feeling really down and not getting support



  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    If I could offer you any advice, it would be to take control of your diet without relying on your wife. Make sure that when you're busy you have healthy snacks to snack on. Carry a container with an apple, some raw nuts, and some veggies in it, a peanut butter sandwich... That way, when you get home at night you're not starving to the point that you don't want to peel the skin off the chicken. Push the rice aside and open the fridge and grab the salad that you will probably have to go to the store and buy for yourself. My husband eats healthy, and he takes complete control of his own diet. If I'm eating bad, he won't eat what I've made, he'll make his own meal. He also packs lunch and snacks before work every morning for himself so that he knows he is eating what he wants. Typically that is two dishes of chicken ontop a bed of salad to take to work. I think if you take control of your diet you will set that example for your daughter. And maybe when you're losing the weight your wife will notice and want to work harder for herself. Ultimately, you can't control her diet, that is up to her. You can just encourage her in a positive way (and forgive yourself for being hard on her when you are) and be the example. Remind her how much you love her, and tell her those three reasons why you want to take better care of your health. Your three reasons are amazing reasons, and she should want those things for herself as well. It sounds like you're really active too! So well done for that! Long story short, just take control on your own and don't let anyone else control how you eat, or you may not reach your goal for those 3 reasons you want to reach them for. Best of Luck! I believe in you!
    ^ This! You can do it!! You sound like such a nice guy!! Keep up the good work!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I understand completely! When I first started this I almost choked my husband (well not really but I wanted to) while he sat next to me and ate a big bag of cinnamon roll popcorn. It was really really hard for me and after that I just told myself that he will lose weight and get healthy when HE is ready to and that each time I denied myself something that is unhealthy, I was stronger. Eventually he saw me getting results and then he started picking up some of my healthier habits. Now even HE is on MFP and has lost several pounds but it wasn't until he was ready to do it. No one talked me into getting healthy either and no one could have, it had to be me.

    Maybe you can do what a previous poster said and show her this thread or have a non-confrontational talk with her. If she truly understands that you are concerned about her health, she may be more willing to try? Who knows. You know she wants to be thinner and healthier too. There is something that's keeping her from it.

    As far as your weigh tloss journey goes, you can get a LOT of support on here that you cant get from home and/or work. Add some motivational friends! I'd help cheer you on.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Mr. Nice quit it! Take care of yourself. Draw some limits. If you don't take care of you who is going to take care of the wife and kid? Take a breath. You're not going to change her mind she has too. I know it's horrible and easy to fall into old habits to deal with the stress but that's not taking care of you. It's hurting you. :) We've got your back you can do it. I would suggest an hour on the weekend to prep out and get your meals ready for the week so each night you can just throw it all together b/c everything is prepared. All you can hope is that your wife jumps on the band wagon along the way. Best of luck and hang tough. You've got this don't quit now. :) Plus don't you think all that house work is a workout? :)))))
  • kansasbelle
    kansasbelle Posts: 264 Member
    Sweetie.. What she is cooking can easily be adapted and still taste good. Trust me I grew up in New Orleans and Red Beans and Rice, Southern fried foods and soul food and the like can be made healthier. She can use turkey sausage or low calorie sausage. Beans are actually really good for you. Also you can change the rice over to brown rice. I find uncle bens has more of the flavor of white rice and less of the flavor that people don't like about brown. I use it my jambalaya and people don't even notice. I also use white meat chicken. You can even fry chicken, I have used chick pea flour and seasoned wtih Mrs dash..then used canola oil to fry it. Heart healthy, low sodium and very good. Everyone is always having me cook for them because I cook cajun food. Trust me the little changes make a big difference but don't effect the flavor as much as you think they would. Maybe if you helped with the grocery shopping you could help make wiser choices for old recipes and both be healthier in the long run.

    Good Luck and God Bless,

  • Liasings
    Liasings Posts: 150 Member
    My husband and I are both diabetic. We are both morbidly obese. We are both very intelligent, well-read, and medically savvy. Until a week ago, We took our meds and lived our lives as if we were both "normal".

    A phone call from doctor with my latest A1C figures changed me forever. I realized that I AM a diabetic and I needed to start acting like one. My husband, is doing better, but he's still buying candy and McDonald's fries.

