Too much sugar (fruits)

shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
So according to MFP, I'm eating WAY too much sugar. Not in junk food though - it's all in fruit.
If I eat more than one fruit in a day, I'm eating too much sugar! My "daily goal" is 24 but I'm regularly eating 50. I usually eat 2-3 fruits a day! Nothing else that I eat goes over 2, it's all fruit!!!

Is this really bad? I do well with everything else ... it's just sugar that is always this bright red negative number!

Fruits are a good snack though. It's better that I have them instead of cookies or chips or something. I snack a lot through the day, mostly with fruits and veggies. I'm not sure how else I can change this. I've cut down the amount of the fruits that I eat now in comparison to a few months ago, since I eat a lot more veggies. But I just really love fruits!!!

I'm (almost) always under calories, and I'm always close to my goal for everything else (carbs, fat, protein, iron) so I hate having sugar ALWAYS being over.

Are there certain fruits that are better than others for sugar? Right now, I'm eating apples, pears, oranges, kiwis, bananas. During the season, I eat tons of berries, cherries, grapes, peaches, nectarines. Are there certain ones I should avoid and certain ones I should choose? It looks like apples are pretty high in sugar but they are also cheap which is why I always have apples hah.

Should I be eating other things instead of fruit? What else would be a nice healthy snack? Are there certain fruits I should avoid? Are there certain fruits that are better than others? How bad is having too much sugar (in all fruits) every day?

Thanks! :)


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    sugar is sugar but I wouldnt worry about 2 pieces of fruit a day. You dont need more than that and fruit is good for us but it is so over rated. it seems to me most MFP nutrition guidelines are wrong (for me). MFP is carb heavy, protein low. I dont know what guide they are using.

    I dont track sugar but I also dont eat it except for an occasional orange or apple.
  • rcthale
    rcthale Posts: 141
    As long as you're eating whole fruits and not juicing, you're still filling your stomach with relatively few calories. As long as your total calories are in check, you're doing great. I would only worry about the carb-protein-fat proportions of the diet if you were training for a marathon or doing bodybuilding.
  • lizzielou67
    lizzielou67 Posts: 35
    As long as you're eating whole fruits and not juicing, you're still filling your stomach with relatively few calories. As long as your total calories are in check, you're doing great. I would only worry about the carb-protein-fat proportions of the diet if you were training for a marathon or doing bodybuilding.

    ^^ This ^^

    You may be getting "too much" sugar according to MFP. However, you are eating healthy, fiber filled fruit!!! Healthy and good for you in many ways (lots of vitamins and antioxidants).
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Yeah, I definitely only eat fruits (well I may have orange juice like once a month but that is considered a "treat", not an everyday thing).
    I am always fine with calories but all my other numbers are lower than the amount. I'm not sure if that's good or bad :s
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    If I understand it correctly, the sugar recommendation in general is for added sugar. all fruits and vegetables have sugar in them, but if you're truly concerned, keep an eye on the sugar to fiber ratio (and IMO, keep it under 5:1). That's been very helpful to me.

    sugar is sugar is not table sugar ;)

    also, my diary is open if you want to peek. i keep track of my sugar:fiber in ratio format in my notes.
  • Angie_1MR
    Angie_1MR Posts: 247
    It depends on your goals, really. If you're looking to be cut, limit fruit to before and after weight training, if you're just looking to just drop some weight, I would limit fruit intake to 2 servings per day.
  • slikfish
    slikfish Posts: 9 Member
    Berries are lower on the GI. Try some with plain yogurt.
  • pfarley68
    pfarley68 Posts: 83 Member
    There is a reason that God gave us fruits and veggies and your body needs the vitamins they provide. They have a lot of nutritional benefit including fighting cancer so you don't need to worry about eating 2 or 3 a day or even more than that.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    If I understand it correctly, the sugar recommendation in general is for added sugar. all fruits and vegetables have sugar in them, but if you're truly concerned, keep an eye on the sugar to fiber ratio (and IMO, keep it under 5:1). That's been very helpful to me.

