Weight Gain after the long weeknd



  • flisafakto
    flisafakto Posts: 143 Member
    It happens to me almost every weekend, especially now during the spring. Lots of parties in May.... Not much to do about it. I usually try to get in a nice, long weekend workout if I can manage, but still by Monday morning I'm up 2-6 lbs. But starting then, I just try to get right back on track with my daily exercise routine and most importantly - drink LOTS of water to flush it all out.
    Yep, same here. I try to dance off my alcohol that I drink. And usually spend weekend with daughter and her family so eat more. I hate weighing on Mondays but does help me to get mind back on watching what I eat and exercising. Usually the weight will start to drop again by Wednesday so as long as that continues to happen I will continue to take a break on weekends. :)
  • foxpoint
    foxpoint Posts: 1
    YES! I totally do the same thing. I loose about 5 pounds during the week, and gain 3 to 4 pounds on the weekends. It's like going two steps forward and one step back. This last weekend, I really made a concious effert not to do this and only gained 1 over the weekend. I felt like I won the lottery yesterday!
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 540 Member
    I used to weigh in on Fridays so my "weekend" wouldn't be a bother...but I am going to start weighing in on Mondays to make myself more aware of the weekends....maybe that will help me....who knows
  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    mondays are my highest weights, and my weigh in days. some weekends are better than others - i have had some success cutting down on beer (red wine or clear liquor is a good alternative) and making sure I still get in some exercise. and i go on maintenance if there is a big event but i'm not going to go too strict - i love my weekends!
  • goldengirl28
    goldengirl28 Posts: 129 Member
    I wish this post was here yesterday........i nearly threw the towel in after a blow out weekend put me to a zero loss this week,

    I've lost nothing these last 2 weeks and put it down to too much excess over the weekend

    anyway picked mysefl back up today and i'm hoping i can make up for the excesses. The nice waether is here in the UK this week, so that always helps me track, but also indulge on the weekend, sat in the garden LOL.

    glad its not just me :)

    good luck everyone thats trying to get back on track
  • ebonijo2
    ebonijo2 Posts: 73
    I love breakfast and on the weekend I love to indulge in a realy good brunch of french toast, waffles, pancakes, eggs, bacon. I really enjoy a good beligan waffle. I miss my waffle maker.
  • Warley_x
    Warley_x Posts: 62
    I kept to my diet plan at the weekend, on Sunday when I weighed I had lost 5lbs for the week so I treated myself to a cupcake while out shopping. I walked for 2 hours (way more than I do at any point during the week) and by Monday I had put back on 2lbs of the 5 I lost! So frustrating!!x
  • jendan44
    jendan44 Posts: 20
    Thanks Friends! I am happy to see that I am not alone. It is true that weekends should be like any other day. Cause if we are playing catch up all the time, when would we lose???