Hi. New to MFP

mkissa2 Posts: 18 Member
I'm here because I've finally had enough. I am exhausted and stressed because of my job, and I feel like I can't go anywhere else because my self esteem has been totally depleted due to years of being at this same weight.

I'm here because I want to love running again.

I'm here because I want my love life to be better.

I'm here because I don't want to be afraid every time I see a camera come out.

There are so many more reasons, but those are the ones that are really standing out right now.

So, hi, hello... and welcome to my journey!


  • sweetmelissa40
    Hi..I'm Melissa and wlecome to MFP.
    I wish you the very best on your journey and hope you succeed at all you set out to do.
    Feel free to add me, if you like!!
  • mkissa2
    mkissa2 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! Thanks for the well wishes and I have added you!
  • wabrody
    wabrody Posts: 202
    Hello and welcome to the journey. it will be hard and it will be fun. The best part is that it doesn't take long to see the results of determination and hard work.

    Oh and have fun with the running. I ran my first 5K run last week. After the halfway mark all I could think was "What was I thinking." I am proud though that I did finish it.
  • boppinbadger
    Hi and welcome! Good luck on your journey! Feel free to add me if you want x
  • Linnybear1974

    Welcome, I've sent you a request.

  • tooboogaloodoo
    Welcome, and please feel free to add me too! :-)
  • stickybass
    stickybass Posts: 4
    hey! im new to this too and im excited to start my journey and make this count. I have tried so many diets before and cant stick to a thing, so this time im hoping to make this one stick! good luck to you! :smile:
  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    Welcome aboard!!! I just hit my 170th day here on MFP!! It is an awesome place and you will get great support!! If you need additional help or have questions, please feel free to add me. This goes for anyone!! I love to get people motivated!!!

    Best of luck in your journey!!! Time to ROCK this!!!
  • rogarr
    rogarr Posts: 43 Member
    welcome !!! feel free to add me as well :-)