HELP!! Bride to be stuck in a rut!

Hi All- my goal is to lose 40lbs by September so I can start trying on wedding gowns for my wedding next year. I just started dieting this past week and i feel like there is no change... so of course i get discouraged :( can anyone share succesful tips that they've done that shows wieght loss?! I'm looking for any support possible ( other than from my friends family and fiance) =)


  • mpeace1406
    mpeace1406 Posts: 76 Member
    It is hard to say without seeing your food diary, but don't forget that for women, our body weight can fluctuate from week to week without having anything to do with our diet. So that's that haha. But if you stuck to your calories and didn't go too much over or under, then just stick to it and you will see results. If you want to try some different things, you could always up your water intake and work out a bit harder. But don't worry, so long as you are sticking to your calorie plan, you will see results. The only time I have not lost weight or gained weight while on myfitnesspal was when I just simply didn't follow it. Good luck!
  • rosiec88
    rosiec88 Posts: 6
    thanks so much!!! being a woman stinks sometimes! haha thats my goal for this week... up my water and do more cardio!!
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    40 lbs by September is kind of pushing it; 2 lbs a week is pretty much the fastest you can expect to lose safely and sustainably. September is in 15 weeks, so if you managed to keep your net calories low enough for the entire summer, you could reasonably expect a 30-lb loss by the first weekend in September, which is still nothing to sneeze at if you can accomplish it. If your wedding timeline will allow you to begin the dress search a few weeks later, you can hit that 40 lb mark.

    That said, you've been doing this for seven days, max. It's going to take time to show - you didn't gain all the weight in a week and you won't lose it that fast, either, so just be patient. I suggest weighing yourself less often - twice a month (i.e., every other week), max. If you even choose to weigh yourself at all that is--I don't know how big you are now, but you might get more reinforcement out of taking your measurements regularly. MFP has a widget somewhere in the Check-In section for tracking the measurements of your neck, waist, and hips; there are some bodyfat% calculators that have you take that measurement as well as your bust, arm, and thigh.

    Overall, though, you should focus more on improving your diet to something you can stick to indefinitely, and finding an exercise you enjoy doing. Fitness is not a "quick-fix"--you are changing the way you /live/, because if you don't continue living like this after you reach your goal, all the fat you lost will find its way home again.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    Are you going to be able to maintain that weight loss until your wedding next year? I think you should be very honest and realistic about what is do-able here. Also, I think you should start thinking about what sort of dresses will flatter the body you have as well as the body you want.
  • cmayfield3
    cmayfield3 Posts: 176 Member
    Are you going to be able to maintain that weight loss until your wedding next year? I think you should be very honest and realistic about what is do-able here. Also, I think you should start thinking about what sort of dresses will flatter the body you have as well as the body you want.

    Wow, that's encouraging.

    By the way, from last week (when OP started) to the end of September is 19-20 weeks, so her goal is not so unrealistic.

    OP, my advice is to really focus on logging your food--make sure you log EVERYTHING, and weigh/measure your food so that you know the counts are accurate. Do you go out to eat a lot? That can really wreak havoc on the accuracy of your food diary, because it's so difficult to gauge how many calories are in restaurant food. Even if they post the counts, you can never be sure that the chef makes it exactly according to the recipe every time. Cut back on eating out if you can, or go for items where you can accurately estimate the calories (for example, at breakfast, get eggs hard-boiled or poached rather than in an omelette where you have no idea how much oil they used).
  • jenniebee19
    jenniebee19 Posts: 19 Member
    Yayayyyy someone who is in the same boat as me!!
    I'm looking to shed abt the same by sept. then I can finally go dress shopping.its more of an incentive.
    I'm on the 2lb a week, 1200 calories strict. On week 3 lost 11lbs so far. I suspect a few are water weight.
    If you put the work in, it will pay off. Even if you don't make your goal by sept they can always take the dress down a few sizes.
    Keep me update!! We can cheer each other on!
  • gmgrink
    gmgrink Posts: 9 Member
    40 lbs in less than 3 months is a LOT of weight. As a fellow bride to be, my advice is to lose weight at a healthy pace, start dress shopping in September, and continue to diet and exercise until the wedding. You can always have your dress taken in, and you will still have the time to lose the weight before the wedding.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    40 lbs in less than 3 months is a LOT of weight. As a fellow bride to be, my advice is to lose weight at a healthy pace, start dress shopping in September, and continue to diet and exercise until the wedding. You can always have your dress taken in, and you will still have the time to lose the weight before the wedding.

    Actually, you can't always just have a dress taken in, depending on the cut and style. I leaned this the hard way and there was nothing that could be done about my dress. I could have bought a second dress with the amount I spent on alterations trying to take it in properly. I look awful in all my wedding pictures, wearing an ill-fitting dress.

    I"m just saying, it is one thing to get in shape for your wedding but at a certain point you have to work with what you have.
  • JessicaJVRadcliffe
    JessicaJVRadcliffe Posts: 201 Member
    I managed to lose about 20 pounds in 3 months. I found that to really do this, I had to exercise EVERY DAY. I just insisted on making it part of my life. That not only helped my weight loss, but helped me shape my body a lot differently. Now, I am pregnant, so just doing "maintenance" calories, but I am still exercising every day.
  • rosiec88
    rosiec88 Posts: 6
    thank you for the tip!! and congrats on your pregnancy!!
  • jfeh
    jfeh Posts: 30
    If you want some good motivation, you could always try on a few wedding dresses before you start your official hunt. I know that trying to squeeze into some of the tiny sample sized wedding gowns was great motivation for me!
  • alyssap2006
    how did you get the my fitness pal widget?