This whole "moderation" thing...



  • erh12275
    erh12275 Posts: 40 Member
    It may be more of a CAN'T HAVE than a moderation thing. I have found there are some things I just can't have. For instance, I found last night I can not allow myself Cheetos puffs. Why? Because I said I was just going to have the 13(one serving). Well 3 servings later I finally stopped myself. I even counted out the 13...but, it didn't work because I went back and got the bag. So NO MORE Cheetos for me. Perhaps brownies are a no more for you?
  • AngieSchaible
    AngieSchaible Posts: 84 Member
    An easy fix to stop yourself from snacking on too many chips is to buy the chip bags made for school lunches. instead.

    It works for me just buying the pringles in their little snack tubs then buying the tall can .

    I just eat 1 tub then I'm forced to stop because unlike the can their isn't any left over to keep munching on lol
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    It's not just brownies, I was using that as an example. Cookies, brownies, cupcakes, cake, chocolate... basically anything sweet seems to be my problem. I can control myself fine with chips, it seems, but sweet dessert type things I can't.
  • AngieSchaible
    AngieSchaible Posts: 84 Member
    Uh Special K makes some nice tasting sweet bars with only 90 calories which can tame any sweet tooth ! lol

    (My favorite flavor would have to be Raspberry Cheesecake)

    Oh and V8 Fusion Juice is nice and sweet with just 150 calories (It keeps me full for a hour or so until dinner)

    Well if your eating a lot of brownies or what ever while watching tv just rid yourself of the eating while watching the tv habit (That's what I'm doing)

    But I at least allow myself 1 or 2 pieces of hard candy or a stick of chewing gum .
  • aldale
    aldale Posts: 118 Member
    I know I eat out of control when I get really hungry. Try to make sure that you are eating often enough that you are not starving when you get home from school. Also ask your parents to keep fruit around the house so that you can eat it when you have sugar cravings. Bring fruit with you for when you get sugar cravings during the day and you are away from home. An apple or a banana is prepackaged LOL and will fit in most purses or backpacks.

    For school, I usually bring 1/2 cup carrots, 1/2 cup snap peas, 1 stalk celery, 1/2 cup mix of broccoli & cauliflower, and an apple. I'm definitely not starving when I get home from school, it just seems like as soon as I walk in the door (which leads straight to the kitchen x.x) everything I've eaten just kinda... disappears.

    Then maybe you need to bring some nuts or a cheese stick, something with protein with you. This may help fill you up so that what you have eaten will not disappear when you get home.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Before you eat something, log it. You're more likely to resist if you knew, going in, how much of your daily allowance is being used up. Also, don't eat a whole brownie. Take say, a quarter of one, and go elsewhere to eat it. That way, you have to make a conscious effort to come back and eat more.

    You may also want to talk to your parents about not buying so much junk food.

    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    I really struggle with. When I get home from school (or on the weekends when I'm home) I have the INTENT of eating healthy and ignoring the plethora of desserts my parents bought (brownies, 3 x different ice creams, popsicles, ice cream bars, chocolate, cookies, etc.) but every day I end up eating sugary things.

    Normally it would be fine, like "one brownie and then I'm done", but once I start, I can't seem to stop. I keep telling myself, "NO, don't do it. Just one. Stop now." but I can't seem to stop.

    It's mostly just desserts, other things I'm fine with.
    Other than a lack of strength and control, what else could possibly be fueling this?
    I'm working on my willpower by making sure that I don't have any sweets and stuff with me during the day (I get intense cravings during school, too) but when I get home, things suffer.... Lately I've been having serious cravings for greasy junk food too, but I've been able to control them. The thing is, halfway through whatever I'm eating-- and once I finish it-- I start feeling really sick and gross and afterwards I feel really nasty and guilty.

    any help would be highly appreciated!! Thank you!

    *EDIT: I forgot to say: I seem to have these cravings a lot BUT the compulsion is a lot more manageable if I know it's not ready (i.e. at home, at school, within a 10 mile radius of me)

    Are you getting enough sugar and good fat in your diet normally? I know eating healthy AND going to school is tough (been there, done that, gained 50lbs), but if you get control of it now, it will be a breeze.

    Here's the way I look at it: Is that one brownie (30G of sugar) worth it? The sugar turns directly into fat which is then stored for later. Plus it spikes your insulin levels (or is it seratonin? As you can tell, I am no doctor, but I am trying to remember what my doctor told me...I am most likely wrong, but you get my basic point). As soon as that brownie hits your mouth, your body is producing insulin, which causes you to spike.

    Because I continually 'cheated,' I am now pre-diabetic. If I don't lose the weight and change my eating style, I will get type 2 diabetes. I know it's one of those things where "That'll never happen to me with this one brownie/scoop of ice cream/everythingthattastesdelicious" but they add up. Before you know it, even though you exercise and eat properly normally, you'll have gained 5-8 pounds a year.

