~*~ Fat girl lifting ~*~

Alright, I'm hoping to get some kind of clarification on this. I was going through the threads, and came across a woman asked about gaining muscle while losing fat. I'm honestly kind of confused now. I'm not looking to incite another argument, but I'd really like to get a good answer about it.

Basically, I'm 220 pounds, 5'5". My goal weight is around 130-150, (I want to see what looks best for me). I eat about 1800 calories a day, sometimes ranging to 2000. Right now, I'm losing about 1 pound a week.

I just started the Strong Lifts 5x5 program yesterday. Is it pointless for me to do it now? Unless I read wrong, I'm under the impression that if I try to do weight training at a deficit, my body is going to just gain and look foul. I've always thought that it'd be better to lift from the start, I feel like I'm wrong now though. I saw a few people point out that it works for obese people. Is that true?

I understand now that I will not gain muscle like I would at a higher calorie amount, I'm fine with that. I just feel pretty discouraged about it. Will doing weight training negatively effect my weight loss/body while I'm in a calorie deficit? I'd really like to hear from people who have tried weight lifting & losing weight at the same time, but any opinions are welcome.


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    From experience weight lifting made all the difference in my weight loss. I started lifting heavy when I was close to 200 pounds and at a plateau. Over the first 8 weeks I lost 15 pounds and adding the strength training was the only thing I changed. I don't have scientific proof I've gained muscle but just looking at my body you can see the muscles. I couldn't lift for two months and started losing some of that muscle, it was very obvious comparing how I looked that it was muscle loss. All of this was on a calorie deficit at least 5 days a week (I struggle on weekends).
  • samanthanic0le
    samanthanic0le Posts: 81 Member
    From experience weight lifting made all the difference in my weight loss. I started lifting heavy when I was close to 200 pounds and at a plateau. Over the first 8 weeks I lost 15 pounds and adding the strength training was the only thing I changed. I don't have scientific proof I've gained muscle but just looking at my body you can see the muscles. I couldn't lift for two months and started losing some of that muscle, it was very obvious comparing how I looked that it was muscle loss. All of this was on a calorie deficit at least 5 days a week (I struggle on weekends).

    Alright, thank you. :)
  • stephanie1133
    stephanie1133 Posts: 211
    No, not pointless! I'm 5'6" and now 196. I've been lifting 4 weeks now, and I have seen more of a positive difference in my body the last 4 weeks than ever! I started at 236, and started lifting at 205.

    I don't see how it would ever make you look foul!

    Weight training on a deficit when you have excess body fat is different than weight training on a deficit when you are trying to lose those last 10 lbs and are already at a normal body fat.
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Miss♥Ivi Posts: 461
    I'm interested in reading the responses for this too. I'm lifting more now that I have my bowflex's but I also want to continue thinning out.
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    Weight training on a deficit when you have excess body fat is different than weight training on a deficit when you are trying to lose those last 10 lbs and are already at a normal body fat.

    I was going to say this, but you did instead, so I'll just agree and offer up a high five.
  • cindyj7
    cindyj7 Posts: 339 Member
    Bump...I'd like to hear some thoughts on this also.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I didn't do a program, per se, but I believe the strength training I did while beginning my weight loss journey helped me tremendously. I lost 60 pounds in 5 months initially. I started exercising at around 190 lbs; I'm 5'2-3''. So, yeah, cardio and weight training seems to be the ticket.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Start lifting right away girl - I was over 300lbs when I started - and I started lifting the same day I started my diet - now 18 months later I am so happy with the results I am seeing - the fat has come off and I love the definition - and dare I say it muscles that is starting to show!!
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    The increase in muscle mass will cause you to burn calories and fat at a higher rate. Therefore, you need to increase your caloric intake on workout days. Reduce the caloric intake on non-workout days.
  • Brianabomb
    Brianabomb Posts: 87 Member
    Bump- I am so curious about this too. I almost feel like I need to lose the weight first before I start lifting. So much information here I get really confused and overwhelmed.
  • summerlancaster
    Bump, I'd like to know the same thing. Our stats are almost identical!
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    bump to read responses later.
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    bump i just had a conversation about this yesterday and was told "No, you're going to be doing it all wrong if you lift heavy weights now" " You need to lift light weights with tons of reps" :grumble: .... yeah i plan on doing my own thing with Stronglifts and Jillian Michaels' DVDs or zumba on the other days.

