Throwing up after hard physical exercise

For all you fitness gurus out there... My 23 year old daughter is working hard on getting back into shape after having a baby in December. She has a "friend" who is helping her during her workouts. Calls this friend her personal trainer (but no real certification or education on fitness). So the other day my daughter posts on facebook that she had a really tough workout that day, working out a solid hour. She goes on to say she knows it was a good workout because she threw up twice.

I respond back that it's not good to work out so hard you throw up and make yourself sick.

The "trainer" friend then responds, "Sometimes there is a lactic acid build up in the gut that can only be gotten rid of by throwing up."

Seriously? I've never heard that in my life. I've always read that throwing up is a symptom of dehydration. So fitness gurus, what is the scoop on throwing up during & after a hard physical workout?


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    For all you fitness gurus out there... My 23 year old daughter is working hard on getting back into shape after having a baby in December. She has a "friend" who is helping her during her workouts. Calls this friend her personal trainer (but no real certification or education on fitness). So the other day my daughter posts on facebook that she had a really tough workout that day, working out a solid hour. She goes on to say she knows it was a good workout because she threw up twice.

    I respond back that it's not good to work out so hard you throw up and make yourself sick.

    The "trainer" friend then responds, "Sometimes there is a lactic acid build up in the gut that can only be gotten rid of by throwing up."

    Seriously? I've never heard that in my life. I've always read that throwing up is a symptom of dehydration. So fitness gurus, what is the scoop on throwing up during & after a hard physical workout?
    Lol, lactic acid in the gut........geez. People throw up because they get nauseous working out. It happens when some workout beyond what they may be capable of OR they ate a little too much before exercise.
    Just need to back down a little in the intensity, eat light or only eat well before exercise (and hour and a half is good).

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • marybsalmon
    marybsalmon Posts: 46 Member
    Perfect! That's just what I was thinking. Thanks so much for responding. I'm no expert but I do read a lot and like to research things. But sometimes I have to ask the experts. There are so many people out there who think they know all about fitness. I don't know where they come up with some of this stuff.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    There is no way physiologically that lactic acid can build up in the gut, haha. The muscles that line the GI tract are smooth muscle, and run aerobically, for the most part. They wouldn't ever produce lactic acid, and it wouldn't end up in the stomach if it did, because waste is processed from cells through the bloodstream to the kidneys and liver. People throw up during exercise because they're pushing too hard and their sympathetic nervous system "panics", and ejects the stomach contents, or they just push themselves too hard and that's the reaction their body has to being pushed past a sustainable point to try and stop it.

    Did he make that up because he read key words online somewhere? Sounds like it, haha.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    pushing yourself to hard will cause you to possibly spike your blood pressure or not get enough oxygen to the brain and can make you dizzy (or not). these symptoms make your body believe it has been poisoned, and its first line of defence is to throw up, in hopes of getting rid of something toxic from your system.

    back off the intensity or the secondary reaction kicks in, passing out, which forces you to lay down and breathe normally.
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    The trainer is an idiot...

    We are talking about exersize and not some sort of weird voodoo