non veggie eater needs help

I'm wondering what can I substitute for eating veggies...I've tried many kinds but can't seem to like any...please help I know veggies play an important role in a diet and health but I can't seem to like any of them I've always been like this..maybe its the way they are prepared I don't know!!!!!!Help


  • gigglediva
    gigglediva Posts: 10 Member
    Do you make smoothies? Throw a handful of spinach or kale in there and blend it up. You can't taste it! Keep trying different things! Good luck!
  • jmwilliams10
    Will do thanks....
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    just experiment with veggies while cooking use your imagingnation and eventually youll find something that will actually make you like veggies good luck!
  • MeliciousGibson
    Another option is called True Vitality protein powder. It has a bunch of greens already in it - and you can't taste them at all! Especially if you get the vanilla or chocolate flavored powder. I mix mine with almond, coconut, or rice milk (because I'm a vegetarian)'s DELICIOUS!

    It's not as good as eating fresh veggies...but at least you'll be getting a bunch of the vitamins and nutrients from the greens. If you do an internet search you should be able to find it.

    Best of luck!
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    I don't eat veggies or much fruit either, I just watch what I eat.... I'm not hung up on eating healthy either... I eat what I want when I want, just in moderation, and I now do loads of walking, running.
    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    Green smoothies. But truly...I've now found a passion for veggies. I roast some and toss with some quinoa. I roast some to snack on. It took time to really enjoy the veggies, but my body was use to tons of processed food. Eating clean (albeit it's been on and off...and now on again) has taught me to enjoy natures bounty. It just wasn't optional for me healthwise, and if I didn't learn to eat them and enjoy them.....I wasn't going to regain my health back.

    Good luck.
  • vanderandkarl
    do u like spag bol and pizza if so make your own sauces but add extra veg and garlic and herbs so u are unable to taste it

    i add carrot, onion and peas to passata to make a base for pizza and spag bol for the children so they get extra veg in them.

    you may like vegs raw and not cooked keep trying them 1 item at a time x
  • uxbridgeheli
    My mum is exactly the same.
    She's now 72 and still hates nearly all veggies.
    She likes green beans and peas and that is it!
    Nothing else at all. No matter how we cook them for her.
    Some people have certain taste buds that just can't take to veggies.
    I'll never understand it as I loooove all veggies.
    You could have salads instead or try putting some in a stew.
    Do you like mushrooms??
    I make lovely mushrooms, sliced with a little bit of water, add half a beef oxo cube (gravy), worcester sauce, salt, pepper, lemon juice and cook down until there is hardly any juice left.
    H x
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    do you make sauces? puree them into sauces. Jerry Seinfeld's wife made a cook book that talks about how you can hide veggies in different foods. Maybe take a look at it
  • ultraplop
    ultraplop Posts: 30
    Like the previous poster mentioned, you can mix them into foods you do like. Puree the vegetables and you can add them to things and you won't even taste it. You could also consider getting a juicer. I find they generally taste better that way, you can also mix in fruits with your veggies for more sweet flavor.

    That being said, you don't have to eat vegetables. Eat a wide variety of fruits, nuts, meats (especially seafood) and beans and you will get all the vitamins and minerals you need. Keep in mind however that vegetables on average have a higher concentration of micro nutrients and are usually lower calorie than fruit, so if you can find a way to enjoy them, it would be beneficial.
  • JulieH3art
    JulieH3art Posts: 293 Member
    Guys, MAKE SURE you get enough vitamins. Esp C
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    If you eat a lot of different fruits that can give you mostly the same minerals and vitamins as veggies, and are a good source of fibre. The thing is that fruits are higher in calories and sugar (whole fruit is healthy despite the sugar, it's when you separate the sugar from the fruit that the health concerns arise as it's about how quickly the sugar gets into your blood that affects your health) which means you have to log your fruit calories and if you have blood sugar control issues very sweet fruits might not be an option.

    I second the advice about green smoothies, and any other ways to disguise the taste/presence of vegetables in other foods, such as putting them in bolognaise sauce then blending it so you can't see or taste the individual veggies. Look on websites/in books about cooking for children because a lot of parents use vegetable disguising recipes to get more veggies into their kids. I've even seen vegetable ice creams! (although I think the recipe involves added sugar so may not be so good for fat loss, but it's still a way to get a wider range of vitamins into kids, so long as they're doing plenty of activity.
  • bfkilduff
    bfkilduff Posts: 11 Member
    I am interested to hear what people have to say because my wife is the same way! It makes my dieting harder when we try to eat a family meal. Of course our 2 year old likes what my wife adds to the meal more than the veggies I add. Imagine that....a 2 year old liking carbs (noodles, pierogies, etc) more than veggies. Shocking.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Taste is acquired. Most of us are bombarded with sugar, salt and fat to a point nothing other than that seems good. If you can find some dressings that are reasonably healthy, you'll probably do better. Of course there are supplements, and smoothies to disguise the taste.

    If you have one or two that you like even a little, find some recipes for them. Here are some things that I have tried.

