Starting over (again)

grneyety Posts: 46 Member
Hi everyone! My name is Tiffany. I recently came back to the site after having success last year and then letting myself backslide right back to my starting weight...the problem is that this time I am not having success at all. I have myself listed as lightly active and I am not sure if that is the case. I work for an airline and right now I board the aircrafts which means I am standing nearly all the time and walking back and forth to gates and aircrafts often. Any insight there would be apprectiated!

A little about me. I live in Florida. I am not a native but I have been here long enough to feel like it. I cross-train 4-6 days a week and I like running and the arc trainer at the gym. I am only 5 feet tall so every bit of extra weight makes a big effect on my appearance. I have not been at a "healthy" BMI since sophomore year of high school (I am 30) and actually think that weight sound laughable...I will probably look like a bobblehead! I am okay with weighing more than that as long as I am healthy. That said I do worry about appearance. I would like to look good in my own eyes.

Anyway, hope to meet some great people!


  • nlwilliamson
    nlwilliamson Posts: 225 Member
    Glad you added me :) I have the same situation with the lightly active job. I am a Chiropractic Assistant, I am at a desk for some of the day but every 5 mins or so I am up and walking around, dealing with patients, bending, squatting :) I put mine as sedentary because I always under estimate everything and over estimate others
  • Missylea21
    Missylea21 Posts: 8 Member
    I too being 5'2" have the same issues. I have just recently been told I am a diabetic so that has forced me to look at things differently. Everyone here has been very nice and the success stories (actually post) I read are awesome. I have a sit down job so I don't get much excersise. I hope to change that as soon as I get a few more pounds off. I started the 7th of May and have lost 5 lbs. total, 3 since I have joined here. I have to watch my carbs more than calories but I am trying to work on both. I wish you all the best!!:smile: