non veggie eater needs help



  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Ah, if it wasn't for veggies I'd have a difficult time staying within my calorie range since I'm a volume eater (but then how many aren't on this board?). Plus there is no replacement for the vitamins and minerals you get when you eat whole veggies, no matter what the supplement people like to claim.

    Have you tried roasted? My favorite way to eat cauliflower is to cut a head into bite sized pieces, put 1 TBSP olive oil and some salt into a bowl, then toss the cauliflower till it's coated. Roast in a 400 degree oven for 40 minutes. I eat half and my husband eats the other half, so yummy. You can do the same thing with Brussels sprouts but then I use, salt, 1/2 TBSP of olive oil and 1 TBSP of balsamic vinegar. Cut the Brussels in half. Almost taste like candy. Roasting brings out the sugars in the veggies (yes, there are sugars there). Grilled veggies are great too!!
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    I personally LOOOOVE veggies (except Brussel sprouts and asparagus!!) My mum made us eat so many as kids, that I start to feel guilty if I haven't had broccoli in a while, but my kids are not fans, so here are some of my tips and tricks:

    Roasted veggie's are soooo much nice than plain old steamed or boiled, cut then up chunky (what ever you like!), place in a pan, spray with a little olive oil, add S&P maybe some herbs and roast away.

    If I make a meat type sauce (like a bolognaise sauce, or a chilli) I would add grated veggie's (carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, squash etc) it bulks it up a bit too.

    Oven roasted carrots, pumpkin and sweet potato are naturally very sweet and delicious!

    Sometimes I would steam some veggies, then puree them smooth with a little water and add them into anything that has a tomato base.

    Try soups, the combo of spices and flavors used in them can really make veggies taste really different!!
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    A lot of it depends on how they're prepared. I always thought I hated most vegetables, and it turns out it was the way my mother prepared them (mushy). One day, I had them steamed perfectly, and oh man. Total change. It turns out I like them crisp, almost raw. I eat tons of carrots, green beans, broccoli, and cauliflower now.

    You can also puree them and dump them into homemade spaghetti sauce. :)
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Check out Everyday Food magazine. Love it. Free recipes online too if you do not want to buy it. It's at the grocer's checkout counter.

    It makes it easy to log because it gives the nutrition info.

    And many creative ways to make veggies for veggie haters.

    I've been a lifelong organic gardener. I never met a veggie I hated (except eggplant)
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    If it wasn't for fruits and veggies, I don't know what I'd eat. They are like 90% of my diet.
    I used to hate veggies. Up until about four or five months ago. (Although I'd always loved fruit!) However, my boyfriend started cooking some veggies for us. We eat a lot of zucchini (my fave!), broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower. We put them in a frying pan, add some water, and put lots of spices on them! Some spices we use are: lemon pepper, cayenne, paprika, pepper, garlic salt, onion salt. (not as much cayenne as the rest ... too hot! lol) But you can add whatever you think would taste good!

    Most of the time when I go elsewhere (parents, restaurants, friends, etc.), I absolutely hate the veggies. I don't know how other people make veggies but it just doesn't work for me!

    Having some cut up carrots around is always nice too. A quick and easy snack. I often have cut up carrots, celery, and apples around for when I get the munchies and it isn't dinner time yet! Hah.

    I don't think there really is a replacement for eating veggies though.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    Just try different ways to prepare. I like grilled asparagus, squash, peppers, and onions. I just coat with cooking spray and sprinkle with garlic pepper. I also hide veggies in sauces and I like to add yellow squash, zucchini, onions and tomatoes to my chili. Add sauted veggies to pasta dishes, add fresh chopped tomatoes, onions, and peppers to pasta salads, make your own coleslaw with shredded cabbage and carrots with a sprinkle of black pepper and just enough reduced fat mayo or Miracle Whip to moisten (not drenched in dressing like store bought versions).
    Buy your fresh produce at a local farmer's market or produce stand if you have that option. The produce will be much fresher and taste much better than from most grocery stores.
  • Ms_Jae
    Ms_Jae Posts: 36 Member
    I'm so not a veggie eater either but have grown to like some veggies like broccoli and asparagus. ppl on here seem to have really good ideas as to how to incorporate veggies into a meal and I think I'll try a few of them but I just chug a V8 and do a little extra walking to burn off those added cals. I also eat a lot of salads (Romain lettus much better for you) and add fresh spinch. Dont forget to get some fiber to get things movin' :-) Happy Eating!
  • kelfromhell
    kelfromhell Posts: 25 Member
    Hey, I also have a low fat recipe for "chocolate cake". It uses low fat mayo as the fat - rather than oil and shredded zucchini.....let me know if you'd like the recipe.
    You can also add a can of pumpkin rather than milk/eggs to most cake mixes. Google it online.
  • jendon7
    jendon7 Posts: 9 Member
    i'm with ya. i try so hard to like veggies, and i find it quite difficult. one way i sneak some veggies into my spaghetti sauce if i don't have time to shred or puree fresh veggies is organic baby food (they are just pureed veggies & water). in a pot of sauce, i will throw a jar of green beans, squash, carrots & sweet potatoes. you cannot tell they are in there. promise. :) i've even done this when i've made baked ziti or lasagna for a one has any idea!

    i also really enjoy roasted sweet potatoes & onions!
  • twirlinggirl
    I LOVE veggies, but I know not everyone is the same! Some ideas to make veggies more palatable for non-veg-lovers:

    Roasting, I think, is the easiest way to make veggies extra yummy. They caramelize and get sweet and crunchy.
    --roast kale in the oven, dressed with olive oil & salt. The get nice and crispy. Kale Chips! Doesn't taste like a veggie at all!
    -- replace regular potatoes with sweet potatoes when you can. You can make baked sweet potato fries by slicing them thinly and roasting them.

    Making sauces is another good idea. Most mild veggies (tomatoes, spinach, onions, carrots, even other dark leafy greens) can almost disappear in a good hearty sauce if you chop them small and cook them all together.

    Also, you can subtly add veggies to homemade breadcrumbs (when you're food-processing the bread, throw in some broccoli florets or spinach-- I swear you can't taste the difference!) or puree spinach into a pesto sauce you're making.Mash some roasted cauliflower in with your mashed potatoes.

    Soups are another good idea, esp. pureed soups. Lately, I've been obsessed with this yummy Broccoli-Cheddar soup:
    It's WAY healthier than any other Brocc-Chedd soup I've ever seen, and you can easily up the amt of cheese if you like it cheesier. Doesn't taste "green" at all!

    Good luck! I hope you find some ways to fall in love with veggies! There are SO many, it can be really fun to cook with them!