
Ever feel like your never gonna lose this weight i havent weighed myself this week but i am tomorrow but even with working out alot today dont feel like im losing anything


  • mmarlow61
    mmarlow61 Posts: 112 Member
    MEASURE MEASURE MEASURE. I got to a point the scales were SLOW, so I started measuring and found that even though I was not losing so many pounds, I WAS losing inches!
  • thanks for the tip im gonna pick up one tomorrow
  • MissLexiLoo
    MissLexiLoo Posts: 43
    MEASURE MEASURE MEASURE. I got to a point the scales were SLOW, so I started measuring and found that even though I was not losing so many pounds, I WAS losing inches!

    She's SO right!! Measuring is where it's at :) Muscle weighs more than fat. You could be staying the same weight and loosing inches. Smart lady she is :)
  • tyranelson
    tyranelson Posts: 16 Member
    I totally agree, even though it is a hard reality to face since we are conditioned to search for pounds as the indicator of success. I really wish MFP had a ticker for inches lost! Perhaps they do and I just don't know it...What do you all think? Is that a good idea? That would help someone like me and ashleyb18_may keep things in perspective!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    it IS hard to stay motivated, but you have to do it! I spent 3 months losing 3 pounds, then gaining 2 back...it took me 3 months to lose 7 pounds! 2 weeks ago I decided to go lower carb, and I lost 4.8 pounds the first week--it feels SOOO good to finally be losing. What sucks is that I don't want to share it with a friend of mine--she has been working out harder and longer and hasn't lost a pound :( I think she would feel defeated if she knew that I had lost...
  • wendyco
    wendyco Posts: 122 Member

    Who cares what the scale says? So what if you lost 1 inch in 1 month....that's a WHOLE INCH LESS than before. That's a whole inch less than gaining! I've learned one thing through my journey....sometimes, we are blind to the achievements we accomplish because we still have so much more to go or because we want to see GINORMOUS results FAST, at the end of the day, you are doing this and becoming healthier and fitter. At the end of the day, even if that scale doesn't move, even if what you THINK you see in the mirror hasn't changed, you CAN'T GO WRONG WITH BEING ACTIVE & EATING HEALTHY. You just can't. When I started Insanity, I gained 5 lbs. I realized this: I cannot possibly be doing my body harm by working out, so I kept going. 60 days later, I feel great. I may not look much different, but I can do 50 more switch kicks within 1 minute than when I started. I can feel my ring a little looser, and I do not gasp for air at the top of the stairs. AND THAT is the first step towards becoming healthier.

    Because at the end of the day, you keep this up, the slim body you are looking for WILL come. Some take 3 months, others take 3 years....but you CAN'T GO WRONG WITH LIVING HEALTHIER!

    <3 you'll get there...you'll see!
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    If it's any consolation, I've lost no more than 2lb since the end of last year (Christmas gain and loss not counted) and I'm in the next jean size down - the scales are cheeky lil liars.

    The scales aren't the be all and end all, disheartening as they can be. Clothes tend to be a much friendlier indicator!
  • wrecktechno
    wrecktechno Posts: 145 Member
    Also think to yourself, if I stop now because I haven't lost enough, and in 3 weeks time I've put that weight back on, how will I feel. Because I could have spent those 3 weeks exercising and fair enough, maybe I hadn't lost 5kilograms but I lost SOMETHING which is better than having to re-lose the weight you've just put on through giving up. KEEP AT IT!!!

    Also don't forget it's not all about weight loss. Think of your heart, your knees, your blood pressure. Think of the strength you're gaining, the cardiovascular health. All worth it :)
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    Another thing which can be very motivating is to hook out some clothes that are too tight / no longer fit and start trying them on once a week / fortnight. I've not lost a huge amount of weight, but I HAVE got back into three pairs of jeans / trousers than I love. I'm working my way through all those garments that I couldn't stand to thrown away and that feels better than any number.
    Keep plodding on, it's always worth it.