Any stay-at-home Moms out there?



  • wishn2binAZ
    wishn2binAZ Posts: 40 Member
    I'm a stay home mom with 2 boys and run a home daycare. I talk all the kids on a walk in the morning and then when nap comes around, I try to squeeze in Zumba on the Wii, treadmill or a workout dvd. Doesn't always happen with the baby I watch but we make do. Feel free to add me :)
  • darlenem12
    darlenem12 Posts: 18
    So true not enough credit for mothers who sacrifice everything for their kids.The hardest job ever and the most rewarding, I have a 23yr old and a 9 yr. old I'm glad my 1st kid turned out good and is an adult now lol!
  • jfaure23
    jfaure23 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi! I'm a mom of 3 boys (8, 4 and 6mos). I work out 6 days a week by scheduling it in. After the oldest is gone to school, baby is fed and put into crib, and the 4 year old comes down with me and plays while I do a JM workout. I keep the workouts to 30minutes (thank you JM for that!) then go up and shower. It works out splendidly for me. If I don't get a chance to do it in the morning, I do it in the evening when the kids are in bed. There is always time, but you've got to pencil it in.

    Friend me if you'd like motivation :)
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    I'm a SAHM! I have a 6 year old and a 2 year old. My oldest knows that I need my time to workout but he's more than welcome to join me. My crazy 2 year old is a different story. Usually he is pretty good with letting me workout but sometimes he just wants my attention all day and I can't break away. Those days I just use him as my weight and I'll do lots of squats and lunges and lift him in the air repeatedly for an upper body workout. Also, I just dance around and make for him but I make sure to keep my HR up. If I have to break it up into a few 10 minute workouts throughout the day then that's what I do. It's definitely not ideal but at least it's something. I wish I could go to a gym with a daycare but my 2 year old is not having it.
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    Yup, you're not alone. :smile: My boys are 5, 3, and 21 months. :happy: you can do it!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I am currently a stay at home mom, but my son is in school all day! That leaves me very open for exercise! That said, when I was working full time, plus commuting 2 hours a day I just fit in exercise when I could. Definitely try to get them involved. My son would start doing a DVD with me and then get bored and just lay on the treadmill watching me and commenting on my poor form, haha :) But now that he's a little older (6), we play tennis together, soccer, run. Just do fun things with them to start and see what you can fit in. Also consider taking an hour for yourself when Daddy gets home or after dinner. One on one time with Daddy is good for them too!

    Edited to add, you can add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    i have a 3 year old. i have a weekend job but monday through friday hes all mine. i do zumba and although hes three, he gets involved. we walk around the neighborhood which he loves. if you have a pool or trampoline thats some exercise. i try to get the exercise in while hes taking a nap. also i crank up the tunes and we dance together. feel free to add me.
  • Calliesmom1
    Calliesmom1 Posts: 78
    ME!!! i stay at home with my one yr old daughter. i try to do something during her nap time. I have a stationary bike but you can get a dvd. EVERYONE ADD ME
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    Im a 22 yr old SAHM to a 3 yr old boy and 8 month old boy. It makes it so hard between taking care of all their needs, cooking cleaning etc, breastfeeding and Im in Cosmetology school 4 nights a week. I started this journey while pregnant with baby number 2 to keep my weight gain under control. Baby was born in September I have lost 68lbs since the day I went in to deliver ( 242lbs down to 173). I use my treadmill when I can, do exercise DVDs, walk with the kids in the stroller. But honestly MOST of what Ive done has been through changing my eating habits, as exercise time is HARD to come by.
    Can ALWAYS use more friends anyone feel free to add me :)
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom to 3 kids- my son is 5, my daughter is 4, and my littlest girl is 13 months. It's deff. hard to find time for yourself but once I got on a schedule of working out at night when the kiddies are asleep..i lost 20 lbs and am still working out every night. it's really important to find time to take care of yourself, because if you dont take care of yourself who is gonna take care of your little angels =) feel free to add me for support
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I've got a 3 kids: Audrey (3 1/2), Harrison (2), and Vivienne (4 1/2 mos.).

    I just started taking classes on campus (I've been taking online classes since last year) and I park a few blocks from school. I got a decent workout today walking to and from school and up and down stairs. We also have a big weight machine that I'm hoping to start using soon.
  • Nancy160s
    Nancy160s Posts: 5
    hi my name is nancy i am a stay at home mom i have a three year old and a 9 month old it is very hard but u burn alot of calories just chancing them around, i try to get my 3 year old to run around out side and thats how i work out or when they are sleeping i get on the tradmill and i know how sometimes it like at the end or when u get a break you just want to relax or go to sleep but just got to be strong and just do it and when u do it u will feel better and be excited that u did workout and you will sleep better..:wink:
  • mrsRhughes
    mrsRhughes Posts: 122
    Hey! My name is Rose, and I'm a stay at home mama to two beautiful kids :) My daughter, Faith, is 7 and my son Mason will be two in August. I normally jog/run 5 miles about 4 times a week with my son in a jogging stroller to get some cardio in ... Jillian Michaels or Turbo Fire DVDs the rest of the time! Feel free to add me :)
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    I am for now a SAHM ... currently on maternity leave ... I have a 2 1/2 yr old and a 7 month old ...

    My 2 1/2 yr old tell me to go faster on my elliptical trainer/cross trainer so I have him cracking the whip while my other son is sleeping.

    Or I do 30 Day shred and put a dvd on for my son and i do my exercise dvd with the laptop. Sometimes he comes and sees what i am doing but not so much fun with him on my back while doing the pressups. hehehe. Then once it is finished we have a shower and I let him have a bath while i have something to eat. Again while my baby is sleeping.

    Other than that pushing a pram or double buggy is a pretty good workout.

    Sometimes you just gotta get in what works for you. if all fails during the day then i will do at night once they are in bed or else get up earlier than everyone is the morning but the latter is proving to be a tad hard.

    I love being a good influence on my kids and you have to make it work for you.

  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
    I am a SAHM of 4 kids, 14, 7, 6, and my 20yr old just moved back home. They are in school so I'm able to go to the gym in the a.m. We all belong to the YMCA, so when school is out I'll be taking them with me. Before I joined a gym I would do my workouts while they were sleep.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    There are lots of groups for stay at home mom's. Search Community > Groups.

    Good luck!
  • LAS_1980
    LAS_1980 Posts: 156
    I'm a SAHM also to a 12 & 10 yr old, and 4.5 month old!! Yes it can be challenging at times especially when I get ready to do something and the baby starts screaming!! I've decided this summer that I'm gonna take the kids to the park and let them play while I walk around the track!! Win win situation there!!! Add me if you'd like. I'm very active on here!! =)
  • _HeyMommy_
    _HeyMommy_ Posts: 323 Member
  • Young28
    Young28 Posts: 57 Member
    I am a SAHM to two little girls ,1 and 4 year old. They are extremely busy and keeping up with them is a workout in itself. I try working out early in the morning while the 4 year old is still asleep and the one year old is occupied in her playpen. If I dont get it in then....its a struggle trying to do it later on. Going for walks with the kids or even gettin in some cardio dvds with the kids works out for a short while anyway.
  • enyo123
    enyo123 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm a SAHM with a 2 year old and a 2 month old. I do my workouts after my 2 month old's 5:30 am feeding. Sometimes I take the dog(s) out for a walk in the evening.