How serious are you about logging your calories in?



  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    I have never used that feature. But, I am always home and have all the time in the world. I understand that not everyone's schedule allows them the time to always get it in.
  • c8linmarie
    c8linmarie Posts: 358 Member
    I am pretty good about measuring and logging everything, but I always end my day with 100 quick added calories. Not because I had anything I shouldn't have or would be ashamed of, but because no matter how diligent you are, (with 64 different chicken breast entries to choose from in the database) there's always room for miscalculations and as most have said: I'd rather be over than under.

    OK, I can see the benefit of using the quick added calories in this case, but is it all about calories?

    I am always within my macros, so 100 "unaccounted" quick added calories is (to me) negligible.
  • GO_NadZ_xO
    GO_NadZ_xO Posts: 445 Member
    I did do it everyday for a while, on here and another site. But now I dont see that it actually helps me anymore. I know what I ate, how much I eat etc. It's always pretty much the same things so I kind of have a rough idea of how many cals I've had in a day. I rarely log now.
  • mustangbass
    mustangbass Posts: 18 Member
    I'm serious as a root canal. I find it easier to do the quick calories if I am cooking an entire meal. I factor in everything from cooking oil to seasonings. I measure the wine I drink with meals, count the beers I drink. I track just about every place I walk and I walk a lot. Logging has helped me realize how oversized my portions were, including food and alcohol.
  • abbiepql
    abbiepql Posts: 45
    I usually add the quick calories to my breakfast because I have homemade popcycles I eat after I walk my hour. Because it's homemade, I add up all the calories I put into the blender, and divide it by the number of pops I make. The first batch were 36 calories, the last batch was 32 calories each. I know what my quick calories are for, and even though a pop is 32 calories, I still count them, every time.

    You can make those up as a recipe and that way you will be logging all the nutritional value as well. My internist looks over my numbers I log on MFP and he wants to know about other stuff including calories. I got caught a couple weeks back not logging my diet sodas or coffee - he asked to know where my "water" was coming from because he knows I HATE to drink water! LOL

    I have used quick calories as place holders or estimates until I can figure the actual foods eaten, but don't keep them in there.:wink:
  • Karebear_68
    Karebear_68 Posts: 67
    I generally try to log in all of it... I have a few recipes I use and that makes it easy since I am a creature of habit and can eat the same things over and over. But - I usually don't log in housework, etc because if I didn't log in some stuff ( which I think happens when I eat and cannot get to a computer asap) I try to make up for it. I do some sort of cleaning, laundry etc every night when I go home, I try not to just go and sit on my butt. But I only log it in when I a scared I will go way overboard on calories that day! It is all a work in progress!!! Oh, and I didn't even try to finish last night.... I knew I blew it bad and am starting fresh today.
  • cgray
    cgray Posts: 132 Member
    I log everything. I've actually kept a food diary for years. Wanna know what I ate on this date in 2007? I could tell you. I do use the quick add feature at times though, mostly when I'm out to eat or with friends and I don't want them to know I'm writing it down. I need to count calories. If I couldn't count calories I would stop eating, I was anorexic 15 years ago and this is a lingering side effect, but people don't understand. I get a lot of crap for being thin and tracking calories especially when I go out to eat. So, I get sneaky, I enter my calories under the table, in my purse, I act like I'm texting, but I have to enter it so to answer your question I take my diary very seriously and I also quick add.
  • trink68
    trink68 Posts: 48 Member
    I do 99.9% of the time....unless its a cheat day.Which I only do once or twice a month.Almost never use quick add...
  • Crawflowr
    Crawflowr Posts: 106 Member
    I log everything as accurately as I can. There's a little part of me thinks one day I will analyse this data. It will be interesting to answer questions like "how much alcohol I drink". I can't wait for the day when my doctor suggests I should keep a food diary for some complaint or other. It will be so satisfying to say, "here you go will 9 months be sufficient" :)