member
    I had love handles when I was way smaller...which was 5 years ago LOL, but I exercises that targeted my obliques and they went away. There is an exercise I now do called the X Pivot which helps alot. You can find it on this AB workout video
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Weight will shape your body I promise. Don't be afraid to tone, beside weight training will allow to burn an additional calories 2 hrs after you have lifted

    For as much as 24hrs after you've lifted, actually. The thing is...the calories burned aren't the benefit to strength training. Its the hormonal response promoted. When you lift heavy enough weights where you can only complete 5-8 good form reps...your body produces substantial amounts of growth hormone and adrenalin. These hormones are catalysts that protect lean mass, and significantly aid in the oxidation of adipose tissue.

    What that means is they protect your muscles, and light a significant fire that burns bodyfat.