calorie/exercise advice for a newbie?

Six weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to finally take control of my health and lose weight. Shortly after, I started using MFP, which I particularly liked because I could track not only my calories but nutrition. I want to lose weight, but I want to do it in a sustainable way and most of all I just want to be healthy.

When I put down a 2lb/week goal, it set me at 1200 calories. I found it pretty difficult to get adequate nutrition with so few calories and was tired all the time, even though I tried to eat in healthy ways, so I decreased my weekly goal and now it has me at 1340.

However, in doing some research through these boards I have started learning about TDEE and BMR.

Here are my stats:

Weight: 181.2
Height: 5'4" (64")
Age: 35
Body fat % (using the military calculator with neck/waist/hip measurements): 48%

I went to the scoobysworkshop link and it gave me the following:

BMR: 1396
TDEE: 1920
20% below TDEE: 1536

I've lost 10 lbs in the last six weeks (of about 70 I want to lose). That's probably too fast and it's important to me that this be sustainable and that I not screw up my metabolism.

I am going to try and do less cardio and more weight training, because when I do cardio I end up with too big a deficit. I always net below that 1340 target MFP set for me and now I'm realizing that is probably unhealthy. I am worried about increasing my calories too quickly. Does anyone have any advice for me? Should I up my caloric intake to TDEE -20% and hope for the best?


  • Stallion_Duck007
    10 lbs in six weeks is not fast at all! Don't worry about it, the only way you could do your metabolism any real harm is if you stop eating all together.

    I would keep doing the cardio too, cardio is GREAT for your metabolism- which is what you seem to be worried about!
    For the calorie intake- try making better decisions with the daily calorie goal.

    Like, eating a protein bar for breakfast instead of Captain Crunch.
    (I'm not assuming you eat captain crunch, I don't know you or your eating habits, it's just an example)

    It's all about fueling your body though! If you feel like you need more calories, GO FOR IT! just favor foods with high protein, because protein fuels muscle, which get rid of fats!
    Hope this helped! xoxo
  • hgunny76
    hgunny76 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for responding! I have been eating an oatmeal brand cereal in the morning - one thing I noticed was that I don't get enough iron so having an iron fortified cereal was helping with that; I would like to do eggs or something but time is a problem so breakfast is not easy.

    I have been trying to eat as much lean meat and veggies as I can. If I overdo it on carbs or sugars I feel like crap so I try to get somewhat dense calories in. I really don't feel hungry and if I do I eat, even if it's a cheese stick or some almonds, but then again I'm obese so I probably wouldn't get as hungry as someone else who was thinner eating a low calorie diet.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Thank you for responding! I have been eating an oatmeal brand cereal in the morning - one thing I noticed was that I don't get enough iron so having an iron fortified cereal was helping with that; I would like to do eggs or something but time is a problem so breakfast is not easy.

    I have been trying to eat as much lean meat and veggies as I can. If I overdo it on carbs or sugars I feel like crap so I try to get somewhat dense calories in. I really don't feel hungry and if I do I eat, even if it's a cheese stick or some almonds, but then again I'm obese so I probably wouldn't get as hungry as someone else who was thinner eating a low calorie diet.

    Get a few glass dishes, crack an egg or three into one and microwave for 2 minutes, stopping once halfway to mix in the cooked portion. Add spinach and any other veggies or cooked meats you'd like, nuke it for another 30 seconds (more if you added meat). Eat with fat free sour cream and salsa (and if you want the carbs an english muffin). This is what I make for my fiancee daily and I have the prep time down to 3 minutes flat (4 with meat).
  • mimiclown
    mimiclown Posts: 32
    I love eggbeater omelet,slice of ham and fat free shredded cheese. About 110 calories, and a piece of light whole wheat toast, 45 cal., very filling for only about 160 cal.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    Search for the group called "Eat More to Weigh Less". The stickies there will answer all of your questions. Plus, a lot of the members are lifters, so you will meet lots of people will like goals.

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I think you are approaching this from a realistic and smart perspective, which greatly increases your chances of success. It sounds to me like you have a pretty good idea of what you need to do. Although the calculators aren't always as accurate as we would like, I think it's wise to eat at least your BMR everyday, though. I think you will do of luck!
  • hgunny76
    hgunny76 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for responding! I have been eating an oatmeal brand cereal in the morning - one thing I noticed was that I don't get enough iron so having an iron fortified cereal was helping with that; I would like to do eggs or something but time is a problem so breakfast is not easy.

    I have been trying to eat as much lean meat and veggies as I can. If I overdo it on carbs or sugars I feel like crap so I try to get somewhat dense calories in. I really don't feel hungry and if I do I eat, even if it's a cheese stick or some almonds, but then again I'm obese so I probably wouldn't get as hungry as someone else who was thinner eating a low calorie diet.

    Get a few glass dishes, crack an egg or three into one and microwave for 2 minutes, stopping once halfway to mix in the cooked portion. Add spinach and any other veggies or cooked meats you'd like, nuke it for another 30 seconds (more if you added meat). Eat with fat free sour cream and salsa (and if you want the carbs an english muffin). This is what I make for my fiancee daily and I have the prep time down to 3 minutes flat (4 with meat).

    Thank you!! I'll try that! My husband has more time than I do in the morning so he might not mind helping prepare this. He eats boiled eggs in the morning but I can't stomach them on their own.

