Feeling discouraged...need some motivation?..

I've recently embraced this new life of eating healthy and working out and I actually saw some results! But the other day I weighed myself and have lost a total of 5 lbs so far, then I weighed myself today before bed and I'm right back where I started! I have completely changed the way I think....i.e. going to the gym 4 or 5 days a week and eating right and I'm growing very frustrated that my hard work pays off then I gain the weight right back (with no cheat days!!) Basically what I'm getting at is, is this normal?? I feel ridiculously discouraged and feel like I just wanna give up even though I know I shouldn't. Am I alone here?..


  • natalie1872
    natalie1872 Posts: 53
    Hello. Im sure you will get plenty of advice following this post, I just want to say don't weigh yourself. You can feel and see the results......and you look great. x
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    Dont be discouraged. You may be gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Dont be in such a rush to see results, it takes time. That has happened to me so many times and on the scales Ive gained weight then 2 weeks later I have a great loss. Can also depend on simple things like water consumption, that time of month etc.... dont be too hard on yourself.
  • imbanter
    imbanter Posts: 72 Member
    Try weighing yourself in the mornings after you've disposed on the days previous intake. After a day of eating and drinking water your weight can vary by several pounds. I hit a streak of two weeks without a pound lost despite watching my calories and working out. However, I do measurements once a week and during that time I lost a total of 1" from my neck; 2 from my belly; and gained a minimal amount in my thighs and calf. Keep doing what you know is right and the results will follow.
  • BunnyLover24
    Don't be discouraged! It is very normal for your body to weigh different amounts throughout the day, depending on your eating and water consumption. They say the most accurate way to weigh yourself is only do it in the morning before you have anything to eat. And put your scale on the hardest surface you have in your house. Some wood floors are softish and can change what your scale says. Keep your weigh-ins around once a week since your weight might fluctuate throughout the week but that doesnt mean that you are losing weight.
    It sounds like you are doing great, though! Keep it up! :)
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    Do not be discouraged. Try this, please weigh in every morning after you go to the restroom but before you eat or drink anything. Try this for one week.. You will always gain two to five pounds if you weigh at night.
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    I go up and down 5 all the time, water retention, that time of the month, what I ate, water consumption, food I ate/sodium levels, etc etc. I can weigh one thing in the A.m and 5 lbs more at night, go to bed and wake up and be 5 pounds thinner.
  • kinghavok
    kinghavok Posts: 104
    Hide the scale and use the tape measure, it doesnt lie and can't hide water weight. Keep pounding at it and trust in yourself, it will get better just not over night.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Hide the scale and use the tape measure, it doesnt lie and can't hide water weight. Keep pounding at it and trust in yourself, it will get better just not over night.

    This^ and take pictures once a month. Sometimes the tape measure may not show what you want either but pictures will.
  • Marque74
    Marque74 Posts: 60
    Don't give up. My advice is to pick a specific day of the week to weigh yourself and stick with that day. Only weigh yourself once a week on this day that you designate as your weigh in day. Also, weigh first thing in the morning when you first get up. It's not good to weigh late in the day. Hang in there. I know you will see the results that you're striving for. Hope this helps.
  • barney50501Missy
    I was feeling the same way a few of weeks ago. I had started 30DS and most people think I was gaining muscle but losing fat...imagine my surprise that I had gained 2 pounds when I weighed. I was pretty fed up at that point because I had been working so hard. But, when I weighed today I was 6 lbs down. Stick with it and like everyone says don't let the scale be the only thing you use to gauge how you are doing. Looser clothes, lost inches, all really tell a better story. Keep up the great work!
  • cholibear
    cholibear Posts: 86
    thank you all a ton! I really appreciate the advice and support. I'm going to stop obsessing with the number on the scale and start focusing on my results!