    I can't make him wake up. I can only try to lead by example and encourage any progress that he makes. I've had the "watching you die by degrees" speech. I've cried. I can't alter his behavior one bit.

    ETA-The bottom line is that only she can make the decision to change her life. I wish that love alone could it. A diagnosis of pre-diabtes or even diabetes often is not enough to effect such a profound change. My advice would be to just stick by her and hope that she comes to the realization herself.
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    Oh honey, I feel so bad for you. My husband and I go through the same thing. I fix all my own food and he is responsible for grandma, our son and himself. This is because he is a stay at home dad and I work. He used to be a very big body builder and had a GREAT body, then again, so did I. He got sick and became disabled and I had no excuse. However, now that I have decided to do something about it, it bothers me that he wont (damn ex-junkies! jk). He has put on about 25 pounds that needs to go and I worry about having to lift him someday as he is 220 trim, but in the end I cant fight with him. He will try for a few days and then is buying chocolate bars and half gallons of chocolate milk. He used to be able to eat tis way and burn it all off, but now he cant run or even walk distances. Still, I cant make him care. I am lucky that my 12 year old prefers broccoli and strawberries to bagels and french fries, but I still encourage as much healthy eating in the house as possible. What he does away from me I cannot control (but I am mean and tell him that I am grateful we got the life insurance before he got sick) LOL His disease wont kill him, but his eating may. Peace, love and encouragement are all you can give her. Oh, and a great example.

    Your daughter is adorable!!!!
  • Pammy1017
    Pammy1017 Posts: 7
    I suggest you try to take one hour a day (even a half hour a day!) for yourself and your wife - even if that means that the weed wacking wont get done or the dishes will stay in the sink for one more evening. Take that one hour to sit in silence, to maybe leisurely prepare some easy to freeze meals, maybe to have a low calorie cocktail - you sound very overwhelmed!

    You cant control your wife's habits but you can control yours. You can show your wife and daughter that eating healthy doesnt have to be a chore. You be the example in your home - keep a smile and a positive attitude! It will wear off on your wife :)

    I lost 45 lbs after college while living with a boyfriend (now my husband) who ate the most delicious fattening foods ever - all the time! And never gained a pound - hate him! haha

    But let me tell you, my eating habits rubbed off on him. I asked him not make me dinner if I wasnt home - that I would prepare something for myself like high fiber oatmeal or a big salad. Not the most tasty thing but it made me feel full! And when I did cook dinner, he would just eat what I was making for myself. He eventully learned my food wasnt as tasteless as he thought it would be!

    Feel free to shoot me a message if you want a list of some tasty meals/snacks that I live on. Low in calories and filling! Also, go onto skinnymom.com - they have some great recipes!
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    In a few ways, I can relate to how you feel. My husband and I both gained a lot weight over a period of time. Neither of us was trying to do anything about it, until one day he was hospitalized for about of control high blood pressure. Really out of control. I started adjusting our diets for his health and it was going along pretty well. He had even lost 20 pounds. Then he rebelled against everything. Denial? Who knows? I sure don't. He gained back that 20 pounds and then some. After awhile, I started working at losing my extra baggage and before long he popped up with he wanted to go back at eating better and wanting to get healthier to see if he could get back off some of the bp medication. I've lost 12 pounds, he has lost around 15 at his last weigh in. We both have a long way to go. But we've made progress. It is by far more difficult if you do not have the support of your partner. That much I know. I hope that your wife does not have to have the same sort of epiphany that my husband did, but you can't force her. You can explain to her how you feel but only she can make the decision. What you CAN change is how you react. Don't YOU give up because of her current reticence. Get healthy for daughter and for yourself and at some point, hopefully sooner than later, she will follow your example. It took more patience than I thought I had to work with my husband to this point. But he has started coming around.
  • patty43ck
    patty43ck Posts: 248 Member
    It sounds like you are trying to do all the right things and maybe she would like to join you but is having a hard time knowing what to do. When I first started trying to eat healthy it was hard because I didn't know what to cook, I am a working mom so felt like I didn't have time and my kids were picky so it was hard to fix things that were healthy that they liked. Maybe she feels overwhelmed by trying to please you but not really knowing how to go about it. You might want to check to see if there are any healthy cooking classes in your area and go together. Sit down with her and look up healthy recipes together that sound good and easy to cook. That is still one of my biggest complaints to my family. I wish they would help me come up with ideas for meals. It would also be fun to take a Sunday, include the kids and make meals together that can be stored for the week. I haven't done this one yet but would love to try it. You should also take short walks together at night as a way of including her in exercise. Good luck to you!!
  • chi18
    chi18 Posts: 95 Member
    Oh, my heart breaks just reading this... First of all, your daughter is BEAUTIFUL! And she is so, so lucky to have a father who clearly loves her as much as you do and who is making his health a priority in order to be there for her. I say this as a daughter whose father has never, ever taken care of himself or thought of anyone else for one moment - she is a lucky girl and you should be proud of yourself for being such a wonderful father.

