tammymc5 Posts: 3 Member
I was dx with MS at the age of 40, I am now 43, and this is a hard thing to lose weight with. Some of the meds I take are weight gaining, and with the heat, its hard to excersise. But after my daughter graduated this weekend and I saw my pic, I knew Ihave to try something a llittle harder than what I have. So, I am looking for anyone, to help me.



  • Hi I'm Alison, I was DX with PPMS 18 months ago, before this I was able to run with a group each week and so kept my weight down. I am 5'7" , 44 and weigh 11 stone. I need to lose a good stone ( or a bad one). I don't take any meds, its just the exercise I can no longer do. I know that I will continue to put on weight if I don't do something about it now. I started calorie counting with MyFitnessPal on Saturday. Fingers crossed. x