    I'll show this way works my being an example :happy:
    Good Luck on your journey!
  • kmjenkins
    kmjenkins Posts: 396 Member
    I started incorporating lifting about 6 weeks ago and haven't lost alot of weight since then, but have lost almost 9 inches from my body in that short amount of time. Does it suck that my scale is barely moving--absolutely. I have to keep telling myself that not only do I have a goal weight, but more importantly, I want a STRONG and healthy body, and if I can make my body look like I want it to look (fit and "girl" buff) and not quite have my perfect number on the scale I am willing to take the trade off. Given the lifting progress I've made so far I certainly wouldn't want to lose my remaining 80 lbs and have a weak and wimpy body, I want a strong one I can feel confident about and show off!

    Good luck!
  • Lennox497
    Lennox497 Posts: 242 Member
    The Stronglifts 5x5 is a great simple and to the point program. Lift to burn calories. I am a bit confused when you used the term 'gain', just didn't really seem very specfic.

    Just keep the simple rule in mind, losing weight is carrying a caloric defiect. Weight gain is a caloric surplus. The SL 5x5 program is designed to build muscle. Which I think is great and even better when women take this part of fitness. I awlays think of my body as a human furnance. The more muscle that I add the hotter my furnance burns, which gives potential to burn more calories throughout the day as well as during my workout.

    Just make sure you meal plan is in line to fuel your furnance.

    Enjoy the SL 5x5
  • samanthanic0le
    samanthanic0le Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the great responses. <3
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    =) You will be o.k! I have lost just over 100lbs - I gained at the most 2lbs when I started to do heavy lifting whist being slightly overweight I recon, but my measurements went down. It has made the difference to 2.5 years "maintenance" I'm still losing fat slowly.

    As you lose fat you will notice your muscles but it's more to do with definition, a persons muscles may be under a thick duvet of fat, and as they lose fat, it it's like reducing the thickness off the duvet and having them covered by a sheet! I guess this is what people mean when they say they 'gained muscle.' They haven't really, you can just see them more.

    I can almost lift what my fiance lifts, I eat less than a 500 cal deficit and my measurements have never gone up. Promise!!
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    Start lifting right away girl - I was over 300lbs when I started - and I started lifting the same day I started my diet - now 18 months later I am so happy with the results I am seeing - the fat has come off and I love the definition - and dare I say it muscles that is starting to show!!

    This is great, thank you. I'm currently 264 pounds and have seen the weight loss seem to stall for the last few weeks but I've been lifting for three months now and am three or four dress sizes smaller. It's also helping my posture no end.
  • scullion30
    scullion30 Posts: 1
    Weight training will not make you fatter! It depends on the reps and sets that you do as to what adaptations occur. By lifting weights of 5 x 5 you are developing the strength of your muscles. This will not increase the size of your muscles as the intensity (weight) is too high and the number of repetions is too low for this to occur. Having a higher percentage of muscle mass increases your metabolism, so you will burn energy up quicker. What you will need to do is increase your calorie consumption from protein and less from carbohydrate. The protein will help to repair your muscles after weight training and will also keep your satisified for longer. You will also need to do aerobic training as this will help you lose the additional fat that surrounds your muscles which gives the appearance that you have become fatter from weight training. Choose from either long duration, steady pace running, swimming, cycling, walking fast for 40min plus or interval training. Run hard for 1 min, walk for 2 min and repeat 3 to 4 times, as you get fitter increase the hard run time and decrease the walk time.
    Or in other words no you won't look gross, so long as you don't eat more calories as a result of weight training.
  • RosesFitNotes
    RosesFitNotes Posts: 13 Member
    Bump- I am so curious about this too. I almost feel like I need to lose the weight first before I start lifting. So much information here I get really confused and overwhelmed.

    I really thought this myth was dispelled a long time ago. There's nothing to wait for! lift weights (learn correct form), do cardio,try yoga. a well rounded routine. Go For It!