Insanity? I want to hear from real people

hales_04 Posts: 68 Member
I was wanting to hear from people who have actually done it. What kind of results you had and how hard it was to stick to the program.
I'm thinking about getting it, but wanted to hear from real people on here first :)


  • realwombat
    realwombat Posts: 15 Member
    I love Insanity. I just started 3rd week of the second month, so I only have two weeks to go.

    Insanity is *tough*. I had to take a week off in the middle of the first month because I just felt really fatigued, and the break did wonders and I felt good starting back on week 3 after it.

    Compared to the second month, the first month is a cakewalk, although it doesn't feel like it at the time. The program really keeps pushing you.

    I've lost around 14 pounds while doing Insanity, and I've gained a lot of definition in muscles. My fitness test results have also improved dramatically.

    Insanity is 6 days a week, so it takes a fair bit of discipline to carry it through, particularly during the second month.

    There is a lot of plyo and high-impact cardio in the program, so it is pretty rough on knees and joints. I've had a little bit of trouble with my ACL, but I think it is going to be OK till the end of the program.

    If you have the stamina to take Insanity on, it will reward you. Just my 1c worth :-)

  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    Do you guys do it with other types of exercise? e.g. running, zumba, swimming, etc.? I ask because I run quite a bit but have also started incorporating Insanity into my routine. I just don't want to overdo it. I don't think I can do it 6 days a week! It is quite intense! But it kicks @ss, it is an awesome workout...
  • cthomps
    cthomps Posts: 31 Member
    I love it too! I don't always follow the program day by day like it shows. I kind of go on how I feel because I do several other w.o. I like to keep things mixed up (Running, Turbo Fire, Firm W.O., weights, etc). Insanity is TOUGH - it pushes you to your limit and you'll sweat like crazy - that's why I like to so much!! Yes it can be hard on your knees but if you go slow at first and really watch your moves and do them correctly its all good. I haven't had any problems with injuries.
  • eku1
    eku1 Posts: 1
    Although I haven't finished insanity, and currently going through it and I can tell you this: The beginning is the hardest "mentally." Once you get into the groove, and really decide to commit, fitting it into your schedule isn't as difficult as you'd imagine. It pushes you and pushes you, but after a week I could already feel myself getting stronger. I looked through other peoples results as well to see if it really worked, but after you take a look at the types of workouts you're doing: there's no way this kind of activity isn't going to effect you. I feel like Insanity guarantees weight loss and muscle gain, you just have to commit!