    OK, I agree with a previous poster: you and your wife need to sit down when you're calm and haven't been working for 13 hours and have a serious talk. Do you see the same doctor? Maybe you can make an appointment to sit down and speak with your doctor together. And I can tell you're just super busy and clearly burning the candle at both ends and tired, but you may need to be a little more responsible for your own foods while your wife is figuring things out. If you want hard boiled eggs, hard boil a dozen every Sunday so you have them for the week and you can just grab them for your lunches. Who does the grocery shopping? Maybe you can take over or just help out with that. I find that it's easier for me to make my lunch for the next day if I get it out of the way before I shower and settle in for the night, even when I'm wiped out and just want to crash.

    And try supporting your wife a bit with her exercise when you can. Go with her to her Zumba class (mine always has at least one man) and let her laugh at you when you make a mistake. Suggest that the whole family go out for a walk after dinner a couple of times a week just to get her moving. And while you're walking, hold her hand for a minute - you still love her so show her that. This is not easy for her, but her perception may be that it is easy for you so let her know you're there to support her. And comtinue to come on here and log everything and we can support you! Feel free to send me a friend request, I will support you!
    thank you that means a lot. i can tell you i go with her now to do the food shopping and doing that the junk has cut out 100%. I do the same thing with getting food ready and packing my lunch for the next day before the show so i can relax for the day. just being that i am working a lot of hours and coming home to do house work has taken its toll on me. example lastnight basketball, softball, came home to finish weed wacking a spot in my backyard i couldnt get to the other day due to the lack of sun light. shower eat and put my daughter to sleep i was beat and i didnt have the time to make my breakfast, again no excuse but i was tired lastnight and not thinking. i dont think i will let that happen again. I do like the idea of getting my eggs and stuff ready for the week on sunday but sunday is the hardest day for me on the weekend..lol church in the lunch at my in laws, hang out for 2 hours or so then dinner at my parents house. i usually leave on sunday at 9 am and not home until 9-930 pm but i will make the time from now on to do that. thanks for the advice!

    Geez, you just don't get a minute to yourself, do you? Wow! I'm glad you've been shopping with her, that's an important step. Because once that garbage is in the house it's such a huge temptation. Much easier to leave it at the store. Do you have room at work to keep some food for the week? Maybe every Monday morning you can bring in something like 5 apples (one per day) and some almonds and raw veggies for healthy snacks. I do that, it's helpful especially when I'm just wiped out the night before or I am half asleep in the morning when I leave and forget to grab something. Will your schedule ease up a bit in the coming weeks when school ends or do you have to work through the summer?
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I understand your angst. But, you can only change the things that are in your control. In your shoes, here are the things I would do.

    1. Take healthy snacks in to work with you. Like fruits, nuts, nut butter, raw veggies, etc. Munch on them during the day, so that you are fueling the body using healthy foods. That way, you're less likely to overindulge when you get home.

    2. There is nothing wrong with the food at home. Food is not your enemy. Practice sensible eating and portion control. If she cooks rice, beans and chicken, eat rice, beans and chicken. Go easy on what you feel is unhealthy, load up on what you feel is healthy. It doesn't take *that* much effort to pull the skin off the chicken, so stop making excuses.

    3. Plan activities that include your child AND your spouse. Go on walks and hikes. Pack healthy and nutritious picnics, go for a bike ride, go swimming, do something to get out and about and into nature, away from TV and the refrigerator.

