Tummy ache after running?

Hi All,

Does anyone else get a bit of a squiffy tummy after running? I'm getting it pretty much everytime I run now, and I don't think it is food related as I have learnt not to eat much before running.

Usually I have breakfast around 9am, then I'll have a few almonds around 11.30am, and then my run at 1pm.....

Anyone else get this dodgy tummy after running, and/or know what the problem is?

Thanks guys x


  • Yup, I am prone to the Paula Radcliffe syndrome, as my husband calls it!

    Apparently the causes are under debate: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runner's_diarrhea

    Cold comfort for us, eh?
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    i have no idea although i get it when i do alot of cardio
  • sortin
    sortin Posts: 78
    Googled it:
    Physical up and down movement of running, dehydration, or overexertion is what it suggests.

    If you run outside at 1pm, the hottest part of the day, my guess of those three is dehydration.

    Maybe start there?
  • wussygirl
    wussygirl Posts: 3 Member
    IMO you need to eat more before your run. a few almonds in between is probably not enough to fuel your run. Not sure what your distance is, but that is 3 1/2 hours since a significant meal. You might try a protein bar about an hour before you run. I usually have a PB and whole grain muffin or a protein bar about an hour before my run (I usually do 4-5 miles 4-5x per week) and this is enought to fuel my run, but not too much to make me ill.
  • jbing07
    jbing07 Posts: 46 Member
    It is because you are doing cardio and it is probably your abs working. When you do any kind of cardio exercise, that is when you are doing the most toning. Also, if it is your stomach bothering you, you might be drinking too much water too fast. Hope this helps.
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I have the same issue. I've tried different things to see what helps and so far, for me, not eating before running helps. Also, the longer I wait to go out (and the warmer it gets) it's harder on my body. The last two days I ran and realized if I wait when the heat has picked up (the first morning) I had a stomach issue. The second morning I ran was about an hour earlier and it was less hot out and I didn't have a problem. I know, sounds crazy but that's just what I've noticed.
  • Joe_Momma
    Joe_Momma Posts: 1
    From a physiological viewpoint, I would say it is just the way your body reacts after a long bout of exercise. When the body performs work like distance running, blood is shunted away from non-essential organs, like those involved in the digestive process, to the extremities. When there is not a lot of blood supply to the digestive system, it tends to expel whatever is in there in one of two ways: diarrhea or vomiting. Not everyone is like that and we all have different tolerance levels related to exercise. I hope this helps. :smile:
  • kmel2479
    kmel2479 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm sorry to sound dumb, but I noticed yesterday that while my legs were ok to continue running, my stomach felt like I had done a million crunches at once with no release and then relaxed. Does this make sense? That sort of lactic acid build up feeling. Is that because all the blood has gone to other parts of the body as well? I am just wondering if my core needs a lot of strengthening or if this is common or what?! I'm new to running(clearly:tongue: ) and just want to make sure I am doing it right, lol!
    From a physiological viewpoint, I would say it is just the way your body reacts after a long bout of exercise. When the body performs work like distance running, blood is shunted away from non-essential organs, like those involved in the digestive process, to the extremities. When there is not a lot of blood supply to the digestive system, it tends to expel whatever is in there in one of two ways: diarrhea or vomiting. Not everyone is like that and we all have different tolerance levels related to exercise. I hope this helps. :smile:
  • alemap67
    alemap67 Posts: 13
    dehydration....make sure you drinking enough before during and after. This is with any type of physical activity.
  • fontinathefox
    fontinathefox Posts: 124 Member
    I get this as well sometimes, it can be after running or after zumba. I don't think it's necessarily to do with what/how much you're eating, it's just quite a common phenomenon and nothing to really worry about. It doesn't feel nice but it's nothing harmful. I've read that it's to do with the blood rushing back to your intestines when you finish working out but not sure how correct that is since I'm not a doctor.
  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    Hey everyone + thanks for all of your really helpful replies. It's nice to know that what I get is quite common, although it's not a nice feeling obviously!

    I am only running 5-6km so I can't see it being a distance thing...

    I tried the eating before running when I first started out and it really did not work well for me at all. So now I have the handful of almonds, just to keep me going until lunch after my run.

    The dehydration thing is interesting, because I am someone who just does not drink much at all. I am trying to get more fluids in but I just never feel thirsty :-/