"Mostly" plant-based diet, but not vegan/vegetarian?



  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Hey all,

    I know this can be a bit controversial....
    Hopefully this board doesn't get clogged up with hatemail.

    I am looking for like-minded individuals to friend.

    Recently, I was inspired by "Forks over knives" to eat a more "plant-based" diet.

    I am not a Vegan or Vegetarian, however, I am trying to keep my diet as plant-based as possible, keeping it around 75% Vegan.

    Anyone else out there like this?

    After watching _Fork over Knives_, I also wanted to become more PlantStrong. I have added more whole foods to my diet--vegetables, fruits, and whole grains--and greatly reduced processed foods, added sugar, fast food...and animal protein. I try to make a new recipe at least once a week, and I have been cooking and meal planning a lot more than I used to. :) I would say I am in a transitioning phase, slowly but persistently moving toward a healthier lifestyle.

    I would consider myself a flexitarian because I still eat animal-based protein, but I try to choose organic lean protein and organic reduced-fat dairy and eat less of it altogether. I also make sure that I have a good showing of plant-based food at every meal.

    I agree with the other posters who recommend Michael Pollen. Have you read any of his books? I really like _Food Rules: An Eater's Manual_ because it has given me some great dietary advice, it's super easy to read, and I can quickly go back to it for refreshers and motivation. :)
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Whoops. I'm clearly a big fail at figuring out how to quote and comment. I would like to add to the discussion though...AeolianHarp I would agree with you that stress factors into health in a big way but I do believe there is plenty of research proving that the diets our cattle are fed have reduced Omega 3, and increased Omega 6s. Natural meat (free range, grass fed) should have a 1-1 ratio. The problem also exists in poultry. If you choose to eat meat I would suggest grass fed beef and organic chicken. I eat about 3 oz of organic chicken several times per week, but have given up other animal based proteins. Some day I hope to give up the chicken as well.

    So what? If someone is getting sufficient Omega 3s in spite of one's meat consumption then who is to say that meat is negatively affecting one's health?

    There are tonnes of people who live long, healthy lives despite what is considered a subpar diet. Health is a complicated matter. I never meant to imply that food doesn't affect it but there are hundreds of different factors that can hurt one's health just as much as food can. Restricting food and potentially placing a psychological burden on oneself just for it is moot. People focus on food far too much and never look at other aspects. There are people who never care a dash about health yet live longer than people who do.

    Restricting food you enjoy is never the way. It's a pointless endeavour.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I'm a vegetarian of 19 yrs, and I :heart: flexitarians! Here's why- you guys have made tons more food choices available in regular grocery stores, and gotten more choices on restaurant menus. Your buddies that it bugs haven't thought it through.

    I particularly love the term flexitarian (and pescatarian) because it actually does bug me when people refer to themselves as a vegetarian and then you see them eating a turkey sandwich or shrimp cocktail. My sister in law does this, and it drives me bonkers! She says it's too hard to explain to people...
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I eat a mostly whole plant diet. I am trying to get more whole foods in and less meat/animal proteins. I am following the Eat to Live philosophy for health reasons. You can look at my profile and friend me if you like. Check out www.drfuhrman.com for more info. I personally think there is a lot more to the issue than most people want to believe. So to each their own. I know I feel better not eating animal protein. I just need to learn more about eating this way.

    There is a lot of info about reversing/preventing heart disease, cancer, and auto immune diseases. I believe it is through whole plants. It is the micronutrients rather than the macros. If you eat whole plants, it just works out.
  • brianz19
    brianz19 Posts: 5
    If anyone has any good plant/veggie recipes let me know! I'm always in the market for new ideas in this department...
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
    I have been Vegetarian/Pescatarian (meaning I will eat seafood occasionally) since 2008. After seeing Forks Over Knives, I've been trying my best to eat as 'vegan' as possible. Not ready for the full commitment of going 100% vegan though, so just trying to be as conscious about it as possible. So far so good!
  • Bimal97
    Bimal97 Posts: 8 Member
    I am 100% Vegetarian (Oops..I would say Eggtarian :) ) since birth. Seldom, I take eggs, especially egg white omlet. During my this weight loss program, I gained much more knowledge for plant based food I ate whole my life then I knew before. You may add me in and send any queries you have for plant based food.

  • danapenguin
    danapenguin Posts: 161
    Ok, so, I just watched Food, INC. and I have seen in myself that I am a victim of this system. If you look at my journal, I am constantly sticking to fast food meals and sugary goodnesses. I don not want to continue this trend. I AM going to try to rid myself of this crap that the governments and the food systems are feeding us. I WILL do this!
    Plant based diet.. HERE I COME!!!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Ok, so, I just watched Food, INC. and I have seen in myself that I am a victim of this system. If you look at my journal, I am constantly sticking to fast food meals and sugary goodnesses. I don not want to continue this trend. I AM going to try to rid myself of this crap that the governments and the food systems are feeding us. I WILL do this!
    Plant based diet.. HERE I COME!!!

