Help!! I sit at a desk all day!!

Hello all,

I recently (in March) switched jobs at the hospital I work at going from surgical services (on my feet running around most shifts) to credentialing (sitting at a desk in my office). I need advice on how to curb my cravings. Especially during those slow days when I'm bored and could eat a whole box of crackers without even noticing.

I also need some LOW CALORIE snack ideas (for those times between meals that I can hear my stomach talking to me) that taste good and will keep if they are in my desk.

Any suggestions and added support will really help at this point. I'm at my wits end trying to lose weight and seeing no results. I realize I just joined this site yesterday, but my weighloss efforts have been going on for a few months now.

Thank you,


  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I used to be a CNA and did swing shifts... For the last 5 years I have SAT at a desk in an office. I feel your pain! Things I go for: carrot sticks
    sugar free jello
    apples and peanut butter
    LARGE JUG of water
    apples with cin and sweet n low popped in the microwave for a few min.
    baggies of dry cereal
    Hope some of em help you out! :drinker:

    I guess a fridge would help for some of these...but a 'cooler bag' would do too!
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    hmmn... well, what I bring for snacks are things like apples and bananas because they can be out of the fridge for days without getting nasty. Also, try and drink more water! Sometimes we aren't really hungry but thirsty. Plus, if you're making 12 trips to the bathroom every day it helps get your blood flowing and you're worried about your bladder, not your stomach :p
    If you have downtime, and eat because you're bored, try bringing a crossword puzzle or something and ask yourself if you really are hungry or just bored. If the answer is just bored, pull out the crossword puzzle and get busy!
    I know I'm all over the place, but another snack would be any of the 100 calorie pack snacks. I get the Great Value ones because they're cheaper and taste just as good. Be careful though, because I find them quite addicting :p
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    I feel your pain, I sit at a desk all day staring at a computer.
    There is what I do:
    get up often and walk around the office
    bring a cooler with snacks - veggies and hummus, fresh fruit, nuts, edamama, protein shakes, cheese sticks
    gallon of water
    chew gum

    There is a group for employees that sit at desks. I good place to get support or ideas.
  • tlewisan
    tlewisan Posts: 2
    I can completely empathize with you, because I have the same issues. I have been battling my weight since I was 12...which was a while ago. Unfortunately, since I am struggling too I don't have lots of suggestions, however I can offer support and I will follow this post to get some suggestions for myself as well!! :) Even though I know fruit is a great snack, it doesn't fill me up or satisfy me...and I eat because I'm bored too. I'm trying to chew gum when I get bored now...instead of snacking. Stay positive and try not to get down on yourself when you mess up! Stay motivated and focus on feeling good, more than the number on the scale! Good luck!
  • tlewisan
    tlewisan Posts: 2
    I'm loving your bathroom logic...worry about your bladder, not your stomach! Love it! :):) I think that just might work, now to force myself to drink the water.
  • These are some great suggestions! Thanks everyone!

    I have definitely gotten better about drinking water since switching positions. So that's a plus!

    I used to be on Spark People and found it just wasn't for me. I get discouraged a lot when trying to lose weight and become healthy so when I don't get encouragement or support, I go right back to my old habits.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Desk job here :)

    What I've found is that having low calorie snacks just makes me want to keep, I eat at least 300 calorie snacks which are full of protein and that helps keep the hungries away. Afternoon is worst for me, so I do have something sweet then (just now I had chocolate covered almonds)
  • joycesdiet
    joycesdiet Posts: 3
    This is a great subject I also sit all day at a computer and my mornings are the worst I just want to snack. I do drink a lot of water so I think a lot of the suggestions of things to eat are great and probably the bordem reason is why we want to snack some days I'm super busy and don't fill as hungry but on those slow ones I want to eat. Let's all keep up with this topic I think it is great.
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member

    lots of great ideas on that list! not all of them are practical for an office situation but hopefully it helps :)
  • kaaabney
    kaaabney Posts: 42 Member
    I have a friend on here that bought a small cycle that uses while sitting at her desk. I plan to buy one this weekend so I can use it at my desk while I work. Anytime you can get some kind of workout in is a plus! Good luck
  • I have a friend on here that bought a small cycle that uses while sitting at her desk. I plan to buy one this weekend so I can use it at my desk while I work. Anytime you can get some kind of workout in is a plus! Good luck

    Can you send me some more information on this cycle? Sounds like it could be a great tool!

    lots of great ideas on that list! not all of them are practical for an office situation but hopefully it helps :)

    This is a great website for sure! Thank you for supplying it!
  • This is a great subject I also sit all day at a computer and my mornings are the worst I just want to snack. I do drink a lot of water so I think a lot of the suggestions of things to eat are great and probably the bordem reason is why we want to snack some days I'm super busy and don't fill as hungry but on those slow ones I want to eat. Let's all keep up with this topic I think it is great.

    I am completely for keeping this thread going for the long term. It's a good way for us to share ideas and strategies as we come across them. I read a lot of nutrition books and come across little tidbits all the time. I'll share as I learn new things. :)
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    Anything special K
    Rice cakes

    These help me. I sit at a desk all day too and I'm a bored snacker. I will drink water first and then question if I'm actually hungry. If I am, then I go to one of those choices above :)
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Nabisco Chocolate Pretzels. They come in 100 calorie packs and have no dehydrated oils. Also peanuts would be a good one and drink lots of water. It does keep you fuller longer.
  • Destinie589
    Destinie589 Posts: 211
    Homemade hummus (I say homemade because you get to control what goes into it) with celery or Blue Diamond Nut-Thins.
    I went from a retail job to a sit down job and it made big difference so I have also had to work on this issue.
  • antonio823
    antonio823 Posts: 298 Member
    I keep a couple of granola bars in the drawer but the best advice I can give is to eat a good breakfast and plan a healthy lunch. If you focus on eating snacks to get you through the day then ultimately that's just what you'll do. I keep the snacks for days I'm running late and don't get breakfast or working through lunch so I'll have something to carry me through until I can get a decent meal.
  • zombiemusicgirl
    zombiemusicgirl Posts: 98 Member
    One of the things that has helped me during long days at work is not just having stuff on hand, but pre-planning everything I eat. When I do that and I stick to my plan, my weight goes down consistently. When I don't, I find myself over-snacking on absolutely everything. Just a thought for the things that have worked for me...

    Good luck!
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    Best bet is to get a box of low cal snacks that are individually wrapped. The thought is that you have to consciously open each serving, which will keep in mind that you are eating...again. The other trick is to have nothing at your desk at all. One place where I worked I went out of my way to remove all food from my work space. This meant that I couldn't eat, because there was nothing to eat, ever.
  • ADM1979
    ADM1979 Posts: 105 Member
    I will be checking this out later!

    I have a desk job and I want to snack all day. I even got a dorm size fridge to bring healthy snacks. I did good for a while, but I have totally fell off the wagon. I am working hard to get back on and do good and this is just the topic to help.