    - A little A-1 on steamed broccoli, cauliflower or carrots.
    - Some bacon bits and garlic on cauliflower.
    - Pickled veggies (lots of sodium, but a start)
    - Low-cal cheese sauce (again, lots of sodium)
    - Salads with tuna, salmon, or hard boiled eggs.
    - Beans are also very good.
  • ajelove
    ajelove Posts: 97 Member
    My husband hates veggies, but he will chug a smoothie with kale/spinach. He hates the flecks of it in there, but it doesn't taste bad:
    chop and freeze a banana
    1/2 cup fat free milk or plain yogurt
    whatever berries you like
    a cup of kale/spinach

    There really isn't a replacement for it, so...yeah..take a vitamin? Oh..bolthouse farms green smoothie is delicious, but has a lot of sugar and calories. You'd just have to watch the amount you consume.
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 343 Member
    Green smoothies. But truly...I've now found a passion for veggies. I roast some and toss with some quinoa. I roast some to snack on. It took time to really enjoy the veggies, but my body was use to tons of processed food. Eating clean (albeit it's been on and off...and now on again) has taught me to enjoy natures bounty. It just wasn't optional for me healthwise, and if I didn't learn to eat them and enjoy them.....I wasn't going to regain my health back.

    Good luck.

    I, too, have developed a passion for veggies. I wasn't raised to eat then and I lived on processed junk my whole life. But then, I decided to become a VEGETARIAN! I did it for health reasons, and after opting to go to fruits and veggies rather than chips, I had no choice but to eat them, and I found that in time, I actually started craving them.

    Do you like stir fry? That's a good way to get lots of veggies in one serving. I started out eating the veggies I liked (sweet potatoes, broccoli) and then started experimenting with others. I started adding different veggies to my salads, since the dressing kind of masked the taste. I would eat baby carrots with ranch dressing, and then I 'graduated' to eating them with hummus, which is now my FAVORITE snack. Just like anything, veggies (for me, anyway) were an acquired taste, and as I forced myself to eat them, I found that I actually started enjoying them. I NEVER thought I'd like tomatoes, but now I eat several grape tomatoes in my salads and feel like something's missing if I run out. I hope you can find a way to incorporate them into your diet. :-)
  • coachbeav
    coachbeav Posts: 40 Member
    I don't know if you have heard of Beachbody's shakeology or not, but one shake a day contains all of your daily vitamins and nutrients that you get from veggies and the best part is it taste great! Just an option :) Let me know if you would like more information on it.
  • kelfromhell
    kelfromhell Posts: 25 Member
    I agree with hiding vegetables....try grating some carrot or sweet potato or zucchini into your meat sauce if you make lasagne or won't notice.

    And if you like parmesan or garlic or some other strong flavor here is a recipe....tweak the herbs/spices and flavors the sauce will take on the flavor. Great on pizza or pasta.

    Light Zucchini Cream for Pasta

    1 medium zucchini
    1 medium carrot
    1 medium onion
    2 garlic cloves
    salt, pepper, any seasonings you prefer
    olive oil or cooking spray

    Bring water to boil and start cooking pasta. (This amount of sauce is enough for about 10oz of pasta.)

    Roughly grate zucchini and carrot. I like to leave the skin on zucs because those tiny green pieces of it look very pretty. Note: You can save about a tablespoon of grated carrot and zucchini for decoration

    Chop onion and mince garlic. Note: I recommend removing the core of garlic because it's the stinky part.

    In a skillet fry onion and carrot in some olive oil (or use cooking spray) until onion is clear. Add grated zucchini and garlic and saute for 5 minutes until it's done. Taste for salt.

    Transfer into blender and run it until the sauce gets all creamy. Taste again, add pepper and other seasonings you like. I prefer oregano or basil for this.

    Your pasta should be done by now. Drain it. Return sauce to a skillet, add pasta and heat a minute or so.

    Serves: 4

    I hope you find something that works. Maybe just try one or two meals a week and as you find things you like add in more and more. I think dropping the processed food and getting "used" to the way real food tastes can take time as others have said.

    Good luck!
  • jmwilliams10
    Mostly all I will eat is sweet peas and green beans...
  • reallyregina
    reallyregina Posts: 62 Member
    I used to HATE veggies and I'm allergic to raw fruits and vegetables but to lower my cholesterol I became a vegetarian. I now love veggies. The first one I started to not only like but crave will surprise you. It was roasted brussel sprouts. Wash them. Quarter them. Spray with oil (if you use oil or put on parchment paper if you don't). Sprinkle with salt/pepper. Throw em in the oven. I like them with the edges a little bit crispy. So good. I also love roasted bell peppers even though I hate bell peppers any other way. Roasting them turns them kind of sweet. That with salt and pepper they are so good! You can throw them on a cracker and it's an easy appetizer.

    Mostly play around with the veggie until you find a way you like or give up on it. Personally I can't stand mushrooms no matter how they are prepared. Took several attempts to find a way to enjoy sweet potatoes. I can't stand them sweet but I love them with hot sauce, salsa and green onions. Sometimes I add black beans or veggie chili on top for added protein. You could also sneak in baby spinach. I use baby spinach all the time. To me it's pretty tasteless so it's easy to put into foods.

    Another good way to sneak them in is in soups and chilis. I used to chops them in the food processor until they were basically mush. Tricked my brain into thinking I wasn't eating them. ha!