New..ish! Struggling and need some friends :)



  • VooDooChylde
    VooDooChylde Posts: 36 Member
    I have been doing mfp off and on and am having trouble staying motivated. I like Mfp and think it is better than the programs I have done in the past like atkins and weight watchers. I think I would enjoy mfp a little more if I had a few friends :) So I finally decided to try out the community :) put myself out there and meet more people!!
    I am a 31 yr old stay at home mom of two beautiful kids. I have been struggling with my weight for quite a few years :/ I had great sucess with weight watchers but after going off plan gained it all back and then some....... I recently have had some thyroid issues and am seeing and endo. doc. She thinks I have pcos too. Yay. Not... Anyway I am not going on meds as of right now. I am trying to fight this crap naturally!! I am looking for some friends on here!!! My goal right now is 40-50 lbs. Thanks for reading this post and I look forward to getting to know some new people :)
    thanks for sharing and I would love to help and encourage you! please add me! I log daily.
    ValRAAAAY Posts: 270 Member
    Hey! You can add me if you want! I've been on here regularly since November, and I LOVE the support I get from people all over the world. My weight loss has slowed considerably, but, I'm still going at it with all I have and I refuse to give up! We can do this, together. :-)
  • I've struggled with my weight also since I was 20 on n off...want to get back to 135. Have thyroud problems also go to the dr. every few mos for fu n chest xrays. I've had to have surgery in the past. This is all stress weight gain. Especially the ladt 3 yrs. I've done all diets, WW,, Atkins, cabbage soup, gym, trainers,videos, classes, etc. we can motivate one another n win this!
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)