
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Join the "eat more to lose more" group and read this:

    You are "eating" 1200 calories a day but you burn way more than that just being alive then you add in the 2 hours of exercise you are in the hole on calories probably by 500-600. That means that once you eat something more than your 1200 your body says HOLY CRAP SHES EATING! QUICK STORE THIS AWAY!

    Up your calories and eat your exercise calories back. But dont eat junk food. Eat nutritionally dense foods... fruits, veggies, dairy, whole grains, fresh meats.

    You wont lose right away you might even gain a week or two but eventually you will stop gaining and start losing because your body is taking a longer time to use the energy you consume.
  • teenio7
    teenio7 Posts: 104 Member
    Sounds like you might be a social eater. Like if you are somewhere there is food you eat even if you aren't hungry. I would try smaller portions so you don't feel deprived. Also, maybe limit your exercise to 1 hour instead. Hope that helps.
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    You're 5' 6", 125, 18 yrs old? Even your BMR is over 1200. That's why you're not able to make yourself eat under that AND exercise the way you are for very long, because your body goes like 'Hey! She's starving us again! Activate nom impulses! Devour everything in sight!'

    If you choose a more modest goal (slower rate of loss), you'll be a hell of a lot more likely to actually STICK to your goal.

    Hahaha this made me laugh (:
  • DrKittyCat
    DrKittyCat Posts: 108
    Why don't you stop obsessively weighing yourself everyday? Stick to a daily diet and fitness regimen--talk to your doctor about it beforehand. There is such a weight that our bodies are most healthy at, and therefore our bodies tend to stay at that weight. Please talk to your doctor about your problem... you shouldn't be worrying about 5 pounds if you're at an ideal body weight. A goal is to be healthy and fit, not to be a number on a scale.
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    I can't see your diary, but it sounds like you're not eating the RIGHT things. Like another poster said, cravings happen for a reason. It may just be a nutritional deficiency, or it may be that you are becoming insulin resistant. If I were you, I'd take a trip to the dr's office for some blood work to rule these things out.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    You're headed towards an ED. Cut the crap and stop trying to starve. If you're eating so little and your body won't drop weight, it's trying to tell you something.

    This. You're obsessing over 4 pounds. STOP.
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    To the OP: the title of your thread is asking for help, so here's the best I can offer:

    1. Go to the "Groups" section of MFP and look up the group "Eat More to Weigh Less"

    2. Read through some of the posts on their main page about hitting weight loss plateaus, "starvation mode" and all that jazz - there is a lot of info, but it's worth taking the time to read

    3. Whether or not you decide to join that group, TRY upping your calorie intake so you net at least your BMR and do that for at least two to three months. You will probably gain weight at first, but you need to ignore the scale and get your metabolism back on track. If you desperately want to get down to 120 and STAY THERE, you've gotta do it by nourishing your body with the right kinds and amounts of food

    4. If you decide you don't want to increase your food intake, please do not be surprised if your weight yo-yos up and down every time you splurge on a treat - if you can only maintain your weight by starving yourself, then....well, you'll only be able to maintain your weight by starving yourself. Nobody here wants that for you.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    You are 5'6" 18 yo 125# girl who works out 2 hours a day. Even if I calculate you as moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days a week), your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) including your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is 2207.74 calories per day. If you are only eating 1200-1400 calories per day, then you are trying to acheive a 2 lb per week loss. Try eating 1700 calories per day (don't eat your exercise...I know I will be flogged for saying this, but I ALREADY factored in your activity level). You may gain the first couple of weeks, but then it WILL drop off.

    Even if you figure your BMR at sedentary, you still have a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) including your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) of 1709.22 calories per day. That means if you are eating 1200 calories, you would need to eat your exercise calories back every day.

    Balance it yourself, but you really should be eating more.

