Another Newbie here!

AstyPasty Posts: 70 Member
Hi All, I actually joined MFP 2 weeks ago and then promptly did nothing! However, I woke up in the middle of the night last night and started fretting about my inability to lose weight and so decided to get on here and start filling in my foods and really get rid of the excess 2 stone that has been bugging me for years.

Ideally I like to lose my weight by September when I'm hopefully going on a cruise but, realise that will be hard, so initially I'd like to lose half of that - so 14 pounds lighter here I come!! I hit the big 50 last year, I'd love it if I reached 51, in August, a stone light.

What I've found the problem is that I do eat pretty healthily anyway and go to the gym every week, I think it's my portion sizes that are too big and also at weekends it all goes to pot when I'm at my partners house and he cooks me massive meals with yummy desserts! All week I can be good as gold then come Friday night it's hopeless!!

Any help and encouragement much appreciated :o)


  • tstead0123
    tstead0123 Posts: 15 Member
    Goog luck to you, you can add me if you want, im new to this 2, 4 days into it, lots of good forums to link up with and get the support you need :)
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    Hi and welcome. I would definitely reduce your portion sizes - eating smaller 5- 6 small meals throughout the day will keep your blood sugar level and stop you feeling too hungry.

    speak to your partner and ask him to cook you healthy but delicious meals on the weekend.

    Feel free to add me & good luck:)
  • nanapapaof5
    nanapapaof5 Posts: 65 Member
    fill free to add me. Been here for over 255+. I love the friends I have made could do this without them. Good luck.
  • DerDude
    DerDude Posts: 170
    Oh yes, I also know that dude! But I still fight against it!

    So feel free to add me.
  • briewakes
    briewakes Posts: 7
    Hope you do well, I've only been on here seriously for a couple of weeks after joining months ago, so you are not alone in that boat. Feel free to add me as a friend anybody, the more friends, the more reason to keep coming back and stay on track that's what I say.

    Good Luck!
  • AstyPasty
    AstyPasty Posts: 70 Member
    Oh wow - so many replies so quickly, what great support here - many thanks!

    Will speak to my other half as suggested and have more small meals rather than huge, fill your plate up ones.