    sugar is sugar is not table sugar ;)

    also, my diary is open if you want to peek. i keep track of my sugar:fiber in ratio format in my notes.

    no...when tracking sugar you do count the sugar in fruit. your body doesnt know if the sugar it is dealing with came from a banana or the sugar bowl on your table
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    Google fruits with low glycemic index. If it is lower in they glycemic index, then you'll be fine. The problem with foods that have a higher GI is that your blood sugar will spike quickly, and you'll likely have a crash and feel pretty tired. Watermelon is surprisingly high. Berries tend to be low. Whole bananas are a bit too much, but half a banana is fine to eat. Munch on that fruit all you want!
  • rmchapman4
    rmchapman4 Posts: 152 Member
    So according to MFP, I'm eating WAY too much sugar. Not in junk food though - it's all in fruit.
    If I eat more than one fruit in a day, I'm eating too much sugar! My "daily goal" is 24 but I'm regularly eating 50. I usually eat 2-3 fruits a day! Nothing else that I eat goes over 2, it's all fruit!!!

    Is this really bad? I do well with everything else ... it's just sugar that is always this bright red negative number!

    Fruits are a good snack though. It's better that I have them instead of cookies or chips or something. I snack a lot through the day, mostly with fruits and veggies. I'm not sure how else I can change this. I've cut down the amount of the fruits that I eat now in comparison to a few months ago, since I eat a lot more veggies. But I just really love fruits!!!

    I'm (almost) always under calories, and I'm always close to my goal for everything else (carbs, fat, protein, iron) so I hate having sugar ALWAYS being over.

    Are there certain fruits that are better than others for sugar? Right now, I'm eating apples, pears, oranges, kiwis, bananas. During the season, I eat tons of berries, cherries, grapes, peaches, nectarines. Are there certain ones I should avoid and certain ones I should choose? It looks like apples are pretty high in sugar but they are also cheap which is why I always have apples hah.

    Should I be eating other things instead of fruit? What else would be a nice healthy snack? Are there certain fruits I should avoid? Are there certain fruits that are better than others? How bad is having too much sugar (in all fruits) every day?

    Thanks! :)
  • rmchapman4
    rmchapman4 Posts: 152 Member
    I have the same concern. But, fruit is natural sugar and I eat it anyway!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I eat lots of fruit. It's a good source of some of the nutrients I can't easily get any other way. I also pretty much ignore the sugar content (though I do try to eat it at times when my blood sugar feels low as a pick-me-up, like mid-afternoon).

    Fruit is my somewhat healthy candy bar. I eat at least three pieces a day (apple, banana, citrus) and I don't track the sugars from it too closely because it comes with a good nutrient load, and I'm using it to recover my glycogen levels after workouts and during the "afternoon doldrums".

    It sure beats the King Sized Snickers I used to use for the afternoon doldrums, and my blood sugar stays up until supper when I can choose a reasonable meal.

    I don't sweat sugars that come with a nutrient benefit.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Whole bananas are a bit too much, but half a banana is fine to eat. Munch on that fruit all you want!

    A whole banana is a great glycemic recharge after a nice sweaty workout though! But I agree - if you're not at a glycemic deficit a whole banana is probably not a great idea. :)
  • apcartwright
    apcartwright Posts: 27 Member
    Just looking into it and berries are much lower in sugar, have been having the same problem, I am going to try using lower sugar fruit and see how it goes
  • karencantarathompson
    I decided to just track my eating as a personal guide for myself. The sugar portion is way too low for me as well as the protein. I have low blood sugar and fibro. I notice my body does much better with a higher protien,calcium,sugar (fruit) combo than anything else. I am tryint to just self check myself daily on my complex carbs, junk food, and preservatives. More to just keep myself accountable to me. We all know our own bodies and if we are feeling healthier it's a good thing.
  • SjoeraR
    SjoeraR Posts: 4
    I've been having the same problem. Every day, my sugar is in red just by eating fruits. I don't eat any candy or cookies or drink soda, all the sugar comes from the fruits I eat. Good to hear that I don't really need to worry about it.