    4. Prepare ahead. On your days off, the days when you do have some time, prepare for the upcoming days. For instance, you can take a batch of chicken, get rid of the skin/fat (if you so choose), marinate, portion, and freeze. Then all you have to do is remember to take some out the night before you want to eat, let it defrost, and let your spouse know that you've done all the work, and all she has to do is bake/broil/grill it (on your busy/late work days). Do research on where you want to take your family for an active outing the upcoming weekend. Plan what you'd pack when you go on your next picnic.

    5. Find activities your wife likes, and do them. Like if she likes to dance, get a baby sitter

    You can do it!
  • asteelman4
    asteelman4 Posts: 62 Member
    Does she have depression? after i had my son i went into a really deep depression and did not want to do anything to help me or my son! Sad but this does happen , I gained alot of weight while doing so. I finally went and seen a doctor which he put me on depression meds called zoloft. I am quickly coming out of it and setting towards a new and healthy me for my son! Maybe this might be an issue with her but she does not want to admit it or truly does not know whats wrong with herself.. Hope this helps in some way! One day things will get better , just keep pushing yourself and maybe one day she will realize what you have been talking about this whole time!
  • jreed1920
    jreed1920 Posts: 123
    Sorry you are struggling right now, I have been there too. I recently started reading the Beck Diet Solution, How to think like a thin person and it has really changed my outlook on my weight loss journey. It isn't a diet, it is a step by step guide to overcoming the mental side of losing weight and strategies for preventing self-sabotage and dealing with those days when we feel we aren't supported or not making progress. I HIGHLY recommend it for anybody that faces these same struggles.
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    I too am so sorry to hear about this situation. I am overweight, middle aged, have a serious family history of health problems and have needed to lose weight for a long time. I have had 3 back surgeries and have recently been told that I have pre-diabetes, minor heart problem and need to lose the weight. I didn't even try for a long time thinking that I could not do it. I have in the last 3-4 months really hit bottom and started seriously watching what I eat and try to exercise.

    I know how hard it is to be in a one sided situation like yours. I have a husband who is also very very busy and depends on me for meals and I know he doesn't like a lot of healthy foods but have been trying to incorporate them in our meals and it is a process. I know it can be done and it just may take awhile to get through to her.

    May I ask (i am not judging just curious) why it is that you have to do the housework? Is she employed or not able to do it? I don't think that it should all be on you when you are doing everything else. Your daughter is a beautiful little girl and I know she loves having her daddy there for her. I admire you so much for all you are doing and for working at this situation the best you know how. You just have to do what is right for you and hopefully she will follow. I have this same situation with my daughter who lives with us and she is trying to lose weight and I know she is trying but she sees me losing and then feels bad cause I am and she isn't but each person HAS to be ready and do it for themselves.

    I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers and PLEASE feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to. I agree with everyone elses ideas of packing good snacks, preparing food ahead of time etc and I know it will be hard but it does need to be done and maybe you could even have your daughter help you in the process some so she can see that eating healthy is a good thing too.

    Hugs to you and good luck!!!

  • THayesTeamNoXQS
    THayesTeamNoXQS Posts: 81 Member
    If your just feeling like that hump is a hill or a mountain dont feel defeated there is a hand at the top that will pull you to the other side...your not in this alone!!! When you get to the top of that hill scream "I WIN"!!! put this in yah ear today and know that it can be done!! No X-Q-S Marvin Sapp "I Win"~~~> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-3OrA7OUQo
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Everything I was going to suggest has already been said. I just wanted to offer my support to you. When I get overwhelmed with a crazy schedule and just too much to process, I choose my top ten or so, focus on those, and recognize that I am not a robot and can't keep a million things running at the same time without losing control.

    So you may not be able to achieve perfection, or daily workouts, or "perfect" meals. Do the best you can with what is in front of you, learn from it to do better tomorrow, and give yourself credit for what you are doing right.
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    Hey there! I agree with everything said above, so I won't repeat, however I want to take a different approach. I may or may not get reamed out for this, but here goes.

