First time running/running a 5k question



  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Yet another vote for C25K. I'm on week 6. I've never been a runner and I've been shocked at how easy it's been for me. I mean, not EASY, but I've been able to get through all the runs, and I can now run two miles. If you told me last year that I'd someday be able to run 2 miles I'd laugh in your face. Next up: 5k!

    The trick is to jog as slowly as you need to. C25K is not about speed; it's about being able to run the entire distance.
  • jcarnes66
    jcarnes66 Posts: 40 Member
    I used the 5k Runner iPhone app and just finished my 2nd 5k last Saturday (Joplin Memorial). I ran it in :31.24, which was a personal best for me. I started out at 280 lbs and began by walking as much as I could, then progressing to jogging some in between. Once I found the 5k Runner app, things just took off! I started dropping weight like crazy (down to 222 now) and can actually run an entire 5k now without stopping! The C25k app is very similar but just a bit different (to me, it seems a bit more aggressive). I started running about 6 weeks ago, went through the entire program and I'm thrilled with the results. I've decided to skip the 10k and go straight to the half for my next challenge. I'm using the Runmeter app for this one. I seem to be kind of stuck at 3.1 miles....I'm going to try and increase my distance and see if that helps any.
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    <--- C25K without a doubt! I started it last June and...well, look at the pic, I've joined a running club and doing a 10-mile run this June.
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    C25K grad here, too!

    You'll be a runner in no time...and totally addicted.
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    I just completed my first 5k two weeks ago. Only goal was to finish without walking, which I accomplished. Take your time. Set your pace, enjoy the experience! Have fun!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    - Good running shoes
    - Do some strength training for your legs. IE: Squats and lunges or machines at the gym. Injury is to be avoided at all costs. I would do this for a few weeks before running at all.
    - Walk 5K before you run it. It will probably take 1 hour, but it is good if you really haven't moved before.
    - C25K! Have the last workout coincide with your race day.
    - Fall in love with running, I did.
  • TeslaJoule
    TeslaJoule Posts: 62 Member
    The hardest part of running is starting. Not just today, but everyday. It's awful to start, but once you start seeing benefits and getting up and doing it, your body will CRAVE it and your mind will either go with it and decide you finally like it, or it will just shut up because it can't combat runner's high. :) You've already done the hardest part which is deciding to do it! Now make it routine and you'll be just fine! :)

    Oh, and go to a running shoe store and be fit with some. A professional fit makes a WORLD of difference. And don't forgot to put a slight incline on the treadmill so you don't get shin splints! BEST OF LUCK!!! :)
  • Buettner22
    Buettner22 Posts: 129 Member
    Like everyone has mentioned I would do that Couch to 5K program! It really helps push you but not to extremes and if one week is harder then you can handle you can always stay on it for an extra week and make it your own pace! Im doing it right now and im squeezing 4 weeks into 2 weeks so im ready for my first 5k in a week and half but by all means i do not recommend that at all. Its brutal not having any breaks and my legs and lungs hate me right now. Good luck girl you can totally make this happen!
  • DawnMarieMomofTwo
    DawnMarieMomofTwo Posts: 186 Member
    c25k helped me SOOOO much i would start there! also maybe just shoot for finishing it. i dont know where you are located but here August is REALLY HOT! i couldnt do a 5k in August and ive been running for about 5 months now... Even if you have to walk some it will be a wonderful accomplishment! I just did my first 5k last month it was AMAZING i had so much fun, your going to really enjoy it!
  • TeslaJoule
    TeslaJoule Posts: 62 Member
    I just read your second post about asthma. I also have asthma. So in addition to my earlier post, my biggest advice for this part is start slow. If you feel like you can't breath, you're going too fast. If you can't do the talk test, you're going too fast. Your lungs will take a while to adjust. It's a marathon not a sprint when you have asthma. One of the tricks I learned was that I always put songs on that I can sing along to. If I start feeling out of breath, it's actually because I"m not getting enough air OUT (although it feels the opposite), so I concentrate on singing with the song and that helps regulate my breathing and not over think it (over thinking it is when I get in trouble). Be that annoying person at the gym who is singing and having a good time, because for you, it will be good for your health. :)
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    Start slow and work your way up to it. Walk a mile or two, then when you are comfortable doing that try jogging part of it. Keep increasing the intervals that you are jogging until you can do 1 or 2 complete miles without walking. Then work on your speed and that last mile + that you will need to do a 5k.