    Again, ask yourself: is that brownie worth it? If not, eat an apple and sprinkle some cinnamon on it instead. =) It's got less sugar, but it's still sweet and tasty.
  • 9jenn9
    9jenn9 Posts: 309 Member
    I have no willpower with refined sugar. I used to belong to weight watchers. They had a concept that used a stop light. Green light foods were foods that you can keep around, that you can eat in moderation with no binges. Yellow light foods are ones that you usually can deal with, but sometimes overdo. Red light foods are ones that usually lead to out of control eating. Best not to even keep them in the house. With desserts, I try to eat them out or give away left-overs.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Eating highly processed carbohydrate foods and expecting to have that mythical thing called 'willpower' is like telling telling a crack addict to use his willpower to stay off the crack then handing him a crack pipe...

    Start eating foods high in protein and fat, and limit your carbohydrates to vegetables, and when you're feeling comfortable with this, then maybe even try experimenting with some tubers (eg. sweet potatoes). Eat some fruit, as an every now and then food, maybe tops of 2 serves a day. Avoid any grains.

    The above diet will take time to transition into, but you will find yourself being far more sated and in control of your mood, emotions and appetite which will lead to more in-control eating habits. Don't expect to not slip up if you try this though, any major shift isn't easy.

    Most important, find what works for you.

    This was very nearly going to be my exact post. The fruits are likely fueling your craving for sweets, and if you are getting them while you're away but get home and your cravings continue and there isn't any fruit, you are likely to binge on sweet snacks. Sweet foods (I have found personally) cause carvings for more sweet foods, and before you know it, you've consumed the entire sleeve of Oreos.

    I limit my fruits to twice a day, OR, I have them with a protein, like mixing my strawberries and cantaloupe with cottage cheese. I had sweet bbq almonds this evening and I could really go for some oreos, or cookies or anything sweet. My willpower is also very weak, but I've already closed out my diary, so bed is next, not the fridge...
  • siobhano_
    siobhano_ Posts: 101
    You need to force yourself to cut them out completely, even if just for a little while. Try nuts or peanut butter instead?
    I found that the less I eat stuff like that, the less I end up wanting it. I used to have a chocolate muffin or two after school, even when I really didn't want to, but now I don't see them as something I MUST have, I just don't have the carb loaded sweet tooth now. Also, try dark chocolate, or coffee beans coated in chocolate. They're strongly flavoured which might mean you eat less. And guzzle a glass or two of icecold water before you touch the brownies, if you're really, really full you won't want to eat anything
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    Moderation is hard for me, too. I cut out all added sugars for a week. natural sugars, like in fruits, grains, etc are ok, but no sugars that have to be added to foods were allowed. it was really hard, and ketchup did find its way to my plate. But I told my family and friends that I was doing this. I was holding myself accountable, but they were there for support. Have you talked to your parents about why you want these things out of sight? it sounds like your mom understands, but does your dad? If you explain why, and ask for help from him, it might work, or at least stop him from slipping you treats.

    Also, check if you are hungry, or if you are thirsty. Drink a glass of water first. find a natural flavouring that you'd like in it. Frozen berries, wedge of lemon... and drink that down first.

    Or try a sweet-protein combo. I like 30g raw whole almonds and 1tbsp of chocolate chips. Pre bagged and kept in the fridge for when the ice cream is calling your name.
  • kabarnes45
    kabarnes45 Posts: 89 Member
    There are just some foods i can not be responsible about- brownies, nutella, peanut butter cups, pizza... I do not eat these unless only a single serving is available (for example can not buy a whole pizza, but can go to a pizzaria that sells single slices). When faced with a pan of brownies, I literally say to them "I am not fooled- you are not a brownie- you are gateway brownies". It is a little bit crazy but seems to work.
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    Before you eat something, log it. You're more likely to resist if you knew, going in, how much of your daily allowance is being used up. Also, don't eat a whole brownie. Take say, a quarter of one, and go elsewhere to eat it. That way, you have to make a conscious effort to come back and eat more.

    You may also want to talk to your parents about not buying so much junk food.

    this is a big help for me, i will usually try to plan out my day (as much as possible) ahead of time and log it in. that way when i am at home or work and there is a plate of cookies or whatever i am less tempted because i already know what i am eating for the day and my calories are already spoken for. now once in a while a brownie or bowl of ice cream wont kill you but logging it ahead of time and trying to fit it into you daily limit will help keep me from eating half a carton of ice cream or a dozen cookies like i used to do.
  • normanmac
    normanmac Posts: 34
    I didn't read all the posts so maybe someone said this....but maybe your parents could make themselves a snack cupboard that was say like over the fridge where it's a bit awkward to reach....and they could keep their junk food there and you could avoid seeing it altogether? That said, and being a parent myself, I'd think they'd want to help you in your endeavor to become healthy.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I didn't read all the posts so maybe someone said this....but maybe your parents could make themselves a snack cupboard that was say like over the fridge where it's a bit awkward to reach....and they could keep their junk food there and you could avoid seeing it altogether? That said, and being a parent myself, I'd think they'd want to help you in your endeavor to become healthy.

    I don't know if anyone else said that, but I think it's a great idea. I've asked people to do that. Out of sight out of mind.
  • plyosteph
    plyosteph Posts: 17
    Moderation isn't fun. Feeling guilty isn't fun either. So do what you want. Just workout to makeup for it :)