Circuit Training vs. Weight Lifting

If I lift weights and do 6 different exercises and abs in 30 minutes, does that count as weight lifting or circuit training on the exercise log because they seem to be very different on MFP. For example, today I did a set of 15 side lat raises then a set of 15 front db raises then a set of 30 abs and then two more sets of that and then the same for the next 4 exercises split into pairs of two. For the two exercises I'll go back to back with abs for all three sets but I'll probably take a few minutes break before I start the next pair of exercises. I'm asking because MFP says 30 minutes of weight lifting is 95 calories while 30 minutes of circuit training is 250 which is a big discrepancy so I don't want to over or underestimate my workouts.

Let me know if you can help! Thanks!


  • AnissaAndrews
    AnissaAndrews Posts: 29 Member
    From what I understand, circuit training would involve cardio mixed in with that. The 30 Day Shred is more of a circuit training workout. A mix of cardio, strength and abs.
    The cardio is what burns the calories--of course, muscle continues to burn calories during your rest.
  • Jordant107
    Jordant107 Posts: 218 Member
    If I lift weights and do 6 different exercises and abs in 30 minutes, does that count as weight lifting or circuit training on the exercise log because they seem to be very different on MFP. For example, today I did a set of 15 side lat raises then a set of 15 front db raises then a set of 30 abs and then two more sets of that and then the same for the next 4 exercises split into pairs of two. For the two exercises I'll go back to back with abs for all three sets but I'll probably take a few minutes break before I start the next pair of exercises. I'm asking because MFP says 30 minutes of weight lifting is 95 calories while 30 minutes of circuit training is 250 which is a big discrepancy so I don't want to over or underestimate my workouts.

    Let me know if you can help! Thanks!
    It doesn't seem like the numbers are right when it comes to lifting weights..................................I guess it's better to underestimate how many calories you burn, but I could have sworn that you'd have to burn more than 95 calories in 30 minutes of intense weight training?!?!? Walking for 10 minutes at a fast pace apparently burns more?!?
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I think that would be more like circuit training if you are not stopping at all. The lower calorie burns for weight lifting pertain to slow lifts with rest in between.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    They're both going to be very inaccurate because how does MFP know how intense your workout was? If you did 30 minutes of weight lifting with 50lb dumbbells versus 5lb dumbbells it's going to make a huge difference. Same with the circuit training.

    If you have to pick one, I'd go with the lower. Circuit training focuses on keeping your heart rate high the whole time (so basically lots of cardio in between sets) so it's gonna be a lot more burned.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    these are the main two categories i use for logging my exercise and i decide which one by the following

    If i lift, and rest in between sets, sit, look at my phone, take a drink of water etc.............then its weight lifting

    when i super set exercises with no rest, and keep moving constantly keeping my heartrate up the whole time...........circuit training
    for this i would say do one set of one exercise, followed by 2-3 sets of different exercises all in a row with no rest, then do crunches or dips for a min, then repeat. no rest.
  • chantalm15
    chantalm15 Posts: 31 Member
    Great thanks guys all your input really helped!!