I am new to MFP and saying Hi

Ralfgar Posts: 6 Member
Hello to all my new MFP friends! My name is Ralph and I am new to this site but not unfamiliar to the type of site, use Spark people before in the past. Since I just turned 47 this month I am starting to feel old so I thought it is about time to do something about it. I am a father of 2 younger children, work 12 hour shifts at a hospital, and always seems like our family is on the go all the time. I am setting some real attainable goals for myself but hope with my wife’s and all of your help I will meet those goals and feel better and younger again.

My goals: eat healthier, exercise more, and loss weight (first goal is 35 lbs) I started at 205lbs and goal is to hit 170 with a loss of 1.5 lbs a week. I am only 5’7” tall so even 5lbs seems to make a big difference in how I look and feel.

How you can help: as I have read here, a lot of you are lacking the motivation to getting started and stay focused and I am no different. I want this but need support until I get a few months into my life style change so that it sticks. You all can help by sharing your stories, tips, ideas, and support. I will do my best to return the favor

Thanks Tons,


  • Welcome and good luck! I have a buys lifestyle too! Its hard to stay focused when you're running around or out of the house all the time. Here for support! Add me if youd like!
  • swoopdj
    swoopdj Posts: 4
    Welcome to MFP Ralph, the people on here are a great support and are always here to help motivate you especially when you hit a plateau or feel disconcerted (as we all do). Like you, I have a hectic work life and I'm working towards a healthier me after a few injuries. You are starting off at the same weight as I myself did (I'm 5'8" and SW of 206 and GW of 175-180). You have made a big step by posting and I hope you get all the support you need in order to reach your goal. Welcome and feel free to add me if you like, Daniel