    Do you guys take multivitamins as well? I am always short on potassium and iron and haven't figured out the magic formula to get those daily through food.
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    It takes a few weeks for your mind to catch up to your body and you won't feel hungry all the time. If you are doing high protein (MFP recommendations are too low here to I always make sure to go over on protein) then you won't feel as hungry. Try boiling a bunch of eggs and keep them in the fridge. It's a handy snack and great saving time. I have 1 -2 hard boiled eggs a day to fill in between meals and it takes away any hunger I have. Sliced avocado is very good snack also. I also keep low fat string cheese on hand with some fresh fruit and veggies. I take a day on the weekends and pre-bag little snacks of carrots, celery, broccoli, avocado, and eggs and just grab a couple as I walk out the door. This eliminates temptations as well. Good Luck!
  • ChelseaM18
    ChelseaM18 Posts: 303
    Since you're new to this, I would recommend starting with a CONSISTENT diet that doesn't change much that's roughly 40/40/30 , it will decrease your chance of falling off the wagon, trying to quickly lose by changing your diet all the time is just a recipe for disaster, take it from me! Good Luck :)
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    Thank you for responding! I have been eating an oatmeal brand cereal in the morning - one thing I noticed was that I don't get enough iron so having an iron fortified cereal was helping with that; I would like to do eggs or something but time is a problem so breakfast is not easy.

    I have been trying to eat as much lean meat and veggies as I can. If I overdo it on carbs or sugars I feel like crap so I try to get somewhat dense calories in. I really don't feel hungry and if I do I eat, even if it's a cheese stick or some almonds, but then again I'm obese so I probably wouldn't get as hungry as someone else who was thinner eating a low calorie diet.

    Get a few glass dishes, crack an egg or three into one and microwave for 2 minutes, stopping once halfway to mix in the cooked portion. Add spinach and any other veggies or cooked meats you'd like, nuke it for another 30 seconds (more if you added meat). Eat with fat free sour cream and salsa (and if you want the carbs an english muffin). This is what I make for my fiancee daily and I have the prep time down to 3 minutes flat (4 with meat).

    Thank you!! I'll try that! My husband has more time than I do in the morning so he might not mind helping prepare this. He eats boiled eggs in the morning but I can't stomach them on their own.

    Do you guys take multivitamins as well? I am always short on potassium and iron and haven't figured out the magic formula to get those daily through food.

    There was a time not long ago that you would not get me to eat an egg. Especially the yolk. I loved egg whites so I would boil the egg and just eat the white. I eventually worked up the nerve and stomach to eat the yolks too and now i've started liking them. Alot of it is how I saw they filled me up and were extremely nutritious and cheap : ) .
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Thank you!! I'll try that! My husband has more time than I do in the morning so he might not mind helping prepare this. He eats boiled eggs in the morning but I can't stomach them on their own.

    Do you guys take multivitamins as well? I am always short on potassium and iron and haven't figured out the magic formula to get those daily through food.

    I take fish oil, multivitamin, magnesium, and potassium every morning with my protein shake. The fiancee takes fish oil and a multivitamin.
  • angelakj23
    angelakj23 Posts: 51

    When I saw that you want to do eggs, but time is a problem, I thought of this product that I saw at a Tupperware Party that I went to this last weekend. I don't sell Tupperware, but I am sure you could buy it online. I thought it was super cool because you can make an omlet in the microwave in 3-4 minutes. It is a small blue container and you put all your fillings in it with the egg and it cooks that quick. They did it at the party and it tasted like a regular omlet, no rubberiness or anything like that. The only note would be to not put the cheese in the microwave or it will cook the cheese and not the egg. If you want cheese you put it on the top once it is done and it will melt. The product is only $20 and I thought that wasn't bad. I am thinking of buying it and just having my veggies already chopped, then I could throw together an omlet in about 5 minutes total in the morning.

    I agree that you have not lost weight too fast, that is a healthy speed to lose weight.
    Congrats on losing that too! :)

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Quaker Weight Control oatmeal has added protein. Other oatmeals have added fiber. You could also make regular oatmeal with milk to up the protein (and fat). Some cold cereals are higher in protein than others .... Special K Original and Kashi Go Lean (original) are examples.

    Also - greek yogurt is high protein. I like to add berries, nuts & Go Lean to the mix.

    For eggs - look for make ahead items. Bake eggs & feeze individual portions, quiche & burritos are examples.

    Both cardio & strength training are both great. Just keep moving.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Regarding eggs...I make egg "muffins" in a muffin pan. Fill each slot with sauteed veggies, beat a dozen eggs and 1 tsp baking powder (helps them rise) and pour over. Bake for 20 minutes. I freeze 2 of them in ziplock bags and thaw the night before. pop in microwave prior to eating. About 100 calories each.
  • hgunny76
    hgunny76 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all SO much! This is really helpful! I appreciate the support and really admire how successful you all have been.

    I am going to keep doing what I'm doing, tracking my calories, trying to be consistently healthy and if I'm hungry I will eat something good for me even if I go slightly over my calories. I am trying to consistently eat things that are good for me (lots of fresh veggies, lean meats, good fats, going for protein) but at the same time am not on a 'diet' - otherwise I won't maintain. I rarely crave things like pizza anymore but if I want it I will eat it, just not often and not a large portion. I am finding as I eat better and exercise more I don't seem to crave crappy food, and I when I eat I do so deliberately and not as a time-filler in front of the tv.

    I think working more eggs in to my diet would be awesome so I'll try some of these suggestions. Thank you so much again for your support, I have read posts on here for hours but having some specific feedback is so useful.