Help for those with pcos

Please help I workout six days a week and ride my bike to school everyday! I have tried every diet under the sun! I was thinking that I would at least maintain with all the working out! I even started a boot camp at the YMCA and did a three month program with a personal trainer, but I have gained 10 pounds with in the last two months. I am meeting with Dr. in two weeks because thats the soonest she can see me:( but my sisters wedding is three weeks away, and I'm worried with this rapid weight gain I won't fit into my bides maids dress. Anyone else have pcos like me? how do you keep the weight off! Thank you!


  • andreaclu
    andreaclu Posts: 9
    Hello!!! i was diagnosed recently with PCOS, and i actually gained almost 100 in less than a year... i wasnt working out like you are right now...but, i started last saturday 05/12/12 taking phentermine 37.5 to decrease appetite and i been in a 1200 calories goal daily and worked out 3 out of those days, and as of today i have lost 9 pounds! I dont know hows your food intake, but maybe try to set a calorie goal, maybe it will help! and of course drink lots of water, i usually have a glass of water with lime, it helps burn fat and it helps in different ways.. google it! How much are you trying to lose?
  • try decreasing your carbs too, it will help some
  • Frannie1982
    Frannie1982 Posts: 23
    I have PCOS - and was diagnosed 7 years ago. I gradually gained weight over time and went from 125 - 235 at my heaviest. I have found that cutting caffeine and all white bread, starches, and pastas has been huge. I also cut out red meat. I tend to eat 1300ish calories a day. I try to stick to about 100g of carbs a day and high protein. Unfortunately I am insulin resistant as a result of my PCOS and I take 1000mg of metformin twice a day. It has made a huge difference. I have been dropping weight like crazy since I was put on it. I do work out 5-6 days a week (cardio = mostly walking, running, and elliptical) and heavy lifting. In 2 1/2 months I've dropped 43 lbs so far.
  • andreaclu
    andreaclu Posts: 9
    Wow!! Congrats!!! hopefully ill be saying the same ;)
  • Low carb diet, it's done wonders for my sister with pcos
  • StatHaldol
    StatHaldol Posts: 414 Member
    Low carb diet, it's done wonders for my sister with pcos

    My daughter has pcos, a low carb diet has worked wonders for her too, and exercise. Both were prescribed by her endocrinologist.
  • newking
    newking Posts: 70 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS many years ago and never realized it had lead to insulin resistance and helped me pack on all those lbs. I have found cutting out carbs from grains has helped. I can't be on metformin because I am in kidney failure but I know several other women with PCOS who take metformin and it has helped a lot. Getting a good amount of protein seems to have helped as well.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Agree with the cut carbs. Keep them well under 100 net until you can see the Dr. That might help you not gain. When you go to Dr. ask for the metformin. It has done wonders for me.
  • MoonGazer91
    MoonGazer91 Posts: 18 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago and have on and off had really bad problems with every other week or so, having horrible hypoglycaemic attacks in the morning (and have had these on an off for several years) - to the point that I have had to call in sick to work on several occasions because I was feeling so ill. I'm not overweight or anything, but do get issues with the cysts themselves (occasional 'stomach' pains from them etc). I've never tried low-carb diets and don't plan to, however, since starting to use mfp to help me plan my meals for the past month and a half or so, I am finding that increasing the amount of protein I eat in comparison to what I used to, has helped me quite a lot, personally. I had a random little episode the other day (I suspect that that was a reactive attack, though), but other than that, my sugar levels seem to have stabilised a lot more. Different strokes for different folks and all that, though - what might work for me may not work as well for others, of course.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Low carb diet, it's done wonders for my sister with pcos

    My daughter has pcos, a low carb diet has worked wonders for her too, and exercise. Both were prescribed by her endocrinologist.

    ^^^this^^^ I don't have PCOS, but I do have insulin resistance. I cut my carbs down to 50-100 net per day, and I have lost 6 pounds in 11 days. Before I cut carbs, it took me 3 months to lose 7 pounds!
  • Thank you so much everyone for the helpful posts! I will cut down the carbs it means a lot to me that you have taken the time to reply to my post!
  • superstankazz
    superstankazz Posts: 193
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 17 years ago and over the years I have discovered that the only effective weight loss strategy for me is to eliminate carbs and sugar. I eat under 20 grams of carbs a day, I also take the standard PCOS meds; spironolactone, metformin and birth control pills. Feel free to add me, I'm always looking for more PCOS sisters:) Good luck!
  • texasrebel83
    texasrebel83 Posts: 40 Member
    I was diagnosed 14 years ago with PCOS and low carb is the only thing that works for me. I do eat fruit, but essentially cut out breads, rice, and pasta. When I do allow it 2-3x a week, it's whole wheat or whole grain. I'm not insulin resistant so metformin has never worked for me, but I know it works for many women with PCOS.
  • shawnclarinet
    shawnclarinet Posts: 5 Member
    I was just diagnosed with pcos about 6 months ago - which I guess is why I only lost 3 pounds doing WW for 3 months without cheating!! I am on metformin now and am working up to 1000mg per day. I also started eliminating gluten where I can from my diet. I have noticed a change in how I feel, but I still have issues on some days with bloating. TODAY is the first day of my "diet." I know increasing water will help and it sounds like I really need to work on my carb and sugar intake as well. My last attempt at dieting was so frustrating, that is has taken me over a year to get the courage to start up again. I really hope that being on the metformin will make a difference because I have 50 pounds to lose! I'm also planning to start the couch-to-5k program soon. I miss running!
  • RachaelT76
    RachaelT76 Posts: 26
    I also have PCOS, and PMDD. I have been counting calories for ages, and did p90x with little weight loss.
    I went to my dr 2 weeks ago and told her about this. she told me...LOW CARB. Told me to start at 100 a day and taper to 50 (dont do no carb) said also reduce my calories. said to include weight training in my workouts, because cardio isnt enough for me.
    In my recent research...I have discovered that the Low carb is the key to controling pcos...can even make it go away, can keep cysts away (which I am having trouble with now...ouch) so I am starting week 3 now of low carb. I have lost 3 pounds.
    Right now I have been cramping and sore boobs for like 2 weeks, waiting for a period, so I have water weight I think and cant get a true weight. but 3 pounds in 2 weeks is great for me!!!
    Do low carb, the cravings go away end of week 2 and you will feel better. It will work. but dr also told me...this is for life...our bodies dont work like other peoples. If we go back to carbs...we gain it all back.