    If it starts to hurt while you are jogging/running, slow down and walk a little bit - do not stop.

    Work on your leg strength - quads, hamstrings, and calf muscles.

    Train outdoors as much as possible - it is way different than running on a treadmill in the gym.

    Push yourself to do better each time you get out to train.

    Stay well hydrated.

    Get some good tunes to listen to that will keep you in an energized state of mind!

    If you have a smartphone, download a program to help you track your pace, time and distance (I use Endomondo).

    Enjoy every minute of it - even when you are short of breath or feeling a little least you are out there moving and getting lots of good exercise!

    I didn't use a formal program (C25K), but this is how I got ready for my first 5k this past weekend.
  • hfzimmerman
    hfzimmerman Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks for the great advice everyone!!
  • trout3063
    trout3063 Posts: 121 Member
    Like others have said already....if you had told me one year ago that I'd be a runner by this time THIS year....I would have laughed in your face.

    Last August I started the C25K program...through an iphone app. Best 2.99 I ever spent. I did the first five weeks (to be sure I'd stick with it) and THEN bought my first pair of "big girl running shoes". That's the only part I regret. Not getting fitted for proper running shoes earlier. My feet thanked me!

    I graduated the program and did a 5k race. Then supported my neighbor in HER first 5k race...then got sick and didn't run for three weeks. Restarting SUCKED...but I started the bridge to 10 k "just" to be doing something to keep me running. At the time I started that I still didn't consider myself a "RUNNER". But I have signed up for a relay race this August (Hood to Coast) I had to keep up with the running. Well the team captain gave out sixteen week training runs....I looked at the beginner run and the longest runs were 5 ish miles. I was already running those in the Bridge to 10k! In fact...during the bridge training I got to a point where if I "only" ran 4ish miles I felt like I hadn't pushed myself that day!


    Where did THAT thinking come from??? I was FLOORED the day I realized that my 4.25 miles felt like a let down!

    I guess I'm a runner now. Last August I never thought I'd be where I am today....I've logged 375 miles since then, and I'm about to purchase my SECOND pair of big girl running shoes! can TOTALLY do this! I'm proof!
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    definitely c25k! I am 256 lbs and doing a 5km this weekend. I will probably end up walking most of it but thats ok. I have registered for 3 more this summer and I hope to be completely running the last two in September and October.
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    I'm 250 also and am doing couch to 5k and its a awesome program..I had to redo week 1 because I was in pain last week but mostly because I am probably not running right either.

    I did day 1 again this morning, jogged the intervals a bit slower and was able to complete the full minute on each one.

    Feel free to add me if you want for support.

    My goal is to run a 5k or or even 10k by next Spring :)
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member

    DO NOT run someone else's race. Early in a race, you instinctively want to match the pace of those around you (after all, who wants to be dropped?). But when you let someone else dictate your race pace, it's easy to ignore your body's signals and run too fast too soon. Have a pacing plan before you start, then stick to it.

    Great advice!
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    I also have asthma and have found the more cardio I do the better my breathing is.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Start with a good base program such as Couch to 5 k. Get some properly fitted and comfortable running shoes. Follow the program, stretch before and after you run, hydrate and have fun! Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Didi anyone mention the C25K yet? Didn't see if they did. :laugh:
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    Something basic you should know---->>> The first mile of any run is usually the toughest one, whether you're new to running or doing 10 mile long runs on the weekends. Nothing seems to be cohesive from your breath to your stride and the second song on shuffle is completely not what you wanted to hear. Stick with it, it gets a whole lot better.
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