    I do this for a living, so I see people all the time who fight the "Eat more to lose", but once they finally do it, they really do start losing
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    Your body is probably happy where its at and you are at a healthy weight. It sounds like you are undereating then binging. I would just up your caloric intake to stabilize your metabolism. Underfeeding will slow your metabolism. Maybe you should focus on body fat loss verses the number on the scale. I weigh the exact same as I did a year ago, but have lost body fat and look much better. To do that you need to eat more and heavy lift.
  • breathefire
    breathefire Posts: 35 Member
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    carvings i found sometime come from what you eat.... find out what triggers it a certain food or is it emotions...bordom...perhaps it's a habit that needs to be broken??? many possibilities
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    You are 5'6" 18 yo 125# girl who works out 2 hours a day. Even if I calculate you as moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days a week), your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) including your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is 2207.74 calories per day. If you are only eating 1200-1400 calories per day, then you are trying to acheive a 2 lb per week loss. Try eating 1700 calories per day (don't eat your exercise...I know I will be flogged for saying this, but I ALREADY factored in your activity level). You may gain the first couple of weeks, but then it WILL drop off.

    Even if you figure your BMR at sedentary, you still have a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) including your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) of 1709.22 calories per day. That means if you are eating 1200 calories, you would need to eat your exercise calories back every day.

    Balance it yourself, but you really should be eating more.

    I do this for a living, so I see people all the time who fight the "Eat more to lose", but once they finally do it, they really do start losing

    My bmr says 1,300-1,400... How did you get 1,700?? :o
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    carvings i found sometime come from what you eat.... find out what triggers it a certain food or is it emotions...bordom...perhaps it's a habit that needs to be broken??? many possibilities

    My original question was actually asking how to stop myself randomly eating. For example, craving emotions and boredom.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Personal reasons really. I really want to be 120 pounds.. I used to be 122 pounds just earlier this year. I feel bad when I'm over 124.
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    She's saying 1700 period. Don't eat your exercise calories back, that number already includes them.
    Somethings I have found is to drink atleast one 16 oz glass of water when I'm feeling like that. Sometimes thirst acts like hunger, I start scavenging for food and I'm really just thirsty. After that I wait a little while, if I'm still hungry then I try eating something (specific snacks I have already decided on: almonds, cheese, fruit or veggies).
  • JacquieM86
    JacquieM86 Posts: 2 Member
    I won't comment on what you are eating or how much because I am no nutritionist but I will tell you what works for me. When I think I am hungry (often at work - desk job) I have a glass of water. Often times, people mistake thirst for hunger. Also, it keeps your hands busy. I like drinking from a staw too because it's slower and keeps me occupied. If I'm still feeling hungry a few minutes after I finish my glass of water, then I eat. Just listen to what your body wants! Don't stop yourself from eating when you are actually hungry. Just make healthy choices!
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    carvings i found sometime come from what you eat.... find out what triggers it a certain food or is it emotions...bordom...perhaps it's a habit that needs to be broken??? many possibilities

    My original question was actually asking how to stop myself randomly eating. For example, craving emotions and boredom.

    Soon will come the part of the thread where you claim no eating disorder.
    Yet you admit that the problem is that you have an emotional attachment to food and that you eat out of boredom, and that you are inexplicably concerned with 4 lbs of weight.
    Sort of like the last thread you posted.
    If you are for real, seek help now, and if your parents are pressuring you to lose weight against all normal precautions, seek help from a guidance counselor or someone unrelated.
    If you are not for real, stop it.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    See a doctor and get a professional BMR done, I can promise you that your BMR is over 1200, and you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of problems with your weight. Take it from me, eating below your BMR is just going to cause you to slowly continue to gain weight over the years. Every time you eat low for long periods of time your slow your metabolism, that is why you gain if you eat more calories. To keep your metabolism up and your body properly fueled you need to eat more on a regular basis. You are too young to realize what you are doing to yourself now but someday you will remember this post and what have done to your body and you will regret it greatly. Take the great advice you have been given and go see a doctor before you continue down this very unhealthy path.
  • JacquieM86
    JacquieM86 Posts: 2 Member
    I think a lot of people eat because of emotions or boredom. I would never discourage someone from getting help if they are suffering from an eating disorder, but I don't think that emotional eating is a clear sign of one.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Personal reasons really. I really want to be 120 pounds.. I used to be 122 pounds just earlier this year. I feel bad when I'm over 124.

    Everyone has preferences, why not increase the amount of high fiber foods you eat like oatmeal? The more fiber you eat the longer you feel full. Eating at the same time every day also helped me, as well as pairing a high protein food with high fiber food (example fruit flavored Greek yogurt with oatmeal or cream of wheat.