upping calories and such - questions

So, I know there are a lot of these threads and I'm really sorry if this ends up being redundant!

I've been on MFP since the end of December 2011 and have lost 35lbs to date. Now, not the entire time was I as dedicated as I am now (I hardly exercised in the beginning) and recently I noticed my losing has kind of taken a nose dive. I was losing anywhere from 1-2lbs a week where now I am lucky to lose half a pound if I lose at all. I know a loss is still a loss, but I feel like maybe I'm not eating enough any more as I've also noticed a lot more hair shedding and I'm not cool with that at all! I net about 1200 calories a day (that MFP has me set at) but when I calculate my BMR on various sites it has me more like 1500, which brings me to my questions:

1.) How many calories should I be eating? Stats: Female, 23, 63 inches, 171 pounds and lightly active (exercise 4-5 days a week 15-30 mins)

2.) If I up my calories to say, 1500, should I still eat back exercise calories?

3.) For those of you who upped calories in the past, how long did it take you to see results? I hear most people gain in the beginning but how long did it take you to level out?

Again, I'm really sorry if this is redundant but I'm hoping maybe someone can help me shed some light on this because thus far it hasn't made sense to me :(


  • hellokitty41489
    Oh, and I don't know if it's needed or not but my goal weight (as of right now) is 135lbs though that could change as I get closer to my goal.
  • donnamorad
    donnamorad Posts: 22 Member
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    Go here: http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/

    Figure out what your BMR is estimated to be. That is what you would need to eat to survive and have proper body function (think organs working, breathing, etc.) say, if you were to lay in your bed and do absolutely nothing.

    Don't eat below your BMR, and up your calories as you exercise more.

    Food = Fuel. You can't cheat your body, if you want it to perform.

    ETA: MyFitnessPal and Fat2Fit calculate the numbers based on different formulas, so the numbers will be slightly different.

    As a side note, I was following MFP recommendations of 1260 as my net calories - and lost weight. However, after a few weeks it slowed to little or nothing. I have since upped my calories, using the fat2fit information, and have lost a pound each week, netting almost 1600 calories a day.
  • lemonfizzle
    lemonfizzle Posts: 40 Member
    This group ---http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/3834-eat-more-to-weigh-less
    They have a lot of information in sticky at the top. I have recently started eating more calories also, as I was a monster on only 1200 a day. The info in this group really helped me get started. I have only been eating more for a week, but I already feel so much better. I also have the energy to actually finish my exercise routines.
  • Gemmageldmacher
    Gemmageldmacher Posts: 45 Member
    Maybe you should consider changing your MFP settings to 1 lb a week or less. The 1200 sounds like you have it set to a high amount of weight loss per week. DEFINITELY eat back your exercise calories, which MFP will recommend you do when you input your exercise. Good luck!
  • hellokitty41489
    Maybe you should consider changing your MFP settings to 1 lb a week or less. The 1200 sounds like you have it set to a high amount of weight loss per week. DEFINITELY eat back your exercise calories, which MFP will recommend you do when you input your exercise. Good luck!

    I had not considered doing this; thank you for the suggestion! Right now I have it set to 2lbs a week loss but obviously that isn't working out so well any more :laugh: