My number one dieting tip- what is yours?



  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Dont skip breakfast. You need to jump start your metabolism after being in bed asleep all night.
  • sarann111
    sarann111 Posts: 16
    So many great tips so far, but mine would be that if you can't fight the temptation, avoid the ability. I don't have cheat days, to me they would be a reminder that I'm not allowing myself what I really want. It takes time, but it's better to change a craving than to indulge in it; satisfy a sweet craving with fruit enough times and your body will eventually associate the two (it did for me anyway).
  • emmamcblain
    emmamcblain Posts: 342
    Involving others throughout your weight loss is much more beneficial then flying solo, IMO anyway. :)
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    eat less, move more. that is all.
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    I don't have one 'no.1 top tip' but under the umbrella of "it's a lifestyle change, not a diet" -
    To me this means: Control your food portions, move a lot, lift a lot, drink a lot more water!
  • amortize20
    amortize20 Posts: 62 Member
    My first tip is: appreciate (and eat) every homegrown vegetable and fruit that comes from your garden and/or field (if you have it/them).
    My second tip is: learn to cook healthy but tasty meals and snacks! So you know those are good for you! You prepared them!!! :D

    ^^^^^ THIS

    I have learned that fresh food is so much tastier than processed and also that i can cook, quite well in fact :)
  • Luckydrd
    Luckydrd Posts: 56 Member
    My tip is tracking. Whatever I ate, I counted. It opened my eyes to the amount of food I was eating
  • Michelleypoo82
    As long as I eat (mostly) healthy foods, I can eat all day, exercise, and lose weight!
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    1. Fill your house with healthy food! I snacked like crazy today, but I was still under my calorie goal because I snacked on fruit, wasa crispbread, low cal protein cereal, etc etc. there were also unhealthy things that my parents eat, but when i give myself the option, i go for the goods!

    2. Get as excited as you can! Use the internet for good! I follow so many tumblr health/fitness blogs and in my free time I'm always looking up workout videos, exercise routines, recipes, subscribed to Shape magazine... motivation only comes from within, but sometimes you need a spark of inspiration every so often to re-ignite that flame, especially if it's a long term thing. so search for motivation! MFP itself is a great place for that!

    edit.. how could i forget? 3. Eat a lot, but eat a lot of healthy. I see a lot of diaries with only 3 or 4 different items of food consumed, but they're all crazy high calorie. I'd rather eat all day long and eat lower calorie things than take one trip to taco bell and be done for the day. :P but if you're into that, then hey, good for you. but if you're like me and love eating, follow this tip! if you look at my diary, you see that i eat a TON of food throughout the day, but i always stay around 1300-1500 because it's all (well, mostly all..) healthy stuff!

    sorry i got preachy there, but i stand by it all~!
  • amZhn
    amZhn Posts: 26 Member
    If you don't buy it, you won't eat it:
    Clear out the junk from your fridge and cupboards and fill them with good healthy options and variety. If you do have a craving, chances are you'll grab something that's available...

    This. It's so hard to though when you have siblings who don't want to eat healthy and all they do is eat junk.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Dont skip breakfast. You need to jump start your metabolism after being in bed asleep all night.

    This absolutely false, and has been proven so in numerous studies.
  • samandlucysmum
    Plan ahead.
  • samandlucysmum
    Self Control, I have a family of 8, I keep the snacks locked away, "out of sight, out of mind" and only get them out for school lunch preperation. Instead, I have a bowl of fruit in view, and a large bottle of made up sugar free squash.
  • ericgAU
    ericgAU Posts: 271
    Plan, plan, plan!!
  • wellingfamily507
    wellingfamily507 Posts: 35 Member
    Find other like minded individuals, and get moving, having someone to exercise with really helps me stay motivated, we chat as we work out and the time flies by, we keep track of our exercise times and try to increase the over all time each week...I feel great, and I am enjoying the workouts! Also drink that water! I drink 3 -1 liter bottles dailey.
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle.

    Being super-good one day does nothing if I overeat the next. Yes, even if I excercise as compensation: it takes at least an hour of hard cardio to get rid of that one bag of chips. I think this was the hardest one for me: making sure that all my days are the same, that I don't go into see-saw mode as I normally would... seriously, getting my daily "normal" up to 1200 calories a day is sometimes still a challenge seeing as before I would some days eat maybe 700, other days over 2000.

    Fruit is not as good for me as I thought. Sadly, neither are avocados and nuts. Beef jerky is loads better than I thought though, so long as I drink water, not beer to go with it ;)

    easy does it: Don't panic, don't rush, don't overdo it with cutting calories and don't overexcercise. If I weaken myself with hunger or injuries, that means my body will first have to recover and only then can I continue with my plan.

    Realistic goals are important. This means both time-wise and weight as well. I take after my mother and she takes after her mother. We are all short and the "classic" hourglass figure: this means I actually look best if I'm on the mid or heavier range of normal. I don't need to be the slimmest version that's considered normal for my height, I want to be healthy *and* look good.

    finding someone to do it with me - a firend or SO or colleague, in my case it's my fiancé - helps enormously!
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    This works for me:

    Stop eating when you are no longer hungry, rather than eating until you are FULL. A subtle but important difference.

    (it was hard at first, now it feels normal)

    ^^ This! Also not to just keep on eating until there's nothing left on the plate - it's OK to leave some!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Don't give up. That is the #1 most important thing.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    eat clean as possible, and exercise exercise exercise! !!!!!!
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I learned that skipping meals is not the answer to weight loss but eating everything in moderation