Food Diaries



  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Mine is open cause I like looking at others for ideas of what to eat and I have nothing to hide. There are some days where I didn't record because I was out of town and I don't have the internet on my phone so I can only record when I have a computer available which is every day except when I'm out of town
  • jeffarthur
    jeffarthur Posts: 123 Member
    I've gotten great ideas from diaries...who knew you could do so much with laughing cow cheese:)
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I love open diaries. I especially like snooping on my MOL's because she can come up with some pretty interesting things to eat and she is so committed (almost a year and 100 lbs). She doesn't lie about anything (she will even put in a bite of cake if that is all her calories can handle) and is really honest about exercise. I think it is nice to see what people are eating and how it is working for them.. huge inspiration! Now, if only I can get motivated again to use mine religiously... :(
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    Mine is closed because I would occasionally accidentally click "complete this entry" on my diary after lunch instead of after dinners (I do 2 evening meals, so after lunch I'm usually at like 500-600 calories), and then I would get nasty PMs from people, saying I was anorexic and that I should be ashamed of myself and that I wasn't welcome on the site.

    Because I clicked a button too early.

    So the heck with that, diary's private now.
  • MNchick
    MNchick Posts: 371 Member
    I started mine as private...I only had 2 friends to begin with, but added friends along the way. After trolling some of the forums, I noticed that there are some people that look for food ideas in other journals, so I just made it public.

    i track every day and put everything in there. If I eat a handful of jelly beans, you'll see it. If I have a great night with Captain Morgan, you'll see it! Judge me if you want, but I know I only have to answer to me!
  • LillysGranny
    LillysGranny Posts: 431
    I share. Maybe someone will get a good idea from my diary, or find some terrible mistake I'm making and give me a clue.
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    Mine is public, because I want my friends to be able to offer me helpful advice, and I also don't really care if other MFP members look at it from time to time. I've got nothing to hide!

    CAUTION: Just remember if you look at someone else's diary and it works for them, it does not necessarily mean the same food choices will work for you too.
  • kamoira23
    kamoira23 Posts: 193
    i have mine open to friends for accountability! if people can see what i eat all the time, i'm likely going to make better decisions! i love seeing what my friends are eating because it gives me ideas as well.
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    Because I got messages from people telling me I should follow *insert diet name here* or I'll never succeed. And I got quite a few rude comments because I ate a slice of cake or ice cream. I eat anything I want in moderation, more healthy foods than junk, yet one piece of chocolate and it was like attack time.
  • cskalaj
    cskalaj Posts: 94 Member
    I think it's funny that the question was asking why people don't have their food diaries open, but 90% of the responses have come from people whose diaries are open. Some people (like myself) are just private people and don't like to share much...either in the form of a food diary or a comment to a question about food diaries :) - then again, I guess this post blows my own theory, huh?
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    Mine is closed because I would occasionally accidentally click "complete this entry" on my diary after lunch instead of after dinners (I do 2 evening meals, so after lunch I'm usually at like 500-600 calories), and then I would get nasty PMs from people, saying I was anorexic and that I should be ashamed of myself and that I wasn't welcome on the site.

    Because I clicked a button too early.

    So the heck with that, diary's private now.

    hmm.. I click completed for the day too around lunch time... I like that feature because it shows "this is what you will be if you don't eat"... so since I'm looking to bulk up, it's a motivator for me to eat more...

    I guess if you are trying to lose weight, this can mess with ones mind... calorie intake is important..
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,100 Member
    mine is open to all. i don't care if people see what i eat or not to be honest. it also helps cause i have friends on here that check it daily and they get on me when i am seriously low on cals which seems to be often and they give me suggestions to help out. if i was worried about it and didn't want others to see or offer opinions then i would close it but hey i am game for people to comment. lol i even enjoy the comments that aren't so nice cause usually it makes me laugh.
  • Mine was private when I was on MFP last year. Figured it was better to have it open now.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    Mine is open! I love reading other people's diaries too, it gives me ideas on different foods that I should try.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Mine is open, but-

    Not everyone is gonna agree with what you eat (clean v. processed), macro settings, the amount you eat (to much, to little), tracking nutrients (sodium, sugar), when you eat (folks who want to skip breakfast, no snacks, ect), what you drink, how much you drink, you getting the idea yet? And there are those that will continually hound you about what you choose to do compared to what they are doing (they're way is always the RIGHT way).

    Better to find people that have the same mind set as yourself (whatever that may be), friend them and share with them only~
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    Mine is open, so that if I have a gain that I can't think of WHY I gained, People can look at my diary and give me their opinions on why I could have gained.

    Not to mention, I like to see how/what other people eat, to maybe get an idea of a meal I may be interested in. :wink:
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    There is a notes section in your diary. I have some people on my friend's list who use the notes section to track pesonal things or thoughts they might have so they keep their diaries closed.

    In the end, the diary is first and foremost for you. I choose to have mine open because I don't have personal notes in there and don't mind other people looking because it doesn't affect me if they do.

    It's all about personal preference. Live and let live.
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 441 Member
    Mine used to be closed but I recently opened mine because my weight loss slowed up and mine was closed because I wasn't logging my food like I was supposed to. Now I'm logging it more and I feel more accountable for what I eat.
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    Strangely enough when I opened mine up I suddenly became less diligent about logging. Not sure why - it wasn't like I was eating embarrassing stuff and therefore didn't want to log it. I just...I don't know...wasn't as good about it. So, I closed mine again. Maybe once I get in a really good rhythm I'll open it back up again and see what happens.

    this is my's not that anyone ever says anything negative, because most people are here and nice. But I just don't put in what I eat if it's bad if my diary is open. I tend to be pretty (ok VERY) private anyway, and since I have had such a terrible time with food I prefer to just keep it closed, that way I can be honest with myself which is the most important
  • SocialRopes
    SocialRopes Posts: 51 Member
    i had to close mine temporarily because one of my "friends" was driving us both crazy comparing her diary to mine, in an unhealthy way. she was a little nutty so i made it private for awhile. she got offended and dropped me as a friend. it's open now and i have no problem letting anyone see what i eat.