    You've taken the kind approach and expressed your wishes to become a healthier you. Now I think it's time for some tough love. Your wife may want to ignore your wishes, but your wife is also creating HORRIBLE eating habits for your child. That is inexcusable! This may be the way to try and get through to her. If she doesn't care enough about her own health ( I know this, my mother ate herself into diabetes), but ask her how much she loves her child?? Does she love her enough to make small changes to create healthier choices that your child has a chance at a healthier future?? Have you ever thought about seeing a marriage counselor? You may need a third party to help??

    BTW, Dunkin Doughnut also makes a healthy breakfast wrap/sandwich. You can always make healthier choices.
  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    Maybe try baby steps........

    This is actually the story of my childhood......(I'm 47 now)

    My father has been a very active man his entire life, my mother, well not so much. My dad wasnt as gentle as you about food choices either. But in his defense, the driving force has been my dad's desire to keep my mom with him for as long as humanly possible. They have been married for 55 years this fall, and he absolutely adores my mother But while my dad is still hiking, biking, projects around the house and outdoor activities at 78, my mother leans toward more domestic, cooking, cleaning, sewing and crafts. Now as far as growing up in this environment I learned a LOT, not only do I know how to hike, swim, ski and sail, I can do needlepoint, cook and sew etc... But back to diet and healthy choices......

    My mother has crippling arthritis now, doesnt move well and looks at least 15 years older than my father who looks closer to 60 than 80. My mother cooks much healthier now, but we were grown before that really changed. My dad was critical of my mothers weight, he pushed for healthy choices which was hard for my mother, as a kid growing up I dont recall my mother ever doing anything more strenuous than planting a few flowers. she didnt hike with us, or climb or swim or any of the multitude of things we did with our father. I wish she had because she would be so much better for it now.

    Now one thing I did learn about what doesnt work in this situation is badgering. I think if my father had only put his foot down about a few things instead of radical changes it would have been different. Eliminating soda.......perhaps first step.........let that stand for a few months.........no longer frying foods....using only chicken breasts and lean cuts instead of whole chicken.........switching to brown rice..........one step at a time. Secondly for you, instead of meals prepared by your wife all the time, why dont you try to put together several mini meals to sustain you through out the day. This will help you not be so tired and hungry when you get home to just eat whatever is put in front of you. That doesnt mean you cant eat what she makes, but easier to eat only half of it.

    Your wife is not going to change until she wants to, but I think she was doing too much too fast and burning out on it. Walks together in the evening....swimming with the kids.....small things daily arent as scary as I have to "workout" an hour daily.

    I hope you guys find a balance because it is obvious you are a very caring husband and father....Good luck!

    ETA: One thing that did help is that my mother made a salad at EVERY meal.........my father's request. That also makes it much easier to eat that first and eat less of the other stuff.......
  • Gay11nell
    Gay11nell Posts: 166 Member
    Well one of the things I do, is limited the portions that I eat. I don't cook or grocery shop-my hubby does it. And He very seldom makes totally good food choices. So I limited the portions, just eat enough to get me through the night and start over again the next morning. Or when its time to eat and its not what you want, go ahead and start on tomorrow meals, control what you can

    Don't forget you are pretty active: sports with your students, yardwork, all those are great workouts. On Sundays suggest lunch at the park sometimes-a good family game of flag football or kickball, with your family and hers. Do y'all go eat with both families every Sunday? You may have to take one Sunday for just you and your family!

    Hopefully she will get the picture. My Hubby is learning not to do certain things just base on the fact we wil not eat them. It takes a while for them to get the picture, but they do!

    Keep posting/logging - We are here for you - Don't give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Tanig32
    Tanig32 Posts: 110 Member
    I think that you should just talk to your wife about your feelings , let her know that you are talking to her out of love and you want to lose the weight together so that you all can be healthy and lead by example for your daughter she needs you both in her life. Explain to your wife that change is not easy, but if you work together and start making little changes then you both will be on the path to becoming healthier. I didn't believe that my weight was affecting me either until i went to the dr and my bp was in the 150/90 that day i made a change and at my last appt new bp was 110/60. Its not easy and you might have setbacks along the way but the frame of mind you have to be in is that tomorrow is another day and you are going to do better tomorrow. Maybe your wife is just afraid she might have all of these emotions that she just doesn't know how to explain. Also see if she will join myfitnesspal, there is so much support and encouragement from others, and people are really for your success.