    Good for you! I couldn't get past the rough handling of the chicks before I turned off Food Inc! I am new to vegetarian-->vegan and it is not easy, but if you look at it as a process, it is easier. Start by adding more veggies. I'm not the pasta and potato chip vegetarian, I am whole green veggies, nuts, seeds, & beans and use condiments only in small amounts. I like whole nuts instead of oils, I grind my own nut butters so I know they are just nuts. I don't buy convenience food for myself except for canned unsalted tomatoes, soy milk that is just soy beans and water, and tofu. The rest is plants from the produce section. I've cut way back on my grains and just have those occasionally. Protein? It is in the veggies, nuts & beans! You do get to eat a lot of them! I am hooked on my morning smoothies! You get a lot more fruit this way, too. Whole foods have the "ingredient list" in check so you do get the proper ratios of fats to carbs to protein. It is awesome how I feel! You should supplement with Vit b12 and DHA. Or eat small amounts of animal products. Good luck to you!
  • danapenguin
    danapenguin Posts: 161
    Yea, when I saw how the chicks were being tossed around I closed my eyes. I couldn't watch it. I even cringed when they broke the chickens necks at the organic farm, and all the manure the cows were standing in just made me sick!! It was a real eye opener! I am planning on digging out my blender today and getting stocked up on some fruits and veggies and nuts. I may have a few bites of meat sometimes, but I WILL not over do it like I am now!! Thanks for the advice susan!
  • ladyfingers39
    ladyfingers39 Posts: 335
    I think Michael Pollen summed it up best in "In Defense of Food":

    Eat real food. Not too much. Mostly plants.


    i loved that book and can't agree more. I love meat sometimes, but I am trying to eat less and less processed food. Been enjoying my dehydrator as well.

    I would love to have more like minded friends!
  • scoutit
    scoutit Posts: 36
    Whoops. I'm clearly a big fail at figuring out how to quote and comment. I would like to add to the discussion though...AeolianHarp I would agree with you that stress factors into health in a big way but I do believe there is plenty of research proving that the diets our cattle are fed have reduced Omega 3, and increased Omega 6s. Natural meat (free range, grass fed) should have a 1-1 ratio. The problem also exists in poultry. If you choose to eat meat I would suggest grass fed beef and organic chicken. I eat about 3 oz of organic chicken several times per week, but have given up other animal based proteins. Some day I hope to give up the chicken as well.

    So what? If someone is getting sufficient Omega 3s in spite of one's meat consumption then who is to say that meat is negatively affecting one's health?

    There are tonnes of people who live long, healthy lives despite what is considered a subpar diet. Health is a complicated matter. I never meant to imply that food doesn't affect it but there are hundreds of different factors that can hurt one's health just as much as food can. Restricting food and potentially placing a psychological burden on oneself just for it is moot. People focus on food far too much and never look at other aspects. There are people who never care a dash about health yet live longer than people who do.

    Restricting food you enjoy is never the way. It's a pointless endeavour.

    Clearly you are happy with your diet, and I'm not here to argue the lifestyle choices we make. Personally I found that cutting sugar led to a need for less sugar, that cutting fats and processed foods made them seem gross when I did eat them and that I feel lighter and healthier overall on a mostly veg diet. I don't think of it as a "restriction" at all, rather a choice. I have also chosen to give up enriched flour, many processed foods and refined sugars/modified corn starch. It's second nature now, and I have a very complete, delicious array of foods. Do I miss Baskin-Robin sometimes? Yup. Is it difficult to give up meat? Yup. I used to eat it every day, sometimes twice a day. But giving it up is a choice, not a restriction.

    As far as meat being unhealthy, I don't even know where to start, there is so much info. Meat and dairy furnish over 90% of the contaminants humans eat, including dioxin, PCBs and pesticides that have been banned but are still present in the animal's environments. A Harvard study (Cho, et.al, Archives of Internal Medicine 2006) shows that women are TWICE as likely to contract breast cancer on a heavy meat diet. Saturated fats lead to cardiac disease. The list goes on.

    Anyway, I believe that everybody should take their own path, but they should do it with their eyes open.
  • LittleLightShine
    LittleLightShine Posts: 123 Member
    Just watched 3 different documentaries today : Food Inc, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead PLUS Forks over Knives. All of which were AMAZING movies to see, and were TRUE eye openers.

    I am the same way as you, not sure that I am ready for a strictly vegetarian/vegan diet, but am looking into cutting back on my dairy and meats. Then also WHERE I get my meat and dairy products from, that is a VERY important part of it also.

    I did the same thing! Once I started watching one movie I became addicted and kept watching more food documentaries. I really liked Forks over Knives. These movies completely changed me.

    I have switched over to organic food and buy my meat at a farmers market where a farmer works with his neighbors to bring local grass fed beef, pork and organic chicken and eggs. I'm also excited because we just joined a CSA! It feels good to support local farmers and the food tastes SO MUCH BETTER.
  • SuperVegan8
    SuperVegan8 Posts: 78 Member
    Slightly off topic but - Personally i found 'Earthlings' both more moving and philosophical than any of the other titles that have been named. If you are interested check it out. It is quite confronting but i think its worth watching.