What Do You Drink? (non alcoholic)



  • ßlackSwan
    ßlackSwan Posts: 6
    I have a duodenal ulcer and atrophic gastritis, so my choices are limited. On a good day — (single shot espresso) cappuccino in the morning and water. And sometimes Ensure when I have to.
  • jaharrison763
    jaharrison763 Posts: 99 Member
    I mostly drink water, sometimes flavored when I'm bored. But I also drink coffee, tea, a little milk, and sugar-free Powerade when I work out.
  • Water, coffee (only one in the morning), the occasional green tea or iced spearmint tea.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Well, milk isn't really a waste of calories. It's healthy and filling, unlike fruit juice. You could go for almond milk, which has less calories. I also love Crystal Light lemonade.
  • dawnkay1
    dawnkay1 Posts: 41
    Thanks for all the replies everyone. Most useful.

    I have been trying to drink herbal tea and water now, with a couple of cups of coffee or tea inbetween.

    As you have all said, you do get used to the taste now, and I find myself craving for water when I exercise, as well as in the late afternoons.
  • Chirox
    Chirox Posts: 1 Member
    I drink a glas of low fat milk in the morning or a cup of tea, water and green ice tea inbetween. Sometimes a smoothie, self-made bananamilk or sugar free fruit juice (like pink grapefruit, self-made orange juice).