Anyone have success with kettlebells?

Really interested to hear about or see pics of success with kettlebells. Planning to start using a kettlebell today...need a little motivation!


  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Thanks for that.....have you had success with kettlebells?
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    I used Kettlebells a couple of times with a personal trainer. My legs were sore to the touch the next day! It was an awesome workout.!! I want to start using them again. I have also been to a kettlebell class which was done poorly (in my opinion) and was a horrible workout . (She really geared it towards Seniors and/or very very beginners).

    What is my point??? Great workout!! Great! If you take a class where you feel that you aren't getting a workout--it's the class :)

    Let us know how it turns out!
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    I went to my second kettlebells class last night - I am loving it so far. The first class I used a 7.5kg bell and I struggled through the class - finished it but barely. I was really sore with muscle ache for 3 days - I tried to push through by continuing with the gym but ouch lol.

    Last night I used a 5kg bell and the moves were more controlled and more effective. Form is more important than weight to start with as like most weights things its est to get it right then increase. Its a great workout - in the hour I burned over 400 calories.

    There were 37 exercises in the class and each one as done for about 90 seconds each and was a combination of squats, mat work and swinging and lifting the bell in every drection you could think of - would recommend a class if you can just to confirm technique is correct.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    This reminds me when people ask me "does p90x work?" or "does the bowflex work?"

    Yes, everything works if you use it.

    Yup, what he said.

    Kettlebells have just gotten some marketing hype with fake trainers like Jillian, etc. Because Kettlebells are balanced differently they add a little bit different of a stimulus than a dumbbell, but that does NOT make them better than DB's, just different. If you're a new lifter, there's definitely no added value to using KB's over BB's or DB's. Honestly I would say that KB's are better for more experienced lifters that need a varied stimulus to help create new muscle growth, because gains get harder the more experienced and stronger you are.

    If you've never lifted before I'd start with some very basic exercises that can be found in information like Starting Strength, Stronglifts, 5x5, 5/3/1, etc. Don't get caught-up in the marketing hype, because it's nothing more than just hype.
  • mtread13
    mtread13 Posts: 31 Member
    This reminds me when people ask me "does p90x work?" or "does the bowflex work?"

    Yes, everything works if you use it.

    Yup, what he said.

    Kettlebells have just gotten some marketing hype with fake trainers like Jillian, etc. Because Kettlebells are balanced differently they add a little bit different of a stimulus than a dumbbell, but that does NOT make them better than DB's, just different. If you're a new lifter, there's definitely no added value to using KB's over BB's or DB's. Honestly I would say that KB's are better for more experienced lifters that need a varied stimulus to help create new muscle growth, because gains get harder the more experienced and stronger you are.

    If you've never lifted before I'd start with some very basic exercises that can be found in information like Starting Strength, Stronglifts, 5x5, 5/3/1, etc. Don't get caught-up in the marketing hype, because it's nothing more than just hype.

    I don't disagree that there is some hype as new fitness gadgets gain popularity (or old ones are revitalized in the public eye), but it seems a bit over the top to call Jillian a fake trainer?!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    bit over the top to call Jillian a fake trainer?!

    Maybe a tad, but she's basically BS... A poor trainer would've been more PC I guess. There's plenty of info from professional trainers that don't have the marketing hype behind her that have commented on how bad she is and I'm not talking about the crap on TMZ either. Just do a search, you can find it yourself. In my humble opinion, the best trainers out there are the ones most people don't really know about. Everybody knows Jillian but how many people have heard of John Meadows or Dr. John Berardi? Those two are heads-and-tails better than Jillian and that's just two off the top of my head.
  • kgoulbourne
    kgoulbourne Posts: 14
    If you have a history of lower back problems, based upon personal experience I would NOT use kettle's. They gave me a herniated disc, as I got fatigued and my form slipped at the end of a set. It only takes a little deviation from proper form to mess up your back.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I used kettleballs for the first time last night with my PT. My legs are sooooo sore today! LOL! Guess that means they worked. :bigsmile:
  • redsohare
    redsohare Posts: 14 Member
    I would recommend a class. Learn how to use them first. Some of the moves put you in a position to injure yourself if you arent careful. I started using them with my trainer about 4 years ago, and I love them. Excellent workout, when you do it. I stopped using them for a while though. Actually decided last night that I'm going to a class this weekend for them.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    bit over the top to call Jillian a fake trainer?!

    Maybe a tad, but she's basically BS... A poor trainer would've been more PC I guess. There's plenty of info from professional trainers that don't have the marketing hype behind her that have commented on how bad she is and I'm not talking about the crap on TMZ either. Just do a search, you can find it yourself. In my humble opinion, the best trainers out there are the ones most people don't really know about. Everybody knows Jillian but how many people have heard of John Meadows or Dr. John Berardi? Those two are heads-and-tails better than Jillian and that's just two off the top of my head.

    This is totally going off topic...but I am a huge Jillian fan because her videos just work for me. I think Jillian is more for females and most men dislike her, but the girl can scupt an *kitten*, and no one can fault her for that.

    OP, I was going to reccomend her kettlebell workout to start, she puts together her workouts with other trainers as well as people who really know their **** about kettlebells.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    If you have a history of lower back problems, based upon personal experience I would NOT use kettle's. They gave me a herniated disc, as I got fatigued and my form slipped at the end of a set. It only takes a little deviation from proper form to mess up your back.

    Also this, don't go to hard if you are not using them with a PT
  • robinskv
    robinskv Posts: 107 Member
    I tried them and had back problem as well. I think it was all the swinging. I also got really bored, but you do get a good workout, just be careful of your form as other posters said.
  • Crystal0827
    Crystal0827 Posts: 244 Member
    By no means am I an expert but what I can tell you is, 5 months ago I had no idea what a kettlebell was. My friend introduce me to them. I don't use them everyday, maybe once a week. And what I have noticed esp. with the swings A) in order to be successful and get the proper work out w/o injury FORM IS A MUST B) my heart rate ( I have a HRM) started climbing and is very increased during the swing exercises and finally C) I usually experience more muscle soreness when using KB's vs DB. Look up the exercises on youtube, many sites will show you proper form. Hope this helps.
  • tcbutler
    tcbutler Posts: 146
    I love using kettlebells and have had success with them. I sent you a message with a little more info.
  • marbit
    marbit Posts: 108
    I started going to a trainer specifically to learn how to use kettlebells. I find them much more interesting than dumbells, and I like the workouts better. I would see a trainer or take a class because form is incredibly important. I have had a lot of success with them, my arms, legs and abs are SO much tighter now than they were before!I can FEEL the muscle!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I use them sometimes, and they give you a good workout. You have to make sure your form is correct, as with any other exercises.
  • yourpalacf
    yourpalacf Posts: 51 Member
    I take a class with kettlebells sometimes...most of the time it's hard to finish. However, like many others have already said, I wouldn't start working out with them unless you have:

    a. a trainer to watch your form
    b. experience with weightlifting

    Either/or! If you already lift and are looking for ways to vary your routine, go for it!